Venezuela Is A Shithole Thread

- Nathan J Robinson

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friendly reminder maduro is a jew

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is it bad I wouldn't mind living in Venezuela if the opposition wasn't currently trying to burn people alive?

Bring a flame thrower

So was Castro by Zig Forums standards

it's not a meme maduro admitted it

idk about castro tbh i don't care

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mummy looking like a crackhead

This makes perfect sense to polyps some how.

Does anyone know if she has any Armenian heritage?

maduro is lining his pockets living high off the hog while spouting socialist rhetoric like all good jews do

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He's more Jew than Fauxcahontas is Cherokee.

it's not a conspiracy, it's just the jewish sociopath genes surfacing, as they always do

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A jewish politician makes money, the most ultrarich are jews.

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Marxism is not about "equality".

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He was democratically elected. The opposition have been boycotting elections specifically to justify and possibly provide a catalyst for a military coup and/or US invasion. They’re all-but-openly in league with Western and especially American imperialists and know full well that modern imperialist rhetoric revolves around “human rights” and “democracy” and thus it’s important to portray the PSUV government as some oppressive dictatorship. But have no doubt that in the black hearts of the opposition, they desire a military junta and American occupation to facilitate a neoliberal looting of the country. They have no interest in these sacred liberal values beyond their worth as political currency for imperialism. This is the point of the elections boycott scheme they’ve been pursuing, they might have even won power had they participated, but they don’t want to slog through the democratic process, they want neoliberal dictatorship.

There’s good evidence of corruption and incompetence on the part of the PSUV, but the opposition are worse by a long fucking shot, and you do no one any service by legitimizing the opposition by calling the PSUV government a dictatorship.

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Maduro is literally Democratically elected
ill concede he likely would not be in power if not for the opposition boycotting the elections and referendums
but the goal of the "Democratic opposition" is not a election but a US backed Fascistic coup

I don't know how much truth media tells about Venezuela. There were few posters some time ago from Venezuela answering questions, and while things are bad, they are not as bad as the media says. It should be noted that Cuba, Vietnam,Laos,China and even North Korea are doing quite well given the circumstances.


I laugh every time

I think it's time to let the chinese be the global superpower, they can't do any worse than this
My country has been making deals to significantly boost trade, everyone in their right mind sees where the wind is blowing

Eh, be careful in giving China too much of a benefit of the doubt. Their Ruling Class appears to be more competent and "efficient" but they're still capitalists. Usually when a country goes full imperialism, as China inevitably will do if it takes the lead on the global stage unless Xi really is interested in making the CPC socialist again which at this point looks like a no-go, or unless the "New Chinese Left" prevails in reforming the party and doing Cultural Revolution 2.0 which is a possibility but a longshot it usually becomes gradually more and more unhinged and does stupider and stupider shit while the homeland deteriorates.

That being said, it's hard for me to imagine China thinking exporting Burger King at the expense of free healthcare, education, relative peace among the society, suppression of religious reactionaries, and so on is a good deal

Trump did great things - he pressure China economy that makes for them troubles already. If coming crisis hit really hard they may did no have other choice than restore socialism and planned economy or collapse.


Did he run for office on a no-toilet paper platform?

Hmm… It's just the old days when europeans was colonialists, only not europeans and even worse in many ways.

What crisis would that be?