Nationalism is the Path to Honor and Virtue

For a white man to be an anti-semite today means to be a devoted warrior against the materialist, Marxist current that puts money before, virtue and the highest sentiments worthy of human nature. Simultaneously, to be an anti-semite is to be a martyr and defender of one’s nation, of the rights and institutions that, together with the spirit of liberty, contribute to the progress of a nation. An anti-semite fights not only against kikes, but also against those Judaized people who support them. To be a nationalist is to be anti-semetic. Sieg heil

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Nationalism is the Path to classcuckolding.

go back to playing DnD and shooting heroin you bitch ass nerd

Class doesn’t matter, race matters. The bourgeoisie, as troublesome as they may be, are racial compatriots who must work within the framework of the national organism for the good of all, a truly national-minded view

I say OP has 10 minutes before getting banned, give me your takes and don't forget to sage

OP is a dumb teen trying to be epic because trans people ruined bowsette for him

2/10 I replied


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Only for you, because you really enjoy get cuck all time.

No. I strike out against the Jews because they are the root of all of our misfortune. Transgender people are a symptom of the disease. They are judaized by nurture but a true Aryan spirit resides within them. To awaken this spirit we must revolutionize ourselves against materialism

They are members of the same race, the same people, the same social organism. A nation is an organic entity. Brothers should not fight brothers

Put that on a tshirt my nig

Enjoy getting porked in the ass by your racial compatriots as they drag your "traditional values" through the dirt, cuckold


But your porkie brother fuck your GF and you instad kill him jerk on it

You do not refute me.

Your argument?

This is the standard fascist view. Nations exist as units, are valid and meaningful collectivities of people and are deserving of allegiance


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Socialism is the only true nationalism (real socialism not Nazi “””socialism””” where you cuck out to porkies) because the workers are the people, and the people are the nation.

Made by Nazbol Gang

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if we're going to be any social unit or organization to the human body, it's the workplace, and the workers are the various parts of the body, with the owner being a bloodsucking leech.
and tapeworms make you lose weight, does that make them any less parasitic?

Why not planets or random communoties
Why 19th century memes?

Communism is the path to ruin. Through rejecting materialism we shall overcome your weak worldview. The force of nationalism has the power to rouse nations

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Forgot flag. Made by Libertarian Nazbol Gang.

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Surplus value doesn’t exist and the LTV is debunked bullshit. The boss is not an exploiter, but a fundamental engine of the economy. All members of a workspace, bosses included, contribute to this process. Communism is mob-rule and disorder

that's right baby no one needs food or water to live, we are astral beings can I get a hell yeah

But it right way to became cuckold literally.

The reason you people hate materialism is because you cannot scientifically prove there is an "international jewish conspiracy" controlling the world. Your world view is faith-based, thus your position is unfalsifiable. All nazis are retarded idealists.

Nationalism and ethnic allegiance is an ancient principle


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idk bud the only thing common to every product and service is human labor

For you, because you totally classcucked

Lmao nice meme. Your glorious Germanic ancestors would have bashed in the head of a guy from the next village over a piece of rotten meat. They would have laughed at being considered part of the same nation as another tribe.

The evidence is everywhere. Jews are the masters over our economy, our press, our social lives. Jews do not organize into global cabals, but are like this by nature. The Jew is sly, vengeful and dirty. For a Jew to eat, they must cheat. The Aryan spirit and the Jewish spirit are fundamentally incompatible. Such is the cause of anti-semitism

then civil wars would literally never happen

Hmmmmmmmm, sounds convincing. Sorry guys I'm a nazi now, woops.

you are a cuckold because you would let porky screw you as long as he waves your national flag. you are also too stupid to realize that everything you dislike is caused by porky and not "cultural marxists" or jews, because despite larping as a revolutionary you swallow boomer propaganda hook, line and sinker. sad.

Athens pride worldwide
Spartan fag

Do families not fight amongst themselves from time to time? Of course they do, but they patch it up in the end. The same is true for nations and people. Come back with better arguments

though this is obviously some local having a lark so I dunno why I'm responding

Why does this stupid cliche filled pasta has so many replies?

Just ignore it guys.

Prove it exists behind your ideology. Pro-tip: you can’t. Value is a meme created by the Jew Marx, he admits it himself.
This is your mind on Judaism. You can believe black is white and up is down

is that why le ebin superior race is divided into so many different nations

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I come here because you are Judaized spiritually. I am not a Marxist and do not pretend. This is a mission with ethnic consequences. I do this in real life as well. The word has to be spread because our race, our nations may perish from this Earth. Without us, who is there that is truly human? No one. The Aryan is the Prometheus who delivered technology, culture and humanity to “humankind” at large

You didnt used to really work ever day?

Why would a group of people be identical across a massive geographic area? Are languages the same across entire countries? No, they differ slightly as dialects. But they can be said to constitute a single language


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Profit is not made by stealing value from muh poor workers. It is made through selling things


But Joseph Stalin not aryan! And soviet proletariat also is not aryan.

As I expected. Jews are part of a shadow cabal that cannot be materially explained. Nazis purposely mystify capitalism to deceive the masses and gain power so they can oppress workers.

who makes the things for sale?

tell you what, you can have this thread where you can autistically screech as much as you please

Stalin brought nothing but death, purges destruction and terror to millions

Value is created by labour, observe comrade Fidel, as I create value by labouring to ensure these fields are suitable for cultivation

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How dishonest. I specifically said that Jews are NOT in a shadowy cabal, but differ from us in ways that naturally create friction whenever Jews and Aryans interact

why does Fidel look so sad?

People who sell things

How to BTFO gommies epic style:

the hypocrisy is palpible

then why do nutsacs constantly blubber about LE SUPPER SEKRIT JOOZ KLUB

Stalin took over russia when it had just a plough and left it with nuclear weapons

OP face reveal

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I can't believe the CEO of Apple personally assembles millions of iPhones by hand daily, what a legend

Do the means justify the ends? It brought Jewish slavery to Russia, the destruction of religion and the monarchy.

He literally uncuck russia.

LARPers and muddlers obscure the truth about the Jew and their methods of operation. Read Codreanu, he was more articulate about the Jews than any other

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what is it with nutsacs and the constant "everything I dislike is jewish". what's it like to have such a one track mind.

You said they are a cabal by nature, and again, this is unexplainable. The jewish conspiracy brings up so many contradictions, which is why you people have to resort to idealism.


Jews and Aryans are naturally antagonistic to each other by nature. Read “You Gentiles” and learn the truth from a Jew

Stalin was a class cuck?

epic meme

Such nebulous concepts. The Jew is concrete, visible and operates openly yet you commies deny this because every major communist leader was Jewish in one way or another (this includes people like Maurice Bishop)

>>2666013 It's cold in Yugoslavia.

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NO!! not the feudalistic slave-like society!! FUCKING GLOBUDISTS

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What is wrong with jews exactly?

He literally uncuck russia from white army nationalists during revolution.

No, you're just schizophrenic and see da joos in everything.

any more tissue thin excuses for genocide?

jews exist, and exist within the corporate and governing structurs of society.
so do christians
so do athiests
so do indians
so do blacked subscribers (e.g. you)
I don't see any conspiracies surrounding them. why? they ain't scapegoats. you brought into a meme. jews are an excuse for you to pin society's failings on, and nothing more.

Their control over our economic, social and political life. Their theiving nature, etc. If the Jew was removed and another alien or anti-national race assumed dominance, this would be just is bad. The Jew is merely an extraordinary example. Remember


You have no idea how fucked you guys are.

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And what evidence do you have for this?

Jews are massively overrepresented across the world in their power. They are not the sole ones “pulling the strings” in our lives, yet constitute a significant source of decadence and anti-nationalism. Judaized individuals (such as your ilk) are much, much, much more numerous

jews, degenerates, fill in the gap. you're a broken record at this point.

Marx name things by its names.

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it's basic social dynamics you moron.
furthermore, jews are often pushed into iintellectual careers and higher education.

Society must be cleansed in order to be reborn and become reinvigorated.

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I am starting to think you are just looking for reasons to hate jews when in all reality you have no reasoning for your hatred of them its completely unjustified

case in point

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Try harder

I see their control and dominance and I react. The West is being colonialized. This is REAL imperialism and colonialism. This is natural liberation

Random quotes and shitty infographics are enough to convince people that the jews want to destroy the world.

You fucking plebs still believe in LTV?

Then why haven't you been paid for the mountain of labor you've wasted learning this bullshit?

LTV is just a way for losers who expect to get paid without offering any value for anyone.


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These truths were learned from reality, observation and experience. The Internet is merely a wading pool for some. The truth is much deeper and requires empirical evidence for Jewish power.

If you fuck arab cuties you are imperialists

Insert doubt.png

Mein gott, how can someone lack this much self-awareness?

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