This man ruined leftism forever, he created sjws, was a pedo...

This man ruined leftism forever, he created sjws, was a pedo, was a post-modernist piece of shit and befriended neoconservatives because marxists kicked out for being a retard.

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People like him were definitely funded by the CIA.

You afford him too much latitude. He got played as a pawn for countering emancipatory currents in continental philosophy, and his teleology can be doubted thoroughly; however, he is hardly a unique agent in those respects, he ended up getting run about like any great number of similar theorists.

Postmodernism was just the death rattle of western leftism as it had existed up until that point. Makes sense that its leaders would betray it in the end. Still he made some good fucking points, especially early on before he turned traitor.

This man ruined leftism forever, he created sjws, was an opportunist, was a revisionist piece of shit and befriended neoliberals because marxists kicked out for being a retard.

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i don't like him because Jordan Peterson told me not to like him

whoops forgot flag


mautist detected

Do you people even know what this means?
Post modernist movements are literally anything post-ww2 essentially
So if you hate post-modern movements you basically hate everything 1945

It also denotes a particular way of thinking, a turn to a sort of hard idealism with neutered politics and rejection of “grand narratives”.

sjws are more likely to embrace communism than reactionaries ever will.. that's your cards, play them or fold.

Postmodernists stand largely in opposition to communism and effectively act as “socially progressive reaction” if such a term makes any sense.

They won't. These are people who know about communism and know about Marxism to a fair extent but are still anti-communist liberals at the end of the day. It seems to me that reactionaries who are ignorant of Marxist theory are more likely to convert than people who know about the theory but still reject it.

Believe me, thousands of hours have been spent by communists on Twitter and other platforms trying to convert liberals with little to no avail.

Postmodernist Marxism is just another name for neoliberalism. They're as bad as Nazis. No I'm just saying I don't think the civil rights movement, pro choice movement or even the gay rights movement is something that is going away. The leaders are often bourgeoisie shills, but their activists and sympathizers are 90% Mensheviks. Even the Bolsheviks needed Mensheviks. It's the transgender alien rights and style of activism which makes communism and actual equality activists look bad.

I saw results. I still see them. Though there has been fading out of fear of Trumpism and increased attacks on communism. In fact most Republicans I know suddenly became old school commie haters. They psychologically relate antifa to anti Trump and communism. Maybe increasing the intensity of the polemics against capitalism will help give it another bump?

I think there's a difference between generic boomer Republicans and younger alt-right-esque Republicans. Those who are younger are more reacting according to what the American education system told them about communism, often half-remembered and cliché-ridden. There's also a difference between ignorance, learned and otherwise, and conscious rejection of communism. While neither offers a particularly fertile field, the former could at least offer better results than the latter.

I was a liberal, now I'm not. You can thank YouTube communists for that. Reading comments on secular talk videos are part of what eventually brought me here. That and my own curiosity.

Good point. I honestly don't know the best approach. I think in all earnesty the petit bourgeois present a bigger obstacle than the liberals and alt right combined provide assistance. Theoretically speaking, gathering support from both liberals and the alt right can't overcome the authority of the petit bourgeois calling for military action against a popular communist movement. Their support, the bourgeoisie, the moderate's silence and reactionaries give the military legitimacy in acting with impunity. Even if they only carry a 25% majority. It's a big problem preventing historical advancement.

Twitter is worthless, demographics are semi-worthless. Put out pamphlets and shit. Clean up, go door to door and be a hero. Stuff like that. Spread the word at work and explain yourself clearly - one thing I've been surprised by is how willing people (who don't already have things against me personally) are to listen to ideas in real life.

The alt-right draws most of its support from the petit bourg. The problem is that in America there are tons of proles who have been made to adopt petite bourg politics due to their housing , employment, and retirement situations. This entire country is beyond saving. The boomers and the suburbanites (of all ages) will continue murdering people until the depression/recession and subsequent war (started by the American state of course.) America is going to go out like Nazi Germany I'm afraid.

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Most offensive thing about this.

First as tragedy then as farce

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no, they are a specific bourgeois outlook.

post modern is an era of history not an ideology

No, it's an epistemic and ontological interpretation.

not even close

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does anyone besides white men complain about sjws?


Who else would, idiot? Do you think people in Africa have sjws? Do you think Africans post here? What about Asians? Look at the countries who post here and in general, they are overwhelmingly white. Facts are that white people are the ones complaining and talking about everything, because they tend to have access to the internet, are around sjws/exposed to them/, and tend to speak English. Good bait post if you arent actually retarded.

Lmao fucking niggers

Reactionary doesn't mean bad guy. Most SJWs do not advocate a rollback to a "better time" or an earlier mode of production, with the exception of the crazy decoloniality ones. They are just liberals, that is bad enough on itself.

Defenders of the status quo are also reactionary.


yup, this is what you guys really wanna say. so how is this board any different from Zig Forums?

Yeah no shit. Sjws are reactionaries. Giveen a choice between revolution and more female ceos, they will pick more female ceos.

Shut the fuck up. Seriously you fucking americans are a joke.

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Truthful, just because you guys are "commies" doesn't change my views at all. Yes, you are in fact an idiot if it surprises you that white people have opinions, and thusly being around white people exposes you to white peoples opinions. Not my fault anyone here is retarded, and that doesnt make me a "western chauvinist". Seriously what is with people trying to argue with my posts? I respond to bait too often. It's a curse that stems from boredom.

uh yeah it does. it makes you capitalist trash

and you right wing trash should be hanging from a tree

My argument is that socialism had a chance in my country before you guys became the offical mascots around here.
It's not even your fault after all, it's americans that are telling us how to act because they have 0 understanding on how society works. You have to understand how hard your generation of niggers (because you are that, not worthy of anything else but being a nigger) is hurting the hard working black proletarian world wise.
Basically less gold and gibs, more work lazy fucking scab

Unless there is discount at kfc right? Get fucked

No u

this post is un-fucking-believable. is there a mod or something that can ban you?

Plenty complain about identity politics on the left. For example, your analysis at is merely idealistic, betraying exactly why identity politics is so opposed. Then again, based on your language, I think you're probably just a Zig Forums false-flagger.

Literally why? You are saying is wrong from your american prespective, why should be wrong for everyone?
Why you burger fucks get to choose what it's wrong and what is not?

how can you be left when you use outlandishly racist language and have this much disdain for oppressed peoples

i think it's because you're not, and you're just here to trick impressionable kids whose boss is mean to them

No he didnt stfu incel