What does Zig Forums think of AOC? I lean to the political right and I'm honestly enamoured with her, so I'm wondering what you guys think. I even donated to her campaign!
What does Zig Forums think of AOC? I lean to the political right and I'm honestly enamoured with her...
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Fuck you GI.
What do you mean? This is my first post here so if it's a board in-joke, I don't know it.
Yankee go home!
I'm not American.
Not a socialist. Opportunist
Just another shitty succdem also I'm pretty sure she's infested with severe idpol
kys mutt
Then why the fuck are you posting about her? I see you're new here, but we don't put our weight behind anyone that pretends to be left, we actually have criteria for people.
Yeah you are
I want her to sit on my face.
With all due respect, of course.
Oh, and you don't lean right if you donate to people like her. Stop deluding yourself and just take the real redpill already.
Shit taste in women, just look at all the make-up smeared on her face. Her ass won't make up for her shitty face
Actually if you donate to her you definitely lean to the right cus you're a liberal
I don't doubt that she's an opportunist but will she help your cause or harm it?
As do I, which is why I donated. It's a findomme thing.
She's actually unironically very pretty, with and without makeup.
She's the definition of an opportunist. Now kys and get off my board
I'm pretty sure it's illegal for american politicians to accept campaign donations from foreign nationals, my man. You might wanna make sure yours were above board.
As for what I think of her, I like her well enough. Pushing public discourse further to the left is quite good, and she can help with that. Her views on health care and immigration are better than any democrats.
It's more about her personality than her looks tbh. That, and the fact that she's a latina. Latinos must purge the anglo scum.
I mean, she claims to be a succdem ala Bernie, right? so she can't be classified as a liberal if you take her words seriously.
Disregarding the autists, she is an interesting person in relation to the overall American political system. So I feel instead of outright disregarding her victory, socialists should instead be seeing what she did to win and how that can push Americans to the left. Cause right now, what we really need in this god forsaken country, is some immediate concrete victories for the working class like single payer healthcare, increasing overall net investment, raising income &a other progressive taxes and lowering regressive taxation, and placing capital export controls at major shipping and distribution centers to prevent transnational capital from engaging in capital flight.
succdems are liberals you retard
CIA plant, cares far more about fags and brownz than actual working class people
I gave money to a friend who then donated on my behalf, so I guess that's technically above board. That's a fair view - there's a reason that she creates so much worry from both the right and the centre of the Democratic Party.
As an Anglo, I agree.
Succdem opportunist
Didn't stop hillary from taking saudi money
This is a decent commentary. Even if she was an opportunist, would it matter to you if you still got some tangible results for the working people?
Glad she’s pushing America to the left, but her endorsing Cuomo makes here an opportunist. That fucker needs to die.
t (upstate) New Yorker
I think her being an opportunist is fairly likely, but she's clearly showing lots of people on the right up for what they are, which, even from my perspective on the right, gives her credibility.
That's a retarded new hot take on reality, user. Back in my days, liberalism was aligned with free market and minimum state intervention on the economy.
She literally capitulated on everything like a week after she won the nomination. The two good things she's done since winning is tweet about how military spending should be cut and that climate change is real and needs to solved immediately. However because she's been so willing to collaborate with neoliberals in the party she almost certainly will not do anything about it. Also Chuck Schumer himself called her "the future of the party" and she's now on Obama's list of endorsements which should raise eyebrows of any serious socialist about how true she is
The D,SA will become the American Syriza soon and in doing so will either create the space for a true fascist or a true socialist movement to take hold. It more than likely will be the former
puertoboons are the worst
From what I recon: reformist nonsense.Also she is a social democrat calling herself a socialist. I do not support reform capitalism.
I mean she isn't wrong, conservative "tuff on crime" and "pro-family" policies tend to do the exact opposite
They're weak on bourgie crime, that they are. Bourgie crime is the worst type of crime.
They're weak on family values, because any proper family should force their kids to read marx at age 10.
Although I can't derp myself to defende the "weak on national security". Someone explain that to me, me brainlet.
If she's able to win some basic social programs for the working class then that means not only will workers have more free time to push for further demands, but they will also have a material interest in supporting further leftish candidates in the future. Though, electorialism in my opinion, can only truly succeed when working class organizations and bases of power are being built alongside political stuff. Furthermore, at this time the left doesn't have room to steep itself in purity and sectarianism, we all need to go out and organize amongst and within the working classes - join Democrat Cops of America, set up IWW union chapters, attend housing tenants unions, run Marxists for local office, use referendums in states that have them, set up working class organizations like the Panthers did, ANYTHING concrete. The material and ideological conditions have never been greater, but we'll never be able to demand the full communal ownership of the MOP and cybernetic socialism if we don't win over a mass base beyond 10 intellectuals at your college campus Marxist reading group.
She actually is right. Conservative policies on crime and national security have catastrophically failed, and neocons consider worshiping the needs of capitalism than any traditional values.
Liberalism is a broader ideology than that. Succdems are liberals, neoliberals are liberals. I could go on about the ideology, but to make it simple, anyone who supports liberal democracy could be called a liberal.
Getting "tangible results for working people" should be a means to an end not the end itself. There's a reason every social democracy in Europe is reverting into fascism just like it did in the pre ww2 era. I really don't understand why this board has shifted its focus to incrementalism so much recently, it's honestly extremely disheartening to me.
During 2015-2016 even though there was a pro-bernie part of this board it was very small and even they weren't very on board with turning America into a social democracy and were only supporting Bernie to shift the overton window and INTRODUCE people to further Left ideas than the Democrats. Now though it seems that the majority of this board, even the ☭TANKIE☭s and most smashy anarkiddies, are fine with just voting for Social Democrats and settling for that and it makes me really sad.
I'm not even trying to play purist or whatever I agree with supporting socdems to a point, but there used to always be a caveat of "we need to organize outside of socdem organizations so that if they do win we can mount sustained campaigns to keep pushing them further Left" and also "eventually the welfare programs will be gutted again but this time we will have an organized and class consciouss working class that is ready to fight to get them back and go beyond".
Now I never see any of that whenever I see people voicing the "critical support for succdems" line. It's like all of you have just given up because of how big of an insurmountable task it is to organize in the neoliberal era outside of electoral politcs. And that's fine and I understand it I just thought that maybe I would see a socialist movement in my lifetime, a real one. I never had any illusions about seeing FALC or a "true socialist COUNTRY" mind you, but I at least thought that we could build a movement to raise class consciousness in a significant way that would rival the labor movement of the early 20th Century.
Idk maybe succdemism and ecofascism is the best the working class can do until capitalism obliterates itself and takes all of us with it. Maybe that's the only way any of us will truly be free and we SHOULD just numb ourself with social democracy and neofascism til then.
Idk I'm honestly genuinely sorry if I sound like I'm trying to talk down to any of you because I'm not. Hell knows I should be doing and could've done a lot more myself. If anything I feel like a failure for not starting the movement I wanted to see. But idk it's hard for me to care anymore to and we have been losing for damn long. Maybe the third worldists are right and peasant militias will eventually save us. Idk this is all so tiresome
Anyone who isn’t a Communist or Far-Right is a liberal.
From an outside perspective, it very much seems that the problem with the left at large is sectarianism and infighting. I'm not going to lie, I sit on the right but the way people like AOC and even to an extent Bernie present themselves makes me more inclined to listen to what you lot have to say, whereas if you go in full-force, I'd barely even listen because it just comes across as word salad ideological thought.
Age of consent? Should be lowered.
The GOP is weak on crime by letting Porkies get away with offshoring, as well as Fast Food Companies feeding people poisen. There weak on family values because Modern Capitalism, which the GOP loves makes raseing children supper expensive and causes alienation which turns everyone single. And they are weal on National Security because starting with Nixon, they sold all of America’s Industry to Deng, which is a national security risk.
I understand that and that's why I said I understand supporting figures like Bernie and Ocasio-Cortez to a point, because it does make it a lot easier to unify the Left (although I think Corbyn in the UK did it a lot more successfully and without having to compromise as much with the establishment)
I was really talking to other socialists.
I'm in the UK, and some of the stuff that Corbyn has been putting out is very appealing.
Stuff like this is what pulls people into his ideology.
People who are effective political figures are hard to find, regardless of ideology. We won't deny that the far left is full of boring pedants.
Exactly the issue we have with AOC is that shit is not Corbyn. Corbyn has not sold-out on anything of import: he is anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, and hasn't tried to sell-out (if anything he has grown more radical since 2015). You saw "Our Town", right? That ad actively shits on the New Labour years as the same as Thatcher or now. That is proper stuff, not endorsing CIA Democrats.
I agree wholeheartedly with you, and did not mean to imply that getting tangible results for the working class was an end in itself. I was just stating that the left cannot demand socialism without having a mass base of support yet. To get to a point where we can overcome social democrats we must first be on the front lines so to speak, leading the charges for concrete demands that would immediately benefit the working class (affordable housing, health care, cancelation of all debts, using referendums to abolish wage-la… exploitation, increasing investment to bring back industry, etc). By winning mass support through this way, then we'd be able to propose socialist demands, though I think this time around it should be a little more gradualist similar to the Bennite Left of the British Labor Party in the 1970's. But that's not to say that a revolutionary situation couldn't occur while this is being built up which a socialist movement would be able to seize upon.
People on the left tend to forget that the Bolshevik strategy leading to the October Revolution was to flood the party with working-class members and articulate their demands through easy to understand and popular slogans like "Bread, land and peace". They also had wide spread factory committees, newspapers, army support, distribution of basic goods, and other major working class organizations that gave them the mass base they needed to take down the Provinicial Government.
She is a massive opportunist and an imperialist. Fuck her.
I want to knock her up and then cut off all contact with her whatsoever.
We truly do live in a society
She's a fucking retard and/or a fed and I'm not actually sure which would be worse tbh.
no thanks
Lol people ITT are really defending this snake. Americans are so fucking desperate. The only salvation for your country is through nuclear fire.
he endorsed basically everyone it means nothing. just oppose her for being a succdem
The response to 9/11 literally made us less safe
oh shit, this is too funny
i am sorry but she sounds in some interviews like she doesnt know anything shes talking about
shes got her heart in right place thou
the real indictment of the system is when you talk to politicians regularly and realize they all sound that fucking retarded without a script and advisors 24/7. conor lamb is literally too stupid to breath without someone whispering in his ear to remind him to, it's pathetic
ignore the flag
Looks like a fucking horse
Op pic is shopped.
And that's why you anons need to stop using burger language. Shit gets retarded. That goes for you too,>>2679259
I mean, tru.
social liberal, good indicator of how far to the right the US is based on reactions to her. I'm actually fine with her calling herself a socialist because fuck it if Elon Musk can call himself socialist anyone can, those that are followers of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, etc. should be calling themselves communist anyways, you won't catch Elon Musk or Bernie Sanders calling themselves communists. It's like what Slavoj Zizek said
wtf i hate communism now
I thought she was in improvement, but after pic related, I'm not so sure.
honestly this was probably the one scandal with her i didn't care about. it just reads like overcompensating because you're being redbaited. it does make her a huge pussy though
chill out dude they have to say this shit
fallen from grace, if she actually stood for the things she campaigned on i'd like her better. But, the second she is questioned on it he pussed out.
tl'dr class traitor
You have wasted your money, then.
AOC supports Cuomo.