/lit/ is better for leftist discussion than leftypol


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Weak as shit. Since when did /lit/ become Zig Forums-lite?

Are you talking about Camatte? I'm reading that essay by him now and it doesn't exactly sound like he is "owning the leftists". It sounds like he wishes they were right about the revolutionary class, but he is a pessimist.

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you moron

I’m saying that seems to be many of the /lit/ posters interpretation of him and Fischer.

It's not like Zig Forums is any better nowadays. They were a lot of quality posters a couple of years ago but now it's all about LARPing as a Bolshevik, posting "China is not imperialist" without any arguments whatsoever, and showing that you share the values of the community by showing off as an internet tough guy. Kacyzinski was right in his characterization of leftists.
At least /lit/ has girardfag.

wow Nick Land BTFOed EPIC STYLE XD

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A fedora meme isn't going to change my opinion of this board, if anything it confirms it.
I enjoyed today because I've learned things about Soviet history, but other than that, this board succumbed to paranoia and partisanship/sectarianism and ended up just like Zig Forums.
Too bad BO had to fracture the community by sperging out. We used to be the third biggest board on this literal neonazi forum, and that made everyone mad. Those were good times.

Will weird suburban kids ever get over this obsession with the Unabomber?

/marx/ is pretty bad tbh. leftypol may be stupid but at least most of them know they're stupid

I'm not a suburban kid, I'm a grown adult in his mid-20s who have a job in IT, and live in a walkable European city.
That doesn't change the fact Uncle Ted was right. You are probably that American 15-year old christcom who goes on and on about how revolution will only be possible once the USA get destroyed. What you are doing is self-hating, plain and simple.
Instead of reminding people that Americans once had relevant worker organizations, you see it as an eternal and immutable empire while being a part of it, as if Asia wasn't going to rip us a new asshole to "increase their productive capabilities". What can you do with that worldview except self-flagellating yourself? Sorry but I don't need that shit.

Wait who's owning the leftists? Fischer? Is /lit/ retarded?



Plus America having worker organizations before doesn't mean anything if the powers that crushed it are the norm and it is still the strongman of captial

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I wish Zig Forums talked about Mark Fisher more. One of the biggest reasons I still hang around halfchan /lit/ is because of their obsession with Land and Fisher lately.

if anything NOT hating the USA is self-flagellation.

The hells wrong with /marx/?

He can’t derail threads as easily there. That’s what’s wrong with it.

I don't have anything against burger hate but Christcom user fits what Ted K says about leftists in different ways too, I mean the fact that he's a basic bitch RHP christian is a gigantic red flag anyway.

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mostly just looks like boring ☭TANKIE☭ shit tbh. Not really anything I'm concerned with, but I suppose it's only natural that if you think the various "actually existing socialisms" were really socialist you'd be concerned with the most bland and minute details of em. However, ismail seems fairly smart in spite of the fact that it looks like he's got something of a fanclub over there.

what threads have i derailed? I got back here a few weeks ago after leaving for like a year.


"tankie" is a cringe term ofc but I'm not sure how else to describe it. I don't like when people use the label ML as a substitute for it but maybe I'm just being too picky

I love /lit/ but good lord the Nazis and tradcaths make me fucking roll my eyes so much. I would honestly love the board so much more if Nazis were gone. I can deal with the cuckservatives, the lolbertians, and the shitlibs, but if I open one more thread where they're talking about the fucking jews or dumbasses like Evola every time I'm going to drop it.

I hope you aren't suggesting that they should be banned or something


When you are an American, it kinda is.
But yeah I can understand if you hate your country. However it's the Western world and its ideology as a whole that is corrupted, and I don't think that things would be much better if more power was in the hands of a far-away bourgeois elite, internationally speaking. Read Cockshott : reality.gn.apc.org/polemic/imper.htm
Capital doesn't have a ethnicity, it just rapes you whoever you are, whenever it's profitable.

Notice how he didn't try to challenge my assumptions
Sure, but you could still remind your fellow Americans that they didn't use to be such classcucks a century ago, instead of pretending being a classcuck is a corollary to being a burgerfag.

I agree that Camatte > Kaczynski now tho, "Against Domestication" is based and greenpilled

I don't know anything about Nick Land other than that he's apparently some kind of corporate cyberpunk feudalist and obsessed with the Chinese system.

Can anyone briefly summarize what his political philosophy is and his reasons for supporting it?

China is Not Imperialist because it lacks all the Markers of Imperialism except for export of capital
And if you believe that simply the export of Capital is Imperialist then the USSR was one of the biggest Imperial super powers ever because of it giving aid to Socialist and Ant-Colonialist Nations
And Cubas Imperialist for assisting Venezuela

He basically believes that Capitalism is 100% unstoppable and it will result in almost everyone dying while the Capitalists will become Psychic Space Vampires.

So he's just a pessimist who read too much sci-fi?

Brainlet here, has there ever been another moment in history where a system has been as global as capitalism is now?

Do you mean in terms of uniformity or ubiquity? If you mean uniformity, no, since no other system has existed alongside the communications and transportation technology we have. In terms of equal ubiquity monarchism was, for most of human history, a near universal form of government.

Ubiquity. What do you mean by uniformity though? What about modern communication and transportation gives us uniformity that hasn't existed before?

What I mean by uniformity is that the capitalism is interlinked and global in its status and function. It's not a bunch of countries being capitalist independent of one another the way it was for monarchism, all of the developed and developing countries in the world are economically interlinked in their capitalism through trade, foreign capital investment, and multinational business expansion

Yeah when I say "america is bad" I'm not saying "I'd prefer if the bourgies here were brown and spoke a foreign language." I think there are ways in which capitalism has uniquely or especially corrupted us. that's probably true of every country in its own way.
I Would Prefer Not To

There is another thread atm going critical

/lit/ is just Zig Forums-lite now. I've never seen a board regress as as hard as they did. I blame Stirner memes, it blunted any serious conversation and allowed people to bypass taking a serious stance on anything with edgy and cool catchphrases like "lel spooks", and then Jordan Peterson and Evola filled the void.

/polit/ is the most embarrassing shit I witnessed originating from an imageboard, and that's including Chanology. Only in America, in the year of our lord Jesus Christ, can you have fucking Stephan Molyneux's book place next to Spengler's "The Decline of the West" unironically.

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Not to mention the Orwell.

Jesus Christ

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Corrupted from what? What does the "western world" look like without "corruption"? Would the concept of the west even exist?

How much do you want to bet that he never even bothered to read those books, and just thought they would look nice on his shelf?

He "might" have read 1984, considering the condition of the book spine, the others I doubt it. None of the spines look worn or at least creased.

Anything. If he actually read all those books he'd have critical cognitive dissonance and die.

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Imagine thinking that
At the same time

Also Dawkins is also there because of course

What the fuck even happened?