Antifa Soy Boys

My problem with antifa has nothing to do with their political views or tactics or violence. Rather, it is the fact that most of them are either complete soy boys who have never set foot in a gym, or are borderline obese. Also, they have a complete shit taste in fashion. Who came up with the whole black uniform shit? It looks awful. Especially when all the antifa people are skinny as hell.

Attached: Antifa.jpg (440x298, 48.43K)

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okay Zig Forums

Just compare these antifa people with the antifa of the 1930s. At least back then they wore normal clothes (for the time period)

Attached: Antifa 30s.jpg (850x669, 503.89K)

i wonder why people who often engage in illegal activities would wear monotonous black clothing

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Yes the white US left is essentially AJ Soprano, the material conditions of white middle class are built with blood money, they have no choice in that regard. To rag on their resistance isn't productive.

It's not a fashion statement. The black bloc is effective for obscuring an individual's identity in an age where everyone has a camera on them and the police have access to facial recognition software.

So show us your gains then

Yes but back then they didn't have the fear of everyone owning handheld photographic devices that could film them in the act, identify them and make them lose their job or get arrested by the police who continue to develop more advanced surveillance technology.
Antifa come in all size and shapes, they're really mostly average build though.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bakuon!! - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.06_[2016.06.06_20.37.35].jpg (1280x720, 128.89K)

Obvious Zig Forums thread

fuck off Zig Forums

Attached: soy.jpg (1533x1716, 96.97K)

Soy… rhymes with boy!
Got 'em!

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OP is a Zig Forums dumbass but he actually has a point, a lot of people on the left, even those who want to think of themselves as the vanguard of the revolution, don't at take fitness seriously enough. Just look at these Maoists from Texas; half of them look like they couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag. And I'm not saying everyone has to emulate the physique of Roman statues, but if you seriously think you're going to participate in revolutionary activity you should at least work on your cardio.
I should probably note that I'm only talking about Americans since that's my experience, maybe antifa in Greece are all fit.

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Not a Zig Forums btw. Just think that a lot of people view antifa in a negative light due to how goofy they look.

Attached: azaarqLx_700w_0.jpg (800x960 33.13 KB, 122.76K)


You know that's a painting right?

Isn't this a problem?

Attached: Russian revolutionaries.jpg (1200x800 85.7 KB, 216.44K)

while it is a disandvantage
Why hit the gym and not the dojo or the kwoom

Attached: 4b2eb6bf446dc2c5d518e86a18dccedffdae7d97456639965258aa9cf56421f8.png (1063x1388, 1008.98K)

Is there a similar picture from the Laibach concert?


It’s so funny that I know every single person in those masks just from going to a leftist events in Austin.

They’re Red Guards Austin, notorious LARPers and petit bourgeois edgelords


I mean if you have some excuse that's generally fine but tankposter here is correct.
It's one thing to mock the people who try and be an epic trole by telling us we should "go live in a socialist country" or "share our clothing with everyone" or something like that, but if we're going to be speaking of future revolution we should be preparing ourselves to the best of our abilities for that.
Which means self-education, fitness (if not in traditional strength then something like ).

IMO this even should include promotion of prepper-tier survivalism like stockpiling resources and training ourselves in use of firearms if possible.
Prepper survivalism seems to be dominated by mostly petit-bourg types from what I can see (understandable since not everyone has time & money to stockpile a shitload of fucking food and fantasize about a zombie apocalypse I suppose), but we should promote it and educate ourselves on it. It is obviously good to be prepared for disasters.
The Mormon church is a group which promotes survivalism because they are interested in keeping their influence come hell or high water so they want to keep their adherents healthy and prepared.
Why should we not promote the same?

It's kind of surreal seeing people you know turn into memes. I've had it happen in a non-political context with a friend of mine.


it's especially pertinent because no one on the left larps as an alpha aryan viking when it's pretty much the entire shtick of the right at this point

I mean there are some skinnies and fatties but you posted a pic of these guys. I dunno. They could probably whip my ass.

Yeah those Maoists are more dangerous to themselves than anybody else. Since that photo (which is now several years old I think) they stopped doing anti-fascist stuff, and were never even good at it on account of them literally being beat up by fascists at one point.

Maybe but you're comparing a picture of real-life people in 2018 to an idealized "socialist realist" painting from the Stalin era. In a word, this is idealism.

Attached: antifa_2.png (500x810, 813K)

It's not a popularity contest.

And now that I mention it, it would be a better comparison to post pictures of actual peasants from 1917 rather than the hardbodied 1930s oil-on-canvas version. I'm not sure a half-starved peasant from that time would've cared that much about how he looked for the camera.

Politics literally is a popularity contest plus violent force

Everyone ITT is making excuses for the pathetic nature of today's IRL far left

Rather than addressing the real issue: The Right engages is self improvement why don't we?

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mining bitcoin, snorting nootropics then pretending you're from atlantis is not self-improvement. actual self-improvement is no more a staple of the right than it is on the left