Amazon wage cage patent

Wagie wagie get in cagie
All day long you sweat and ragie
NEET is comfy
NEET is cool
NEET is free from work and school
Wagie trapped and wagie dies
NEET eats tendies, sauce and fries

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Other urls found in this thread:

we will come to miss the days of Hitler

ja camaraden hitler and tovarisch stalin should have teamed up to stop this

idiots, the lot of you

Or maybe this is just bait.

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soon brother

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Tfw my mom is pressuring me to go apply at my local Amazon distribution center.

I-It’s alright, Ray Kurzweil promises life extension, and universal basic income by the late 20’s. All I gotta do is hold out, and save my money.

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dear lord how horrifying

We will have to pirate basically everything user. I hope you have bothered to learn programming.

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I have the paperback book and the anime. Is that good enough?

forgot the article


i don't know I like to believe hitler would have atleast not treated german workers like soulless automatons but maybe he would have

That's the next step. Capitalism is gonna turn the darkest dystopian novels into reality.

I feel so hopeless about the world

Good, you need to accept the hopeless of Materialism.


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once I run out of savings I'm going to kill myself. Until then I'll never work

Every day we approach a world in which Camatte's pessimistic vision of what he thought capitalism was becomes what capitalism is

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OP is stupid, illogical and, dare I say, crypto-rightwing. Not everyone has an option to become a NEET. Majority of people are forced to have jobs to earn money, to not to starve.

It's a meme you dip

i can't stop laughing, i'm getting cramps and my throat hurts
hols shit i need help
i'm fucking dying

shut up wagie
get in cagie

I'm about to go on a rampage. Pic very much related.

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On a scale of 1 to all hail the machine god, how big do you think Nick Land's erection is right now?

Amazon has unreleased its army of bots to combat this.

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Wait, no. This is the ticket.

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How does one respond to these concerns without resorting to answers referring to the symbolic nature of a literal "worker's cage"

Ask them why the lock is on the outside.

Jeff Bezos doesn't get a bullet when the revolution comes. He gets a gas chamber, specially constructed for his demise. And it won't be cyanide. First, he'll be steamed with a mix of water and teargas. Then, mustard gas. He will be injected with adrenaline to ensure he will not pass out and escape his torment.

He will not be buried, he will not be cremated. His mutilated corpse will be hung in front of the -white- RED house to be pecked by birds.

Socialism with a Human Face as a Party Mask is the future.

Socialism with a leather face. Unapologetic brutality. Conform or be annihilated.

man lets just shoot him in the gut and let him die of sepsis

I feel like you are trolling given your flag but you aren't wrong. However the people being annihilated have already made their choice. They sided against History and gave in to the demonic greed which possesses them. They kill, rape, and oppress every single second that they live.

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Redpill me on christcom

Read Hegel, Exodus (by far the most socialist part of the bible, especially since it is apparently ahistorical), one of the gospels, then Revelations. You will understand at that point. Christcom doesn't have a single foundational text or anything (other than the bible of course.) However never trust a "christcom" that doesn't hate America (or at least American hegemony) with a burning passion. Also never let anyone try to tell you that the Old Testament doesn't matter. Sorry I'm kind of drunk right now so I can't do a detailed analysis.

Wagie, wagie, get in cagie,
Boss needs help! Don't be lazy!
Zero breaks will make you crazy?
I'll tell the guards to get their tazie.

Need to get those new iPhones,
Gotta pay those student loans.
Work your fingers to the bones,
Bosses need vacation homes.

Don't trust unions, vote in pairs,
Buy all of boss's consumer wares.
We'll stay seated in our chairs,
And make our bosses millionaires.

Love your work! Love the pain!
Feel the life drain from your brain.
Think of all you have to gain,
As your dreams go down the drain.

Come on wagie, join the crew,
Don't you want your wages too?
And if the bossman makes you blue,
You deserve it. You're a tool.

Weekend comes round after ages,
You can come collect your wages.
Throw your parties! Have your rages!
Then get back into your cages.

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Pretty nice. A shame the 4/g/ thread is archived. It could've used some more subtle anti-capitalist propaganda.

i love this thread

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It could use some barbed wire or electrified wire incorporated into the cage frame, then it will be fully wagecuck proof

Wait, if the lock is on the outside and it is an electric mechanism, how do they get out in case of a fire.

The lock is on the outside.

they don't

It's okay, there's more proles. With global warming coming up there will be a fuckton of proles wanting to get in and burn to death in our Amazon factories because the alternative is baking to death in their homeland.

This is unheard of, I swear to god that guy is a living fucking straw man at this point.

I will live to see a Triangle Waist Factory 2.0 in my lifetime and I don’t know how to feel about this

holy fucking shit.

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Screencap this

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Would 'Be happy and don't complain!' be better? I feel like you used drain twice already so this part is bit week.

Good job user if you actually wrote this

You're welcome.

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I reposted it for agiprop purposes myself
nothing like a good thinking' giggle

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What the fuck is this? Have we reverted back to that stage of capitalism?

user, the coming years are going to make the gilded age look like the USSR. And nobody will complain because at least it's not communism/we have women CEOs so it's the end of history

Oh god it’s going to be another fucking Triangle Fire because of this.

Yeah, after sleeping on it there's a few parts I'm unhappy with. Rhyming blue with tool wasn't great either, and a few lines have too many syllables to flow well.
Also, good news! We memed the wagecage to death. Workers can remain free range for now.

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Fuck Amazon still has to hunt in the wild for wage slaves, man the fuckin' nets hurt when they try to catch you with them.

Top stuff m8

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People were only joking about that, holy shit.
God, Amazon is disgusting.

Fuck, now I want a anticapitalist concept album of ironic pro-capitalism jingles based on the farce of late stage capitalism.