Why are communists in particular such vicious, evil, sadistic people? They make Islamofascists seem merciful.
Why are communists in particular such vicious, evil, sadistic people? They make Islamofascists seem merciful.
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It's a disgusting ideology.
Right wingrers
Also right wingers
There's killing your political enemies and then there is doing things like those described on that site.
Very different IMO.
That was during the world war II period.
Many things happened during that period.
Yugoslavia was later know as one of the better parts of the USSR as it adopted market socialism.
Also going to need some receipts about your Romania statement.
Yeah what about all the Yugoslavian kids who were killed by the SS death squads you faggot?
I don't give a fuck about fascist and fascist sympathizers, especially when they kill thousands of people and then turn around and start crying victim when the victims take it upon themselves to get revenge after the war.
So if you see a Danube Swabian in an SS uniform kill him. Beat him up, whatever. Enemy combatants are fair game. But how is a 9 year old girl a fascist?
The Soviets did the exact same shit. Raping children. I never hear about the Nazis doing shit like that. In fact the Wehrmacht committed far less rape than the American military in WW2.
That isn't what you said in your OP. The Romanians had already switched sides when they declared them enemies.
Because revolution and war are merciless.
Yeah they were too busy doing everything else you fucking retard.
I never implied that they didn't. I said that the Romanian government before the Soviets took over had recognized them as enemies.
fuck off you historically illiterate retard
"In the recordings one junior German officer boasted in October 1944 about what he and his men did to a woman they thought was a Russian spy…
“We beat her on the ts with a stick, clobbered her on the a* with a pistol, then all eight of us f* her, then we threw her outside and shot at her. And as she lay there, we threw grenades at her. Every time one of them landed near her body, she screamed.”
Wow, one case of rape that was an anomaly. Totally justifies the 2 million German women raped by communists, the hundreds of thousands of Polish, Hungarian and Romanian women raped by communists and the Jewish women recently freed from concentration camps raped by communists.
Bitch if I risked my life and won the war you're goddamn right I'd rape women and take all their stuff.
It was systemic you retard I only chose that as one example but obviously you don't have a brain.
I heard the russians raped 100 million women. How dare you mock the 200 million women raped by communists? I bet you don't even recognize the 500 million ukrainians killed by the je-I mean bolsheviks in the Holodomor.
Explain to me how what you're doing is any different from Holocaust denial.
I'm not a /poltard. I realize the Holocaust happened but IMO from an objective standpoint the Soviets/communists committed much worse atrocities.
Ahahahahaha nigga do you read your posts before hitting submit?
Well I don't know about the rest of this board but I personally renounce Stalin and so did Khrushchev after the de-stalinization.
Still it was during WWII, many people died on all sides.
War spoils, son. Sorry kid I don't make the rules.
You're not helping your case.
Well the worst war crime was the holodomor which was when Stalin deliberately starved people in the Ukraine.
However some people justify this by saying that had it not been for that the Ukraine would have broken up with the soviet union during war time.
Just like if lenin had not killed the royal family the white army would have tried to put them back into power.
There were hard decisions but many argued they had to be made because the alternative would have been worse.
But you'll hardly hear of any of that stuff post Stalin, because by then the USSR had already accomplished its goal of defeating Germany and industrialized.
They also acquired nuclear weapons so they could be more at ease.
I think that sort of thing would not repeat itself in the 21st century. I think.
The rest is history
It's by no means justifiable but completely understandable and expected.
Nazis should stop with this playing victim fagotry.
How would Ukraine breaking off from the Soviet Union been worse than the Holodomor?
Well imagine if the US was in the middle of a war and then texas wanted to break off.
There would have to be some kind of action taken.
Still it was a messy period we're past that.
We aren't past it. Not as long as things like BLM and Antifa exist.
Though this thread does seem like a pair of Zig Forumsyps trying to BTFO each other
Like this
Yugoslavia was never part of the USSR dumbass
The US is an advanced capitalist economy with a means to protect itself.
There'd be no need for a Stalin.
In the unlikely event that the US turned communist.
But if it does it won't be because a small group like antifa wanted it but because most of the population wanted it.
It's hardly a fringe position.
One of them is extremely well documented and the other even paid propagandists can't get their story straight.
I have no dog in this fight but it's funny how /pol denies crimes committed by the Nazis and the people here deny crimes committed by the Soviets.
The Holocaust happened and so did the rape of German women and the man made famine in Ukraine. Denying one or the other because you support the side of the perpetrator is partisan and ridiculous.
stop reading nazi sites
There is a difference between "the Soviet dindu nuffin" and "war crimes are being inflated for propaganda purpose"
Stalin did not deliberately starve people. There is no primary source evidence for it which even bourgeois historians admit these days.
Yeah Nazis are much more creative than raping children, like putting a whole village's population in a church and setting it on fire.
Defending the honor of the Wehrmacht to own the libs.
Saying the Ukrainian famine was intended is just pants on head retarded, partisan politics or not. Even anti-Soviet historians and outright Nazis like Solzhenitsyn don't consider it as such. Unlike with the Holocaust, there exists no evidence whatsoever that Stalin intended it as a punitive measure, had any ethnic hatred against Ukrainians or even had any logical reason to starve millions of people in the second most prosperous SSR. It just makes no sense. We don't deny that the famine happened or that mismanagement might've played a hand in it, we deny that it was a product of malice.
In general, the difference is that there is extensive proof of the Holocaust including vast pictorial and archeological evidence as well as proof of intent (Hitler wanted to kill slavs and jews even back when he was writing Mein Kampf). For most alleged communist atrocities, nothing similar exists.
Whenever I'm discussing politics I automatically disregard someone's arguement when they resort to moralitive crutches like the concept of "Evil"
Your entire ideology hinges on that though.
Read Marx
Yeah, I saw that movie too. Did you know that the first name of the director who made that film, Elem Klimov, was an acronym derived from the names of Engels, Lenin and Marx?
On an unrelated note, The old gun, another movie inspired by it is absolutely kino
Love this. Letting that unsupported claim stand in the history books, but covering their asses in a footnote. This is the true power of propaganda.
I really don't think you know what a footnote is friend
Sounds like an unbiased source to me
If the slav-genociding Nazis never invaded Yugoslavia this never would have happened. If the people the Partizans liquidated never joined the Nazis then they wouldn't have been killed.
Only from the perspective of your subjective petty-bourj mind
I don't think there's anyone in this thread that denies Katyn or how some women were raped in Berlin.
What they deny is hysterical anti-communist propaganda and inflated figures not based on any statistical data.
Besides, the victims of Katyn actually had a chance to redeem themselves if they were at least somewhat sympathetic to communism. The victims of Nazi atrocities never had that chance.