Sends white men in own country to die in pointless conflict

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Other urls found in this thread:

You know why? Because they are americans.
No one outside of that retarded country would seriously think French, Germans, Fins, Swedes, Ukranians ecc. are the same ethnic group or even similar.
Same goes for italian which american don't cosider white for some reason. People around the world know that there is a big gap between south and north, americans don't because their educations comes from Crime movies

The italians not being whits thing is mostly a meme in the states and comes from anti catholic racist attitudes from the 1800's and early 20th century.

But lets be real there are neo nazis in Europe, loads of them.

The pan white identity thing is a purely American phenominon though.

I'm reminded of this Sopranos bit:

Right. I see some arguments against the (leftist) concept of "white supremacy" here, but it makes me wonder whether it's Europeans who have a problem with that, and they don't quite grasp the particular American context to the notion

Also why I think the alt-right in America really took off among young, generic and rootless "whites" in the South and Midwest and did not penetrate so much into the areas where there are still "ethnic" whites. Irish and Italians in the northeast mainly.

Might be wrong though but that's my feeling.

Angela Nagle gets some shit thrown at her from the left but she said in her native Ireland that right-wing nationalism has floundered because they've got the anti-colonial history.

those weren't white people, they were liberals and communists

What is also ironic is that Hitler:

80 years later he is worshiped by kids on the internet who believe in "European tradition", monarchism, fundamentalist Christianity, eat meat to own the vegans and think Russians/Poles are epic and based.

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This I can't understand. How can slovakians, poles and Ukranians even like the guy?

because slovaks poles and ukranaians are fucking stupid, it's that simple.

Don't generalize now.

because classcuckery transcends ethnic boundries

What is Germany anyway? Germany is a non country! Baden, Swabia and Bavaria sould be indepedente nations like Austria and Switzerland are.


There shouldn't be countries period.

slavic people haven't been considered white ever since race theory (if you can even call it theory) was invented by victorican anglos. People who believed "white" to be a thing also considered slavs to be outside of that group.

I see nothing wrong with that. He was right too, the Swiss were subhuman, it's a shame he couldn't fully destroy Britain before he destroyed himself.

I can only expect such ignorance from red flag posters.

t. Hitler

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"Pan white identity is purely American". The vast majority of the last three thousand years of European historians and philosophers, and continent wide or nearly continent wide pan-European empires beg to differ.

is this an inverse of the whole "if communists were so pro worker why did they kill so many working class people in the gulag" line of boomer tier reasoning?

sigh Zig Forums your baboon brains will never grow

bye bye

except workers were in the minority of red terror victims, even if we believe in boomer propaganda

Hitler provably killed dozens of millions of whites even if we completely discount the holocaust and nazi political purges

But communists raised the worldwide literacy rate of the poor massively in the span of a generation, which alone is no mean feat

If America is the "Land of the Free" how come they have literal labour camps and the largest prison population in the world both by sheer size and proportionally?

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well truth be told if we shot criminals for petty infractions like China does the prison population would shrink over night.

Nazis progressed tech to untold levels and had excellent literacy and extracurricular/after school activities of their own

Ukrainian peasants are not workers now? well you are technically correct I suppose.

Yeah right, except Gulag deaths in the Stalin era didn't even account for 1% of the soviet population, and half of those deaths were Axis prisoners of war

figures that is something a naziposter would appreciate

nazi contributions to science outside of rocketry are debatable and germany was already a wealthy, advanced and literate western nation in 1933
as opposed to the soviets that took a feudal shithole where grass was a delicacy and 70% of the population was illiterate, and turned it into a prosperous spacefaring superpower

moving the goalposts, ukrainian peasants didn't die in purges they starved due to a variety of reasons (and attributing it to malice is utterly retarded)
and yes technically they aren't proletarians

Other than in rocketry what exactly did the Nazi's advance? Because they sure as hell didn't advance medicine through any of their cruel and unscientific "experiments" in concentration camps.

Tobacco research showing it was harmful. They were decades ahead of the rest of the world. Besides that not much. I’m anti-fascist but it’s a fact nevertheless

Pan european=/=Pan white

Question, since you're a different poster than the other naziflag: Why do you post with it, exactly? I don't get this meme of posting with the naziflag when you're making reasonable posts.

computers (analog + digital) plus the very first programming language
assault rifles
Nazi medical experiments…eh I dunno but I'm sure the oss considered their work more useful than you would think (same reason they seized the research of Japan's unit 731)…much more useful than Lysenko's body of work for sure
rocketry of course
and many other things

I actually was shitposting with it earlier but I keep forgetting to turn it off.

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Very interesting. Thanks for the info. I didn't know about Nazi anti smoking research.

Read ‘The Nazi War on Cancer’ by Robert N. Proctor if you’re interested in the subject. It’s definitely not a pro-Nazi book or anything. That’s where I took the pictures from

overrated, by the end of the war IS-2's were butchering german tanks, their influence on future tank design is debatable since other countries were also developing tank science rapidly

anglos were the first, then they were just going toe to toe during the war

nazis only started caring about konrad zuse's computers at the ass end of the war, it is a german invention maybe but nazis played no role in it being made

never finished or used, just a curiosity



other than rocketry nazis contributed almost nothing that wasn't a curiosity, or convergent with other countries' research in the area, nazi superscience is mostly a meme

its hyped up purely because the usa wants everyone to believe that they saved the day

along with how they demonize stalin so that they are the good guys

He wasn't a pagan, he was a Protestant Christian LARPing as a pagan.

How is this unique to Germany?
You mean killing partisans?
Yeah that happens during war

In his memoirs, Hitler's confidant, personal architect, and Minister of Armaments Albert Speer, wrote: "Amid his political associates in Berlin, Hitler made harsh pronouncements against the church", yet "he conceived of the church as an instrument that could be useful to him":[53]

Around 1937, when Hitler heard that at the instigation of the party and the SS vast numbers of his followers had left the church because it was obstinately opposing his plans, he nevertheless ordered his chief associates, above all Goering and Goebbels, to remain members of the church. He too would remain a member of the Catholic Church he said, although he had no real attachment to it. And in fact he remained in the church until his suicide.
— Extract from Inside the Third Reich, the memoir of Albert Speer

The Goebbels Diaries also remark on this policy. Goebbels wrote on 29 April 1941 that though Hitler was "a fierce opponent" of the Vatican and Christianity, "he forbids me to leave the church. For tactical reasons."[18]

According to Speer, Hitler's private secretary, Martin Bormann, relished recording any harsh pronouncements by Hitler against the church.[54] Speer considered Bormann to be the driving force behind the regime's campaign against the churches. Speer thought that Hitler approved of Bormann's aims, but was more pragmatic and wanted to "postpone this problem to a more favourable time":[55]

"Once I have settled my other problem," [Hitler] occasionally declared, "I'll have my reckoning with the church. I'll have it reeling on the ropes." But Bormann did not want this reckoning postponed … he would take out a document from his pocket and begin reading passages from a defiant sermon or pastoral letter. Frequently Hitler would become so worked up … and vowed to punish the offending clergyman eventually … That he could not immediately retaliate raised him to a white heat …
— Extract from Inside the Third Reich, the memoir of Albert Speer

Hitler, wrote Speer, viewed Christianity as the wrong religion for the "Germanic temperament":[53] Speer wrote that Hitler would say: "You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"[56] Speer also wrote of observing in Hitler "quite a few examples", and that he held a negative view toward Himmler and Rosenberg's mystical notions.[57][58]

Hitler was an opportunist and not a true Christian.

Hitler hated Satanism the most if anything.

Satanism was even more fringe than it is today back then. He didn't have an opinion on it because it simply didn't exist in mainstream German society.

pretty petty tbh

you remind me of boomers who like to claim the Soviet Union was a rust bucket with no economy or technological development whatsoever.

no u, bounces off me and sticks to you, i activate mirror force

third reich and its many allies and satellites including japan and half of europe lost to the ussr pulling most of the weight*

“The most shining culture the earth has ever seen sinks in ruins and leaves only memories of the greatness of an age destroyed by satanic powers.”

- Joseph Goebbels, 20 April 1945

In 1934, most of the Freemason lodges and other secret societies had been shutdown. In 1938, this sweeping ban also encompassed Odinist, Pagan, New Age Religion, and Satanic groups and societies. A good video on the topic can be found here:

Both Hitler and Goebbels associated the Allied powers, and their Jewish masters, with Satan and Satanism.

I've heard this talking point a billion fucking times and quite frankly it's nonsense.

A) Literally 90% of the Third Reich's territorial gains were from them stomping over backwater countries that didn't even pose a threat to them like Czechoslovakia and Poland or weren't prepared for tank warfare like France, with most area being given away by western nations desperate to avoid another world war.

B) It was the Third Reich's choice to fight a war "against the whole world". The USSR didn't declare on them, Hitler chose to autistically invade when he hadn't even finished off his current opponents.

C) Top military analysts like David Glantz have theorized that the USSR alone could have defeated Nazi Germany although at the cost of a lot more casualties.

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Barbarossa would have been successful if Hitler handn't ordered Heeresgruppe Mitte's Panzers south to assist in Ukraine. The vital time lost in that maneuver cost the Germans Moscow, which could have been taken otherwise even with delay caused by Italy's uselessness in Greece.

Stalin had sworn to stay in Moscow and die with the city if necessary. Moscow was also the heart of the Soviet rail network. If it were captured, Stalin would have been captured or killed and the Soviets central logistical hub for the entire country would have been in German hands, leading to an inevitable surrender.

top kek, the cognitive dissonance must makes you seethe

Nazi persecution of Freemasons is well known and documented however there is literally zero proof of any "satanic" groups, i.e. organizations that have its members identify as satanists, being shut down.

Your video is irrelevant all it is is a list of freemason lodges being shut down.

No you faggot read this document thoroughly. I can quote some relevant parts:

What if” Moscow had Fallen:
The argument that Hitler would have won the war if the Wehrmacht had been able
to capture Moscow, a corollary to the arguments described above, is also subject to
serious question. If Hitler’s legions had actually reached and tried to capture Moscow, it
is likely that Stalin would have assigned one or more of his reserve armies to fight and die
in its defense. Although the Germans might have seized the bulk of the city, they would
likely have found themselves facing the same lamentable dilemma that the Sixth Army
faced at Stalingrad a year later. More ominous still, had it captured Moscow, the
Wehrmacht would have faced the daunting task of trying to winter in Moscow, with the
inherent danger of emulating the fate of Napoleon’s army in 1812.


Guderian’s Southward Turn (Kiev)
In September 1941, after Red Army resistance stiffened east of Smolensk, Hitler
temporarily abandoned his direct thrust on Moscow by turning one half of Army Group
Center’s panzer forces (Guderian’s Second Panzer Group) to the south to envelop and
destroy the Soviet Southwestern Front, which was defending Kiev. By virtue of
Guderian’s southward turn, the Wehrmacht destroyed the entire Southwestern Front east
of Kiev during September, inflicting 600,000 losses on the Red Army, while Soviet forces
west of Moscow conducted a futile and costly offensive against German forces around
Smolensk. After this Kiev diversion, Hitler launched Operation Typhoon in October,
only to see his offensive falter at the gates of Moscow in early December. Some claim
that had Hitler launched Operation Typhoon in September rather than October, the
Wehrmacht would have avoided the terrible weather conditions and reached and captured
Moscow before the onset of winter.
This argument too does not hold up to close scrutiny. Had Hitler launched
Operation Typhoon in September, Army Group Center would have had to penetrate
deep Soviet defenses manned by a force that had not squandered its strength in fruitless
offensives against German positions east of Smolensk. Furthermore, Army Group Center
would have launched its offensive with a force of more than 600,000 men threatening its
ever-extending right flank and, in the best reckoning, would have reached the gates of
Moscow after mid-October just as the fall rainy season was beginning.
Finally, the Stavka saved Moscow by raising and fielding 10 reserve armies that
took part in the final defense of the city, the December 1941 counterstrokes, and the
January 1942 counteroffensive. These armies would have gone into action regardless of
when Hitler launched Operation Typhoon. While they effectively halted and drove back
the German offensive short of Moscow as the operation actually developed, they would
also have been available to do so had the Germans attacked Moscow a month earlier.
Furthermore, if the latter were the case, they would have been able to operate in
conjunction with the 600,000 plus force of Army Group Center’s overextended right

tl;dr you're totally wrong

The soviets were sanctioned effectively the entire planet all the way up until 1940-41 with lend lease and was detached from the global economic system (See effect of Great Depression on USSR) also the USSR was never in a alliance with the British Empire

Stalin was very anti Imperialist and eve offered aid to the Czechs and Poles in 1939 to assist fighting the Wehrmacht



You don't even know what that term means. As someone who disdains both marxism and nazism, I am the most objective poster on this board. I already gave you three arguments, none of which you have refuted. As for the soviets being assisted, which I am assuming is referring to Lend Lease, they could have won without it though at the cost of more casualties. See attached document in my above post.

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seethe more commie

Reminder that the Germans planned to level significant parts of historical Berlin, not to mention several other cities, in order to make way for their monochrome and homogeneous neoclassical nightmare. The indiscriminate destruction of art, books and paintings, of the Nazis is widely known, but this abortive attempt at ravaging European heritage has gone forgotten.
Hell, rumor has it there was talk about demolishing Paris "after the war" in order to remove any cultural competition from disturbing the hegemony of the naively fantastical Welthauptstadt Germania.
So much for the right protecting European culture in war and in peace.

Also, a second reminder. As a bonus of sorts.
Albert Speer pioneered a concept called "ruin value". The idea was that the architect should take into consideration the inevitable future decay and collapse of his designs, and plan accordingly to create aesthetic… ruins for future generations to admire. This vision was put in action when designing the Berlin Olympic Stadium, and was later put into law by Hitler.
However, ruinification came significantly sooner than those involved had anticipated. Har, har.

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typical tbh

Yes, yes, Germany was alone against the world even though they were allied with Italy, Japan, Vichy France, Hungary, Finland, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Croatia, etc and had hundreds of thousands of volunteers from several countries along with industries, material, weaponry and gold seized from virtually all Europe. If you're going to remove all the help Germany had, you should do the same with the Soviet Union.

we don't wank to muh european heritage and tradition, you do

smh I bet you deny "jewish physics" as well

Anyways you're not even german so stop larping.

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You know the funniest thing is that the Nazis wanted take land from Whites in America and give it to Natives


t. NazBol NutSac Gang

You better zip up that zipper. Your significantly below-average education is showing. Hide your shame.
I still love you no matter how impaired you are, darling.

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Give us evidence that the Soviets were allied with "International Capital" and that Capitalist liked the USSR?


Omg this is hilarious

you're exactly the type of idiot that slopped up the nonsense about poles and Spanish NATO troops contributing to "the coalition of the willing" during Iraqi freedom aren't you?

Get a grip

oh jeez you commies are too low Autism Level for me to even be worth it

I would say that Capitalists liked the USSR because it gave them the excuse to destroy labor unions and etc…you know like the Nazis.

it must be exhausting, being a commie, I'd go insane from the cognitive dissonance, no wonder you're all trannies who mutilate their genitals

we "wank" to irrefutable biological science and the coming climax of the global Darwinian struggle, culture and traditions is just window dressing

The USSR had the biggest trade unions in the world

Read Lenin

…I meant outside the USSR

are you dumb or just disingenuous

be honest we're all friends here

You’re the retard here

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The fact that these countries voted communist parties into power after WWII and their leaders openly opposed the USSR disproves this

If he starts sperging about vote-rigging we will see a prime example of fascist hypocrisy

this board really is just nothing more than continental pseuds

i don't even believe stalin actually believed those post war "elections" were actually legitimate


we literally reject democracy, while you hide behind a facade of it

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yes, i'm sure people hated socialism back then
just for some odd reason the west german conservative party kinda wrote "socialism" into their program to promote itself but okay

That's just not true. I'm not sure about the entire eastern bloc, but in places like Albania, Yugoslavia, Hungary communist parties led resistance movements and had mass support.

east german constitution
publicly developed through discussion and voted on
west german "constitution"
dictated by US generals

Okay, I've read OSS psychological profile of Hitler (yeah, psychoanalysis without a patient is TOTALLY ACCURATE) long ago, IIRC, it said he didn't believe in God, as ordinary Christians do, but instead thought some kind of Providence was guiding him. So, I guess he was a deist?

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Which is really funny since the word caucasian comes from the word caucasus, as in the caucasus mountains, where northern Persians and Armenians live, both of whom are tanned, hook-nosed and are caricatured similarly to jews by nazis

Not a thing

So were the majority of Christians throughout history.

You win. Our noses are mildly different. Time to salute Hitler.

Australian Aborigine skull vs Caucasian Skull

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I'm convinced. Time for gas.

wtf i hate brown people now?????

Hitler was deeply triggering and problematic.

166 million dead Russians doesn't count?

Inb4 denial

Who's gonna know what happened in Russia? You (propaganda reader) or someone who actually lived through it?

Mein Gott, not the 166 gorillion!

no, things you make up don't count
this is impossible because according to you all the Russians are already dead

He was the biggest enemy of himself that's why he had to blow his head up at the end.


What about all the other killings after 1957?

Communism sure is great huh Joe Bob!

Can't tell if you're retarded or baiting

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There is literally no historian alive that claims this. None. Not even the ones that lie for right wing causes like the autist that spearheaded the Big Black Cock of Communism.
In a few years, burgers will probably say that communism killed more people than have ever been born.

Yes! And don't fa'get the six million goys!

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And ironically, the Nazis killed many more Ukranians than the 1933 famine they constantly denounce