Left-wing prageru

When will leftypol finally decide to get an overt propaganda outlet for normies like prageru?
no that illiterate muke doesn't count

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Ain't easy to be dishonest as them.

When marxists get the same funding as right-wing think tanks.

Also this.

I don't even know what I would lie about.

Suggestions for content?

Ceaușescu did nothing wrong: here's why.
USA is worse than nazi germany

Well it's for brainlets, so maybe some bull about computer games, getting rid of pay to win, DRM, micro transactions and gulaging the CEO's of EA, ubisoft and activision.
That will get the attention of teen boys, girls are harder as they are inherently reactionary, maybe promise them free makeup and tampons after the revolution.

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The videogame stuff was already made but yugopnik or something like that.
Make something about architecture or life in ex socialist states compared to the usa

its called TYT

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The medium is the message. It won't work. OF COUUUURRRSE

And what for? Prager🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧U🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 broadcasts towards neocon echochamber, just like most things on the internet - not really being a propaganda outlet, because it changes noone's opinion in fact. Leftist youtubers, at least, have some exposure to people who aren't already them.


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Basic concepts and ideas. I mean averge american't thinks that socialism is government doing stuff. Videos that would explain that socialism is not taxes and government doing stuff and other basic concepts would be a good start. Later would be good some debunking of common myths. Then analysis of damage done by capitalism.

Something should really made a PragerU parody with defending Ceaușescu or something, that's fucking hilarious.


y'all better learn to do motion graphics in After Effects

Not Prager U but want to post this anyway cuz Feels on topic


These peoples ideology is literally NeoNazi Islamism

What? Women almost universally poll further to the left of men and actually vote to the left of men in elections.

Then expose USA as the satanic plot to rule the world and how the KKK is in control of every business. Just to match the aspect for PragerU.

that isn't dishonest tho

women are the ultimate reactionary capitalists because they always be shopping

clarify misconceptions of leftist concepts such as

Didn't Muke try that for a bit but he stopped because he got tired of getting BTFO by M-L's for being a LeftCom faggot?

there's a million videos about this

I like the idea, but there aren't many channels with good production quality that would appeal to the average viewer.

there are already a billion videos of that sort. the problem is the entire media, education system, etc is working to actively put down socialism

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Left wing viewa are suppressed by corporate cappie stites like YouTube. So never.

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Pragure U also has billions of dollars worth of funding.

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Mary Elle would never support PragerU.

Btw if anyone intends to do a communist parody of it, it should be called PragerOUR

I died

never do this again

i think that poster is ironically making fun of the idea that "women are inherently reactionary"

Lol, yes

Nobody believes PragerU bullshit that isn't already a neoconservative mutt.

It's true.
Two-thirds of the U.S. gross domestic product GDP comes from retail consumption.
Women account for 85% of all consumer purchases
Teen girls consider shopping as their favourite pastime.
Women prefer democrats over republicans, but that doesn't matter when it comes to ending capitalism. The woman has been subverted by consumerism and will be it's greatest defender in a revolutionary situation.
The only solution is to destroy the modern woman and create a post-woman, a uberwoman.

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How africa is poor because of capitalism not niggers.

How the US using sanctions and a reserve currency as tools for imperialism.

The real reasons why eastern europe is poorer than western europe.

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He's a National Socialist

I'm sure some of you faggots know how to handle video software. So what's stopping you from making propaganda?


I like the idea of self-identifying as Stalinist more and more.

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He has also called himself a utopian-anarchist, lol.
But who knows, maybe he's a utilitarian-right-accelerationist-anarcho-transhumanist. I mean, in praxis thats sort of what he looks like. Or just a liberal.