Nu Jason "ROO" Unruhe Vid fuckers: Windows 10 Going Monthly Subscription

Nu Jason "ROO" Unruhe Vid fuckers: Windows 10 Going Monthly Subscription

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Is it me or Roo sounds increasingly like an alt-right?

Lmao. What the fuck are you talking about?

he's going to be nazbol by 2020

Everything about this is wrong.

There, I made a comment. Is Unruhe going to start making tech videos now? If so then I'll start watching him.

Are you retarded? Just because he made some videos denouncing idpozzed liberals doesn’t mean he’s on his way to becoming a fascist

It's it's ridiculous somebody really does have to do something about Microsoft. I mean you can point to Linux and UNIX, all that stuff but I mean can they can't really compete with Windows, not really. I mean as much as I support open source software and stuff like that in the end it can't actually compete with a capitalist corporation that has massive amounts of capital for research and development that an open-source thing really doesn't have though while open source is more ideologically palatable than Microsoft Microsoft still wins in the end because it's still a corporation. In another reason why you can't really take these roundabout ways to avoid capitalism you have to overthrow it I mean if that's the Stance that you take the capitalism must be defeated then this is just another example of why it has to be

Roo is a total brainlet so it's no surprise he still uses Porky OS.

FOSS could compete if the programmers formed a co-op where users made monthly set donations to their whole OS and DE.

are released.

Sounds like something designed for enterprises. Also windows 10 isn't that bad. The real "sin" here is that windows exists at all. The only good thing Microshit ever made was Microsoft Word and possibly Excel. Everything else is terrible. Especially Access. Fuck Access and any firm or organization that uses it.

He's not a brainlet. He's a gamer. That's why he is still attached to windows. Game company porkies (i.e. Gaben) are trying to kill windows though so there's hope.

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CloverOS will be the future

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< what is "enable steam play for all titles" in the Steam Beta's settings?

I forgot about that. Why aren't people using Linux for everything then?

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True, though they are just using WINE to do it, which was a community effort all along. The Steam WINE settings work very well in my experience.

Well, it's a beta right now. And I don't think Steam has settings for Adobe, Sony Vegas, and stuff like that yet.

Did Ben Garrison draw this?

That makes sense. I've gotten Vegas to work on Linux before, but Kdenlive handles most of the video editing I really want to do.

I respect you if you find it usable, but I absolutely hate it. It crashes less these days, but the UI is dogshit, it just can't compete with Premiere or Vegas.

I can't really say it competes with Vegas or Premiere's UI, but I think it's starting to get better. I guess it helps that I don't really do too much video editing anymore.

TBH desu I mostly play my Switch now anyways. If Windows goes subscription I'll probably abandon ship for Linux.

Just do it now unless you like FBI dick up your ass.

Have you ever used Linux before? If not I could recommend a few good user friendly distros.

Install Ubuntu. Gaming is for literal children anyways.

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He should switch to Red Star OS.

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I'm amazed that he hasn't used it before

Use KDE Neon or Cinnamon Mint if you want something close to Windows.

How's Vegas work in VirtualBox?

The Switch has a camera pointed at your post-op genitals.

Maybe I'm just unobservant but literally who cares?
Their all about the same anyway except for semantics and all of them fucking spy on you so what does it matter

I need to cash in in whatever is going to replace microsoft

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If you are using Linux your OS probably isn't spying on you unless you have somehow installed some pretty hardcore malware. Meanwhile if you are using any other OS the US government literally has a backdoor into your system.

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I contribute to his Patreon. I think he’s the bees knees.


Enables botnet
Is botnet
Now you're talking.

And what is US going to do, invade our country so he can arrest me for pirating stuff and browsing mongolian commie basked weaving forum?

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Nah I looked it up and it looks shitty

It'll sell backdoor to your local gangsters who will fine you for "browsing mongolian commie basked weaving forum"

Meh. There are plenty of expropriated Linux games even without Wine.

Try Manjaro or these

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Why would they buy from USA stuff I would give them for free?

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I don't even really like Roo, but if he wasn't White literally no-one would ever levy this accusation against him. Whatever you think makes him sound "Alt-Right" isn't new, this guy has been an autistic third-worldist with very consistent opinions the entire time.

he argued in favor of this Anita person
he's not alt right but just a moron
and yes, that's a constant with him

should have just installed linux

Y2K would have saved us all from this fucking nightmare

Don't be an idiot. rue is a true communist. A true leftist and a true marxist. he would never become racist or anti immigrantion or any of that reactionary "distract you from capitalism" right wing bullshit. He actually understands how the world works, he would never be reactionary.

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I'd love to try out Red Star if given an ISO

m8 I was being sarcastic

Ruhe has almost undoubtedly never actually read Marx, Lenin, or probably even Stalin. The idea that he has a solid and correct understanding of Marxism, Leninism, or even Stalinism is absurd.

His understanding of 'Marxism' comes almost entirely from indirect readings of Mao via Maoist-Third Worldists. He is one of the most illiterate 'Marxists' I think I've ever seen and it would not be at all surprising if he embraced National Bolshevism or some other third-position nonsense.

Ummm… no it's not. Kikerosoft is starting a Managed Desktop service that lets businesses rent computers with Windows 10 on them for a monthly fee, but that's about hardware, not Windows 10 licenses. Leave it to this fat fucking retard to be completely incapable of understanding basic tech news.

More like basic bitch news.

Red Star OS is even worse about spying on you than Wangblows and I doubt it keeps its security up to date. I'd bet using it would also be a red flag for any state intelligence agency.

But he's right, deliberately making an OS that prevents your computer from running like a computer is retarded.

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Unruhe is knee jerking pathetically on this stuff

Yeah I don't get it. He has a conspiracy theory mentality at work here. There is plenty of horrible shit he can talk about that's just in the normal business papers every day that is ripe for being despooked and rearticulated from a Marxist perspective.

Jason, if ur reading – do that

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Antia is fine. I haven't heard her say anything disagreeable. A lot of video games objectify women? That's pretty fucking obviously true. She gets the Zig Forums chuds all riled up but fuck them. They are non-persons to me.

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While i dont know the extent on which women are treated like shit in vidya(cause i am not a GaYMer)
But most games at anitas time where reactionary bullshit imho

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She straight misconstrues the games she criticizes because addressing the games in a intellectually fair manner wouldn't get as many clicks.
Red painted liberals like you love her because you hate the idea of low status men being catered to. Please point out some sexism in videogames, the sexism is always benign forms of CIS male sexuality.

If the sexism is benign in most cases then Anita's criticism are also pretty benign and obvious, and the hostile reaction to her was all out of proportion to what she was actually saying. Criticizing the overreliance on damsels in distress is perfectly fair and worthy of being criticized. It's like these nerds never heard of art criticism.

Anyways, personally I mostly play those hexagonal grid wargames where I act out my Soviet Deep Battle Theory fantasies. And I worked in a Gamestop years ago (it was a terrible job) and remember a bunch of shitacular console games. That's all I've got comrade.

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Uh no, she, like every cultural warrior that has quixotically attacked videogame, frames the players of these "sexist" videogames and rapists and school shooters in the making.
Some how her dumb ass never brings up the MUCH stronger correlation between school shooting and violent behavior and SINGLE MOTHERS!
Fuck no it wasn't an over reaction. With how #metoo has played out it was really forward thinking. We'd probably have bullshit legislation regulating the content of videogames now if the push back from Gamergate hadn't been so strong.
Lol no it's really not, first off videogames aren't movies, the plot usually doesn't matter, and in games that are plot driven they aren't sexist. Oh wow and attractive woman in a thong is coming on to the player's avatar, omg so sexist!
The the "Damsel in Distress" games stopped being produced by the Playstation era, and that trope was used either tongue and cheek or just was a afterthought even when they were being made.
It's like you've never heard of a moral panic. Dumb liberals like yourself and Anita have ALWAYS hated the idea of young men having fun without conforming to your strict societal roles that server your best interest. From the panic over Rock and Roll in the 60's, pornography in the 70's, Dungeons and Dragons in the 80's, Gangsta Rap in the 90's, and videogames from the 2000's to today, it has always been SOMETHING that young men are doing wrong in the eyes of liberals like you.
Oh and let's talk about Rap, somehow rappers, who regularly flout that they "pimp" women are not a problem for SJWs like yourself but a women dressed in nothing but fishnet's but is regardless a main charterer like "Quite" from MGS5 is!
Last time I checked pimping is the violence coercion of women to fuck other men, where they can get STD, raped, beat or killed, and have their pimp STILL take the majority if not all their money for their troubles.
Last time I checked pimping is something that happens in real life, while hawt women in thongs chasing dragons does not. So what culture is actually posing an existential threat to women?
This criticism of videogames IS targeting poor white males, who are the people that play videogames the most, it's not about trying to elevate the art, and it's transparent to EVERYONE but people like you.

her examples were ridiculous and cherry picked
it's just too often too obvious just dumb shit to fill the video
with content she didnt even create herself by actually playing
why not go after "historic accuracy" bullshitting hypocrits and rip CoD apart for being a shit game on so many other levels and having been nothing but a shitshow since forever?
and why would "the biggest """marxist""" channel on youtube" waste his time on something so petty and stupid like "women rights in video games"?
oh right, he did some fall out shit too
it's really just that anita is a waste of time and stupid fucking hamster face is an idiot

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Are you even listening to how you sound?

Anita: This is sexist.


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He hasn't read Mao very well either, with his "primary and secondary contradiction" bullshit. Jason himself is a fucking primary contradiction. I doubt he's read Samir Amin even, which is the most "Third Worldist" economists. Just because Jason triggers the libs and is anti-IdPol doesn't mean he's good. He does his news program which is fine by me, because he does not need theory for that and sometimes he even posts information that I wasn't aware of.

Jason has defended Antia, He made a 90 min (!!!) video about it.

Dude it's videogames, relax.

I bought and read his Fallout book which is fun. It's basically Marxist concepts 101 analyzed through Fallout. Nerdy but if there can be Capital in manga form then why not Fallout? And hey, let's make Marxist mods for games – why not? I like people doing stuff like that.

I should probably get around to watching Anita's tropes vs. women series now. I mean this whole war over Gamergate was basically an internet culture fight over "my consumerism is morally superior to your consumerism." The alt-right is dumb because they declared video games to be a holy grail and any criticism is politically motivated.

it's liberal garbage

t. jason

I never assumed it wasn't liberal?

The problem is not that Jason makes stuff like that but that he presents himself as an authority on Marxism and theory when he's clearly not. Similar like Muke actually, with the same arrogance. This gets him into big debates with Sargon but he doesn't even has his data about Third World poverty ready when Sargon quotes the World Bank, you'd think a Third Worldist would excel at that argument.

I agree with that.


This criticism over video games WAS a moral panic, the sexism that does exist in video games is a lot more subtle but that type of sexism can’t be used to smear young men. So she straight lies about the nature the games she was criticizing and tried to make all these games out to be “Buffalo Bill” simulators.

Dude it wasn’t about videgames, it was about further marginalizing poor men, who make up the base of the videogame market. Pound for pound videogames are THE second cheapest form of entertainment which is the economic reason why it’s dominated by men, streaming services being first but they are way newer than videogames.
Social media superstructure dominated by feminists has had a grudge against poor white young men because they are not class conscious and because they are feminists.
They wanted a group they believed they could pick on and a cause they could easily rally around. Since the type of men that play videogames are a big off putting “other” to many people they thought they would make an easy target. They were wrong, and their critique of videogames was wrong but you STILL see the butt hurt over GG today.
Feminists have done the EXACT same thing with #metoo, hiding the fact that they want to marginalize young poor ugly men behind the lie that they are trying to stop sexual assault. Except this time a bunch of cucks bought into the lie and it had legs for a while.
THAT stupid movement is falling apart because of the staggering hypocrisy of Asia Argento.

Barely anyone would've even heard of her were it not for Zig Forums and the like blowing their fucking lids over her videos. I certainly wouldn't have. I play video games and don't pay attention to feminist critical theory, but I hardly see deconstructing Mrs. Pac-Man as some existential threat to my hobby. But like I said I'm playing around with virtual T-34s and the like.

This complete bullshit, the GG story was carried by major news outlets like NPR, THAT’s where the majority of people heard about it. But Anita had a strong following on social media to begin with, she raised millions to produce “Feminist Frequency” BEFORE the controversy started. Zig Forums doesn’t have one millionth the reach that NPR and social media have.

… millions? I did some searching and she raised $130k initially and that was while the GG thing was blowing up. That's not a lot of money. I've worked on small media projects with bigger budgets. She raised more over the following years for projects. In 2014 her non-profit's annual budget was $400k.
Breitbart doesn't have reach?

This reminds me of conversations I had back when GG was going on. None of this stuff seemed controversial to me but I'm treated to a firehose of shit and abuse about how feminists are out to take away vidya. This is a bunch of crap.

Keep in mind that the average cost for a low-budget film is around $2 million. $400k is considered "micro-budget." I've known people who have financed, directed and shot films but even with insane levels of penny-pinching they were still spending five figures. To treat Anita Sarkessian as leading some kind of well-financed operation doesn't know anything about how this stuff works.

And where did all that uproar get GG anyways? The real power in the video game industry is … in the industry. How much does a Call of Duty game cost to make, market and distribute? $200 million? GG had the pretenses of a consumer advocacy movement but they're going after low-budget filmmakers.

good shit

If the USSR had still existed they would have fucking funded a usable linux distro

I know how to fix it. I am a programmer. I am honestly just waaaaay too lazy to put up with shit. I just want it to werk, I have enough problem solving in daily work already, i dont want to troubleshoot my computer for 2 hours a day after work too.

Anita is a pretty cookie cutter liberal/intersectional feminist and has no place in radical circles, but anyone who defends a 'movement' that consisted entirely of hyper-consumerist fanboys defending AAA billion-dollar video game companies from the criticism of small-to-medium sized journalist outlets needs to get the fuck off my board.

absolutely btfo, by the way lmao


I'm missing only OneNote.

Try Manjaro

Film industry=\=video games
Did anita ever even said anything about movies?

After it was taken over by Zig Forums

I wonder why…

Pol is a Porky agent confirmed


That's still a lot of money for an unknown to raise. My point still stands, she had a significant following not associated with Zig Forums.
She seems to have produced the whole show almost entirely alone, so yeah that's a TON of money to raise for what's essentially a glorified vlog.
Lol they don't have the reach of TERRESTRIAL FUCKING RADIO STATIONS!!!! You know, they type that can reach every fucking home and car in the country. You know how many less people have internet vs radio. And out of that small pool even less know about some fringe site like Breibart.
They WERE trying to take vidya away from men. Videogames is a culture, not just a medium. They wanted videogames to STOP appealing to the prejudices and sexuality of straight poor white men. Feminism has ALWAYS had an antagonistic relationship with men. They're entire patriarchy theory could have "men" swapped out with "jews" and it would be indistinguishable from Nazi Jewish Conspiracy theory.
Feminists tried to antagonize marginalized young men that literally have no other sphere of influence by making the culture they were indulging in seem like an existential threat to women. When they got BTFO'd they cried misogyny like you are doing now.
Feminists pulled this same crap with porn, The motivations of feminists like yourself are transparent af men now, especially in the social media era.

The low-budget filmmaker gained main stream media coverage. Please stop trying to obfuscate the importance of Anita. She has been hired several times already to consult on gender in videogames for several AAA games due to the fame she gained with GG.

And how is consumer advocacy not class struggle. Show porky be allowed to extract even MORE surplus value by buying off journalists? Lol, I guess you're okay with adulterated drugs and food, since consumer advocay is SUUUCCCHHH bullshit. Have fun getting die because you ate poisonous prescription medication from China.