"oh salo feel sorry for me i was starved by soviets 5 times! no 7 times!

"oh salo feel sorry for me i was starved by soviets 5 times! no 7 times!
no 1000 times! no 1,0000000,000000 times!
holodomor was a fiction by Ukrainian nationalists to blame Russians

and also Stalin did nothing wrong.

Attached: 49_main.jpg (380x250, 16.43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

lefty.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=ukraine translation_request

Holodomor didn't happen but it should have.

You're preaching to the choir here, buddy.

kulaks slaughtered millions of farm animals and wasted the meat on purpose to prevent the soviets from seizing it

Even if you are the biggest liberal on the planet, attributing the Ukrainian famine to malice is beyond retarded. It means you literally believe that Stalin drank all the rain to kill millions of G*d-chosen Ukrainian people just because he was cartoonishly evil and enacted genocide as a hobby.

I fucking lol'd at that.

He used a really long straw.

Why would Stalin want to starve Ukriane in the first place? None of the Soviet documents implied that and quite suggest the opposite.

Because muh ebul Russians obviously oppressed everyone else in the Soviet Union nevermind the fact that Stalin was Georgian.

No reason whatsoever. Why would Stalin want to starve millions of people in the second most prosperous Soviet Republic in a period of intense industrialization? The official narrative is that he wanted to "crush Ukrainian nationalism". Was the NKVD too inept to just target nationalist leaders directly instead of killing millions and hoping to get the right people? Was Stalin too retarded to realize that famine would intensify nationalism tenfold, and mostly fail to hit nationalist orgs that would have underground supply lines?

Literally the only reason you might believe the famine was orchestrated, is because you bought the Ukrofascist narrative that Stalin just irrationally hated Ukrainians for being too white and freedom-loving. Nothing else adds up.

Also remember Capitalists did the same thing during The Great Depression but they did it to keep up their profit margins.

7 million estimated deaths due to American Famine during Great Depression
Is this legit?

lol the first place I heard about it was Alex Jones waaaaaaaaaay back when he talked about how Stalin had troops go into Ukraine and go into EVERY SINGLE HOUSE and take all the food and have them stave.

They still do that. They kill milk cows to keep milk prices high.

A*ex J*nes did episode on that.

The Soviet union denied the existence of any famine. now most stalinists have abandoned that position. Regardless, I don't see how people who claim the legacy of Stalinism think they have any credibility to talk about what "actually" happened now.

There's also the fact that if Stalin had wanted to crush Ukrainian nationalism he probably would have dealt with them the same way he dealt with other nationalities he thought were untrustworthy and just deported a bunch of them to Siberia for a decade or so.



Holy shit, never expected a decent take from InfoWars on anything ever.

No they didn't gas that many and the true victims of the holocaust were communists and political enemies, the holocaust is used as a propaganda tool by zionist

The researcher seems to be fairly honest in the interview, it's a very valid line of investigation that is never pursued. How many people have starved to death at various points in US history? With the depression and the dustbowl, it wouldn't be shocking if it was in the millions in that time.

No they didn't, the soviet archives show that the politburo was aware and concerned about a famine in Ukraine and other areas

they denied it existed in public.

I've heard that Stalin rejected "no-strings-attached" emergency food aid from FDR during the famine? Is there more to that story, or is at indefensible as it sounds?

It's definitely incorrect to call it a totally natural phenomenon, seeing as the USSR was exporting grain. It was largely avoidable, though you could argue how much of that was a necessary evil to fuel industrialization for the inevitable war. And some policies were just unjustifiable and cruel like punishing farmers for gleaning. Though obviously the "suppressing Ukrainian nationalism" narrative is bullshit for a number of reasons.

Attached: sovietfamine.jpeg (1500x1832, 743.65K)

Peasants generally had excess reserves of grain just in case shit hit the fan and they needed emergency food to sustain themselves. Drought+Stalin's policy of forced grain extraction in order to achieve rapid industrialization definitely caused a famine. He didn't wanna kill those folks but he definitely was a retard.


Even if the researcher isn’t right, the “despair deaths” of the Depression had to be large. Just look at the mortality consequences of the Great Recession

Didn't happen, 'no-strings-attached' my ass.
The USA and Uk were the ones who enforced he golden Embargo in the first place

literally read this:

Attached: holodomor meme.png (500x651, 126.54K)

Reminder that Zig Forums will literally say that no one died in detention / concentration camps despite all the fucking evidence + evidence of premeditation to do it (labelling of Jews / Gypsyies / Slavs as sub-humans etc) but will call a Natural famine that occurred in a region prone to famines a "jooish genocide to kill wyatt Europeans" despite no evidence of pre meditation existing

Holy fucking shit this shouldn't be as funny as it is

Attached: Ukraine before, during and after USSR.jpg (604x377, 90.34K)

Attached: УСР и украина.jpg (888x410, 50.74K)

kulaks turned me vegan. and gay.

More like ClassWars

stalin literally paid the clouds not to rain you fucking authoritarian evil communist tyrants.

the black book of communism and the cia research that was done during the cold war clearly say so.

Attached: голод ссср.jpg (600x500, 48.75K)

translate pls

#3 is the original 3,500 kilocalorie picardia meme, the other two are translated on leftybooru. type in the tag translation_request and ukraine and the images will come up. The translation is down in the comments

lefty.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=ukraine translation_request

Zig Forums considers the whole USSR a part of the zionist conspiracy . I've seen some "memes" ( really just propaganda) by them where they claim the Judeo-bolshevik leaders of the USSR killed 20 million white christians.

Attached: Stalin did nothing wrong.jpg (320x480, 25.83K)

I literally never heard an actual explanation of why da joos would want communism when they supposedly rule the world with banking and usury, something that is abolished under communism.

ask anarchists, they can "explain"

Please explain to me as i am genuinely curious

bakunin believed that marxism was created by the rothchilds because he was butthurt that marx bernie'd him at the first international


You're hilarious. People are not their ideology's founders. Jews are perfectly fine as long as they don't harm us.




Can't tell if this post is a parody

heh heh. y'know jimbo, the western "allies" literally prohibited the USSR from using gold for external trade and demanded it should export grain instead

just a bit of friendly banter comrade, dont get your nipples in a twist over it