We should petition to remove copy right laws or put term limits on content; 7 years.
We could then fairly use music after 7 years on youtube videos.
Create content with our favorite character mash ups.
Generic xboxs, playstations, nintendo, ect…
Halo tangent from Halo 3.
Download what ever we want after the 7 years is up…
Repeal Copy Right Law
Its easier to break laws than change them
Then teach people it's possible. Make the God king bleed.
Getting rid of IP laws would be enough to crash capitalism immediately. A lot of companies are based on people licensing (renting the rights to use) their IP, from tech businesses to pharmaceutical companies to entertainment. Anything that would pose a real threat to the protections of copyrights or patents would get squashed by the likes of Bayer, Disney, and Microsoft.
Drug manufacturers lose their patents after 7 years.
And in that time they make fistfuls of money. Relaxing IP laws could set a precedent that threatens them so it's in their interests to fight such a thing.
Music industry faggot here. I fucking HATE copyright law, it's really making doing promotion in the internet age a fucking nightmare because major labels love to copyfraud everything, I've long held that at most, Copyright should be 14 years, preferably 7, within a Capitalist system. There is very little economic argument for Copyright to be longer than 7 according to several studies I read a few years back.
good luck with that
You can't copy right the shape of objects can you??? why ideas?
What about the robot Scarlet Johanson some guy made? Copyright?
Yes mr. liberal I'm sure mr. capitalist will let us do this.
The only way to get rid of copyright is to get rid of capitalism.
Nah, 0 years.
Coz main reason - movies, games and music did not get better with time anymore, and consumers will prefer use old content for free than buy new.
Confirmed for virgin
No, I didn't do some of this. :3
Intellectual property is a meme and a great reason why we need a better economic system. They'll just keep extending it perpetually, nobody gives a shit.
People like you are one of the biggest enemies to the left.
>free market ending capitalism will fix it!
Incrementalism doesn't work
Idea: all of an artist’s work becomes public domain within a week after their death.
That sounds very sensible, but vested interests, which are not simply well-connected with mainstream media, but identical with that, will do everything to prevent any shortening of copyright terms, so you might as well go full communist revolution.
? A patent lasts twenty years.
I think death ending copyright is a worse idea than just a short copyright term which can be sold and resold while it lasts. Just think about an old geezer artist trying to get hired for a project.
IP is a spook.
Abolish copyright now