Crisis in the kremlin thread lads

Crisis in the kremlin thread OGAS edition
ITT: leftypol attempts to play crisis in the kremlin together

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to get things started what difficulty should we play under

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To answer the question normal or easy

to make compromise we shall play on normal

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now that question has been answered who shall the the ussr

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*lead the ussr christ my typing is cancer today
polite sage for going off topic

Gromyko, lets go for a moderate run.

My votes on romanov


the presidum has spoken it seems we shall be lead by tovarisch Gromyko

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now thats settled. how shall we deal with protests in the ddr

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Send in the army to minimize casualties and to prevent liberalization in east germany

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seems the presidum is in favour of sending in the army does anyone else have anything to say or is this the final verdict


the decision has been made the army has been sent in

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let's just not be "ousted" by the neostalinists like last time playing with gromyko
moderate ☭TANKIE☭ism with ogas is the only way

hungary seems to have revolted against socialism how does the presidum responds to this?

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As we did to the GDR; ==NO TANKS==

As tempted as i am to say to run them over with tank do as we did with east germany and send in the army to minimize casualties and stop liberalization

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if we are moderates ourselfs then wouldn't it be convinient to power moderates, and have their government in our side?

the presidum seems overwhelmingly in favour of sending in the army does anyone have anything else to say

it seems someone has spoken against the majority opinion does anyone else agree with this man or shall we send in the army like east germany

as the majority of the presidium seems to vote to control with the army so we've done as such

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As we've heard Tovarisch Gagarin quoted on seeing no sign of god in space shall we capitalize on this and strengthen atheist policies or do we do something completely different

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Strengthen atheist propaganda

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We have no need for gods, we are materialist thinkers!

it seems a chunk of the presidum is in favour of strengthening the fight against religon does anyone have anything else to say about this

Do it

as it seems nobody has anything else to say about this atheist propaganda and anti religious policies have been strengthened

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Would you succ?

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Czechoslovakia has broken away from the line of socialism and has begun mass liberalization how does the presidum respond

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Yet again, send in the troops

Would you?

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Send in the army to restore socialism

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liberalization/reforms will only make harder to achieve ogas latter

Take it and leave

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WOuld you succ this?

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Send in Army

the presidum has decided to send in the army once again

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we have brought up with either allowing more freedom to privately own business or idea of implementing ==OGAS== inb4 everyone and their mother choses OGAS

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We'll the answer is pretty obvious No?
Even if taking the two OGAS techs blocks the other tech path at the start you still have the option to unlock it later anyhow

Bump because of accidental sage

an practically everyone demands for OGAS does anybody has anything else to say

The presidum has spoken onwards to OGAS onwards to communism!

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as the space race has calmed down should we follow the Americans and resolve the space race and make peace or should we set out to plant the scarlet banner on the red planet

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Continue the space race peacefully To the red planet!

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how's the budget and living conditions?, can we afford going to mars?, if yes then continue it

Peaceful space race.

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there should be 650 in the reverse as implementing automation took 50 off our budget

the presidum seems in favour to continue the space race peacefully does anybody have anything else to say

as nobody else has spoken the space race shall be continued

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It seems the shah has been overthrown should we support communist rebels or do we co-operate with the Iranians

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Support Islamic socialism

support communist rebels


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Support communist rebels


part of the presidum asks for cooperation but the other part of the presidum asks to support communist rebels the presidum is divided

with a 3/5 vote in the presidum communist rebels where supported with less than satisfactory results

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fug was just about to change my vote because the succdem was in support

it seems a idol by the name of vladimir vysotsky has created songs immensely popular with our youth the problem is that he criticizes the party massively do we allow him to continue criticize us in the hopes his criticism could help improve the party or arrest him?

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Critisim can be useful to help improve the party allow him to continue


in an ironic twist of events the rose calls for vladimir to be banned while the ☭TANKIE☭ is perfectly fine with allowing criticism of the party also the presidum is divided

Helping party

the presidum has decided to allow him to continue with his criticism

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poland seems to be under heavy strain due to economic crisis and protest have broken out as a result how does the presidum respond?

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also just saying i have to sleep now comrades its 1am here and i should go catch some sleep see you tomorrow lads

thread will continue tomorrow lads

Use army

same, have a good night

Send in the army

u cheeky bastsrd :D

not dis time!

send in the army

cheers m8

Sleep tight tovarisch

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stay comfy, stalin

Stay comfy, Stalin


Send in the tanks to eradicate all liberalism!

Stay comfy, Stalin

Comfort and warmth is bourgeois.
Stay comfy, Stalin

Noice, love that we're playing this again.

Also OP you should use the name field so we can pick you out of the other posts.

Oh and it might be a good idea if we all pick flags

Che is mine.

i bags lenin hat


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I call dibs on Albania.

OP here the thread is back on baby!
also as pan african poster said i will just call my self op so everyone can tell me out of other posts

and kicking it off from last time the presidum demands to send in the army

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it seems a little girl from america has sent us letter with good intent how does the presidum respond?

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Invite and recruit her
Also good morning tovarisch

Goor morning comrade!

Invite and recruit, she will be a valuable asset in spreading socialism in the west

invite and recruit her

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