Trump rips Dems’ embrace of 'Medicare for all': ‘The centrist Democratic Party is dead’

"The new Democrats are radical socialists who want to model America’s economy after Venezuela," writes President Trump.

President Trump on Wednesday attacked Democrats over their embrace of "Medicare for all," writing in an op-ed for USA Today that the plan would threaten seniors and likening the single-payer plan to radical socialism.

"The Democrats' plan means that after a life of hard work and sacrifice, seniors would no longer be able to depend on the benefits they were promised," Trump wrote. "In practice, the Democratic Party’s so-called Medicare for All would really be Medicare for None. Under the Democrats' plan, today’s Medicare would be forced to die."

Democrats have promised that the Medicare for all plan would improve health-care benefits for seniors and other U.S. citizens. The plan would also expand Medicare to cover almost everyone, Democrats have said.

But Trump wrote that Democrats' preference for the single-payer health-care system shows that the "centrist Democratic Party is dead."

"The new Democrats are radical socialists who want to model America’s economy after Venezuela," he wrote.

The op-ed comes about a month ahead of November's midterm elections, when health care will likely be an important issue for voters.

"If Democrats win control of Congress this November, we will come dangerously closer to socialism in America," Trump wrote. "Government-run health care is just the beginning. Democrats are also pushing massive government control of education, private-sector businesses and other major sectors of the U.S. economy."

"Every single citizen will be harmed by such a radical shift in American culture and life. Virtually everywhere it has been tried, socialism has brought suffering, misery and decay," the president added.

The op-ed also comes after Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) made similar criticisms on Tuesday of Medicare for all, saying that it shows that the Democratic Party has “gone off the rails."

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Here's the actual article by Trump

If only

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I wonder how these people will react when actual socialists start getting popular. They already abused the word so much, I don’t think they will even be able to describe what genuine socialists even are.

I can't wait till they start throwing the word communist around at everyone, once that gets normalised the stage will be set perfectly according to the script.


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"White" Americans look like Chavez anyway so it's not hard to transition

God you're right, his skin colour in the poster is exactly the same as the amerimutt

Is it just me or is Trump starting to harp about "socialists" a lot lately? I wish we were as widespread as Trump says

the amerimutt meme is the best thing to ever happen on 4chan, even if it was probably done by euro/pol/ dipshits

He's probably gearing up for the right-wing death squads. I'm sure he could actually just fucking censor socialists too, and the democrats will just play along with it. Essentially, Trump has the popularity and power to essentially commit genocide on anyone who he and porky doesn't even like.

Don't be so melodramatic, yes fascism is a threat but were not quite there yet. Socialists are still so small and few in number that active brutal repression would do more harm than good to the status quo.
This is just because of the upcoming elections spooking the republicans a little so they're telling Trump he's in danger and he should do a little red baiting against the dems, Obama's a commie again etc.

Do right wingers really believe that the democrats are radical socialist?

Yes. The American conception of politics begins and ends with a dial that goes from "less gubmint" to "more gubmint". The more gubmint you have the sociistier you are.

I don't mind his social views, his economics are gay retarded though.

At least he acknowledges the Democrats are the centrist party.

If only, but seriously what do I vote for? Is there any Eugine V. Debs or cybercom gang types running for office in my state of MD?

Now we only have to set up all the other euros against the poles and each ethnicity against each other again to break up white nationalism.

Remember that right-wingers literally think that communists have a large foothold in American universities and that socialism is the government doing anything but invading countries.

they think anal sex is socialist

He literally said he could kill someone in the middle of a New York street and still win. Evangelicals think that despite him fucking a Porn Star that it isle happy merchant meem's Chosen Gentile and Right-tards love that he owns the libs.

Let me put it to you this way: I've already heard right-wingers call the democrat Kavanaugh opposers commies.

More like Commiecrat

It's pure fucking insanity. Right-wingers call democrats and corporations like Google communist for being rainbow capitalists. Democrats are starting to call Trump a communist for populist anti-technocrat rhetorics. This is going to bite them in the ass so fucking hard.

The question is could I shoot him in the middle of DC do I still win?
Yes. It's not even a question as It's completely irreverent to the communist goal.

Evangelical's will be mass murdered during the revolution.

Absolute STATE

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Fucking lol you are now witnessing America becoming explicitly fascist in fast forward.

The time when you come to realize that fascism IS here is when you've already been hunted and killed for your internet history. Seriously, it's only going to spiral rapidly from here on.

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Burger Mainstream Political Parties red-bate each other all the time. Remember this article was written only a year ago.

Most Evangelicals don’t actually like the Jews, they just think Israel is a necessary element in bringing about the apocalypse. Because a good chunk of American fundamentalist Protestants are a fucking doomsday cult.

yes, please

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they love jews. and israel.

what fucking planet are you from

They love Israel because they think it’s existence is nessicary for the rapture,which would be a period of hell on earth, followed by the return of Jesus to Earth where he would spear the beavers from the destruction, but the non-beleavers (everyone who isn’t a batshit insane evangelical, including Jews) will be sentenced to hell.

His title is him quoting himself.


This kind of shit aims to propagandize liberals into associating socialism with autocrat dictator evil stalin muh holodomor :( since that's what the MSM has been hammering to them about DRUMPF since 2015.

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America already has death squads. We call them police.


Most evangelicals don't even think that far ahead. Your average rank and file evangelical probably believes in the whole "judeochristian" meme and sees American support for Israel as a natural extension of it. I wonder how many will kill themselves when America loses its empire?

Repiblicon power holds are already fragile, once evangelicals are usurped, you can bet your ass they'll drink the punch en masse to avoid punishment. They're hypocrites and only think of themselves, so they'll go out like the cowards they are.

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The Fundamentalists (I don’t like the term “Evangelical” it’s too broad) obsess over the apocalypse, the fuck are you on about?

Can someone explain me this vuvuzuela meme? I mean why the word "vuvuzela"? Is it just a way in which one parodies the typical right wing response when someone says nice things about socialism?

It’s just changing it into another word to mock it that sounds similar. Just like free speech >>> muh freezepeach

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atleast spell the enemy properly, i know we get it youre getting paid by your peublican overlords

I can't wait for Democrats to take control of government again then go 4 to 8 years without accomplishing anything.

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This, For the worst Christian sect ever.

Marx and Engels even mention conservatives doing this in the Communist Manifesto, which they wrote in 1847.

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