Does anyone else feel extreme anger when they hear this fucking guy...

Does anyone else feel extreme anger when they hear this fucking guy? I wish i could murder him so that no one would be able to hear him again

Attached: SARGON.jpg (349x340, 21.06K)

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no, but I feel slightly embarrassed, he has a gay neckbeard voice

It's because it's so obvious he fakes that dumbfuck accent, i just can't stand hearing his voice plus the fact that the only thing that comes out of that mouth is the most disgusting shit ever, nothing really happens if this motherfucker dies, but i still hope it happens.

Is still hilarious though

who cares? there are better polcows now like Cernovich, Shapiro, and Daou to laugh at,

This actually
Wierd Mike is way better than saecuck ever was

I particularly hate right wingers who link they’re incredibly smart while actually being total morons. Sargon is maybe the stupidest of these types, it’s also why i fucking hate Shapiro.

Sargon claims to be a liberal. Well, technically he claims to be a liberalist. I was so angry the time he denounced Zig Forums as "a bunch of degenerate faggots."

this guy is so wrong lmao

we should debate him and totaly btfo him

fuck off sargon.

I feel extreme anger just looking at his fucking face. Guy looks unbearably punchable. He looks like that one motherfucker in your high school history class who would always interrupt the teacher to try and subtly justify the crusades and "play devil's advocate" for abhorrent positions.

crusades were the response to centuries of mudslime aggression

I guess those dead Cathars, Byzantines, and Northern Europeans were also aiding the "mudslimes" somehow

pagans and heretics are almost just as bad

There was this kid in my high school English class who was into manosphere stuff and was also super libertarian and wanted crack and meth to be legal. He was also really into woke 90s rap and made his own political music that was like a shitty lolbert version of golden age hip hop.

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There is nothing more pathetic than Ben Shapiro. Baked Alaska (aka the Milkman) has more integrity than he does. Also Shindler's List was bad because like all american holocaust movies it more or less erased the actual purpose of the death camps which was the removal of all opponents of the bourg german state (which included union organizers and communists.) How long will America pretend that only 6 million died?

Schindler's List is unironically fascist propaganda

I agree, how about fascists and communists team up and hang him together?

His voice is smug and he talks like a snob, it fucks me off.

His fans are the fucking worst

Was it ~60 million that died in the World war.
Of the things off the top of my head that were put in concentration camps with the ans goal of extermination is gays, Jews, Gypsies, mentally reatarded, "mentally retarded", disabled, and the previous ones you mentioned. The allies, traitors, and ally sympathisers tend to be more humanely treated. I'm sure there was ethnic cleansing of slavs and those in the Baltic states. Alot of SS were recruited from the Baltic states and they tend to concentrate people from rival ethnicity into their camps. They probably just classified them as Jews just for the sake of it, which might be the reason why the number of Jews are somewhat exaggerated.

Anytime he loses an argument he uses tactical individualism or just denies things outright

i liked his show about mysterious cases where you had to guess which one was "real", it was just so hilariously bad

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The theme of Schindler's list is super-easy to play, yet he manages to fuck it up. Granted he's a 12 year old, but it's just funny how his fanbois use this perfomance to imply he is some sort of wonder child.

Go to any random province to China and you can find 10 year olds doing Schuberts "Unfinished" with one eye closed

How long until people admit that Schindler was a shitty person whose saving grace was being slightly nicer to his loyal work force than other bourgeoisie?

he joined ukip after it died lol

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Gets even funnier when you understand the context of the clip:
Motherfucker had the gall to say that Elliot Rodger was a victim of the matriarchy. How fucking delusional do you have to be to think that somebody as rich as Elliot was oppressed in any way?

There is so much fucking going on here, but I would like to draw everyone's attention to the Heinlein slogan.

Well he may have been rich but he was autistic and had a very neglectful upbringing.

They're not even trying to hide it anymore.

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What exactly are you objecting to?

Is there a word for being arrogant and stupid at the same time? Like those smugly ignorant people.

Sargon doesn't matter anymore.

borderline didn't exist when the crusades happened but sure.
paganic religions are the original and traditional religion of the European peoples, Christianity is a semitic religion literally invented by "mudslimes".
Get better at baiting because this is really weak.

how the fuck is UKIP rational it's literally based on misunderstanding the function of the EU

If you consistently call yourself the "logical" one that only follows "facts" and "science", then many people might start to believe you.

he seems like he has a nightmarish life to me, clapping like a seal for literal children.

Sargon makes me angry mostly because i used to unoronically like his videos and got caught up in the whole "le rational skeptic" comunity after gamergate and now i look back on it and cringe until my face turns inside out.

well, thats literally every right-winger ever. they all suffer of narcissistic personality disorder (npd).

Sargon only makes me made because it despairs me to think one person could be exposed to so much knowledge and counter-arguments yet still retain their retarded worldview. He has been humiliated in countless debates yet he never fucking changes. He's such an opportunistic fucking parasite.

Nah, i hope fascists and right wingers like sargon all get fucking murdered

Crowder is the other cunt I wish I could kill with my fists, these smug pricks really deserve to live a life sentence in a siberian gulag

He used to live in my city before he moved away. I only found out because he went to some feminist meet-up downtown and it got on the local news. But since then he's moved again. Wish he could stay so whenever he'd approach some liberal meet-up, some leftists could also show up and show him some "freedom of expression".

I used to until I realized that he wants you to be angry and that his entire schtick is being disingenuous.

Didn't he already get hit once? I hope he keeps fucking his ass kicked until he decides to suicide, i don't give a fuck if I get banned for saying that but i'm so sick of those right wing bastards I just hope a thunder strikes their dumb head

I just know of the one time he went to a union rally to shit on the workers and then he got beat up.

OP should seek mental health care. In the meantime, just don't watch him.

Shit is nasally as hell.
I'm not sure if it's the American in me or what, but I want to tar and feather him, and call him a nerd.

Cernovich is such a nut.
Nothing will be funnier to me then a bunch of tards buying into his Gorilla Mindset slop because of GG.

I mean.. You think crack and meth should be illegal?

Fuck that, i hope he dies

Hiding what?

Yep, you're a Socialist.

wow why won't the working-class like us I wonder I just don't get it

Not everyone makes ten hour youtube rants about nothing for a living.

Yes…yes…let the hate flow through you…

its your own fault for listening to them

Yes, actually. His thoughts aren't unique at all. Do you plan on gutting every single person who thinks like him? If so, then you need either a severe reality check or a therapist, or both

I hate social butterflies like you

But he's the most insufferable and influential one.

The fuck is a social butterfly?

Most reactionaries aren't.

If reactionaries had a single throat, I would strangle them

I mean I agree with this

Weaponize the mentally ill, tbh.

I hate Mr Metokur more. Sargon is just an idiot.

Yeah, that guy is a tool, too.

His fans are some of the dumbest people I've seen online. Metokur and his fans don't realize how much the "cringe" stuff applies to them. You can even read it in their comments like

not really. he's just your average dumbass but louder and more famous. i pray that all dumbasses will see the light someday

At least he made a video debunking race realism.

He did? I thought that was Kraut.

Some deep thoughts from Carl of Swindon

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He's obviously a refugee from South Africa trying to get sympathy for the white race. Don't believe a word he says.


what a fucking shitbag


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isn't he like in his his 50s lol?

Jim seems like most of his fans are reactionary feudal-fetish weeaboos trying to convince themselves that their fandom isn't the apex of "cringe". Having to share a US state with him is exasperating.

That was Kraut
Most Carl has ever done to impede the right is grip his pearls while belching from his flatulent mouth at Richard Spencer, then passing it all off as a "debate".

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Calm the fuck down, kiddo. But yes, Carlgon is a massive example of the Dunning-Kruger effect in action.

Why not do both? Besides, heaping scorn on all the further right figures alone and letting Sargon exist unaffected can contribute in its own small way to ideological drift, where you let the horrid things Sargon believe become more acceptable solely by the merit of worse people existing.
I know this board has a range of views about Chapo, but one thing about them that is very good is their willingness to not just mine the fringes for goofball content, but milk the "decent, centrst, solution oriented" conservatives for satirical content and showcasing how horrid even the watered down, socially accepatable form of that ideology is.

Let me clarify. It was a video explaining why some crimes are higher among black people and he didn't say it was caused by race but poverty levels.

Nobody gets even close to Coach Red Pill in my opinion. And JF.

What's Zig Forums's opinion of Heinlien? Is he a fascist or not? I tried reading Starship Troopers once an it was awfully written so I quit about halfway through.

Heinlien is a fascist but the movie is a satirical and hyperbolic of his book.

I know the movie is satire but I know some people try to argue he's not fascist too. I mean fascism is one of those things that isn't well defined so I wonder where the line is drawn.

Nope. He is irrelevant.

lol that's a bit of an overblown reaction to someone so insignificant if serious

I need that picture of Sargon and Muke holding each other PLEASE

I found it but i need higher res HELP

Attached: images (3).jpg (300x168, 6.23K)

But the wealth of the west mostly finds its foundation in the plunder of the third world. So should first world people acclimate to the "third world cultures"? I mean, if the emphasis is on labor then this naturally follows.

Having a rough childhood =/= being oppressed.

STFU pacifist cuck. Under a socialist regime, Hardon for Mossad gets the wall.

are they in front of the old default Windows backdrop?

But aren't all nations imperialist to some extent?

lol I never knew there was another pic, kys muke