What does Zig Forums think about brain size disparities in sex and race? Males have larger brains than females, and whites have larger brains than blacks, on average.
I was banned about a week ago for posting this on the basis of "Zig Forums baiting". I dont know how to make this topic less bait-like in nature, but I suspect the ban was more to do with silencing inconvenient truths than genuine moderation. I am curious to know your thoughts.
But I know their thoughts on this. Its always good to get both sides of every topic.
Austin Anderson
I think it's pretty much undeniable now to believe there aren't differences in eyequeue and brain size between different races, sexes, etc and to claim otherwise is very regressive and simply plays into the rightwing narrative that we are anti-science. That being said though, all that biology shit really isn't that relevant. It doesn't change anything about how capitalism works and how it's fucking up our life. There will always be black CEOs, white CEOs, black workers, and white workers. It doesn't matter at fucking all their race, sex, gender, etc.
Michael Ortiz
Thanks for the polite response.
Care to elaborate? You admit to differences in Autism Level but maintain the differences are insignificant.
Andrew Adams
complete and utter pseudoscience
Hudson Williams
What do you mean? Are you saying the studies on brain size have not been conducted correctly and cannot be relied upon?
Grayson Sanchez
Those differences are just averages, meaning that there will always be exceptions running in the millions. That means that any policy that excludes people from advancing in society based on race would be fundamentally unethical, and keep the black science man types down along with the dumb ones.
Benjamin Ortiz
Basically what says, these differences in human biology depending on race, sex, etc aren't completely irrelevant but we can't let them dictate our decisions. They are just averages, there exist thousands if not millions of blacks smarter than whites for example. I think at most state sponsored compensations for people with high I Qs to have more children should be enough.
This. If you want to apply some kind of eugenics to select for people with higher Autism Level, just measure everyone's Autism Level regardless of race. Stop treating people as collective identity groups rather than individuals. This is the same mistake SJWs make.
Ayden Watson
That depends on the difference in average, and on the position being measured. I think that the difference in average intelligence is enough to lower the rate of blacks in high end positions by a significant margin.
Without getting bogged down in figures, this disparity would explain why blacks are generally poorer, and why black countries are generally less developed.
Jose Adams
Gotta love these mods. Sure, let's anchor this thread and further the narrative that we are against biology, sure that'll really help us!
Kevin Bennett
The human population is over 7 billion. Even taking the most conservative Zig Forums-tier estimates of the difference in average Autism Level, there must still be many millions of blacks smarter than the average white.
Xavier Ward
Well to be fair, race is far more than just Autism Level.
Again, Autism Level is not everything, and is not the only difference between groups. I wasn't wanting to get into a discussion about Autism Level's so much. But it seems people here do acknowledge differences in intelligence.
Thanks for the replies.
Jordan Williams
you get banned because we have this retarded conversation with you faggots every fucking time ending up with just screeching "niggers" you can't handle the fact that socialism does not fucking care because it does not fucking matter "hurr liberals this hurr identity that" you are pathetic.
Alexander Gutierrez
To be fair, this thread has almost nothing to do with communism. It's no more useful than a debate about religion or feminism.
Name a single heritable characteristic which is both important and strongly correlated with race. In every case the variation within races is greater than the variation in racial averages.
Christian Sullivan
Well the point is I think it does matter.
OK. I will leave it at this: you guys think that there is an intelligence gap, but there are still some blacks that can contribute to a white society.
I disagree because I think races differ in more than just intelligence, and the results that we see with just about every major white country being 1st world, and every major black country being 3rd world, speaks volumes. Thanks.
Julian Brown
The correlation between brain volume and intelligence is middling at best and can be partly explained with indirect factors (taller height = bigger brain but also better overall health/nourishment which positively affects intelligence). There are extraordinarily smart people like Einstein who have average sized brains.
Race realism is like creationism in that it takes a fact in vacuum and presents it as proof that their theory is correct, without looking at it dialectically.
Carson Brown
Yes, but that is a misleading statement. Just because a large total genetic range exists in the population ,does not mean that most people on that population are more genetically related to each other than another race.
Empathy, proclivity to violence, impulsiveness, creativity, altruism
Dylan Wilson
I agree that brain size isnt everything when it comes to intelligence. But generally, a bigger brain should help. And the brain size difference in race exists after controlling for body size.
James Price
I bet this has nothing to do with historical developments and material conditions or the fact that every time countries like Ghana or Burkina Faso attempted sweeping modernization programs they were directly overthrown by Western countries.
Kayden Richardson
He's saying that black women are superior because small brain makes it more energy efficient. Animals with larger brains tend to be dumb. Also, any study or anything. I have a hard time following on from just shitposts.
Justin Thompson
female brains get warm faster if that matters at all. overclock a bad cpu.
Sebastian Rogers
You probably don't see it much in the US because the demographics are so mixed, but in the UK there are lots of areas which are both overwhelmingly white and full of crime/violence/neglect/etc. You have this weird notion that white societies are perfect, but they really aren't.
I don't think you understood what I meant. Pic related is how race correlates with every single meaningful attribute. There simply hasn't been the evolutionary pressure to cause divergence in brain structure to the same extent as there has for skin pigmentation.
It does the opposite. It needs a high number of gyri and sulci amont with small size to make the largest surface area kind of like cells. You're a retarded Zig Forumsyp.
Honestly I really wonder if Fascists get bored of pretending to argue in good faith around places like this or if they just don't know where they are.
This isn't a place for you to pander to liberal sensibilities and pretend like you're actually interested in debate, we already scared all the liberal onlookers off because we aren't attempting to win them over by pretending we're the same only to pull back the curtain before they realise it's too late; we outline a radically different positive program, and if they bring their bullshit here we tell them to fuck off. You don't have to pretend to be respectable, all your slimy little worm tactics arent' neccessary.
This only really leaves 2 possibilities; that they either think we are also Liberals, in which case they misunderstand what Liberalism is, or it's pathological and they can't help but hand-wring and machinate regardless of whether they're seen through or not. These people are fucking narcissists whose defense mechanism is to just pretend that there is something that their opponents cannot ever know; it is a secret knowledge that only they possess, they are the holders of truth, meanwhile they continue to strive towards being named, and predictably, like their mythological jew, their reaction is the same.
Your "Truths" are dogshit, and ultimately for all your appeals to Enlightenment ideals, of the "Science" you profess affinity for as evidence to use the Liberals own Beliefs against them, you reveal yourself as pathetic creatures trying to regain valor that you never had, let alone lost, and you project all your twisted ideas onto the other, because if you aren't great, then they must be worse.
Literal children crying that they didn't get a participation medal
Easton Roberts
Since when have liberals been interested in debate? Liberals are usually the first to resort to "freeze peaches" memes.
Honestly yours looks like the most liberal post in the whole thread.
Blake Hill
lol butthurt small brained nigger woman wrote many words
Anthony Robinson
Now this is more like it lads
Daniel Perry
Hmmm? Liberals fetishize debate all of the time, thinking fascists can be converted by logic and facts and rationalwiki links. There are some liberals who protest fascists being platformed, but there are also liberals who provide the platform in the first place, in the name of the "free market of ideas".
Juan Richardson
Honestly I haven't seen this promoted by any liberals in years. A decade ago there might have been significant support for free speech among liberals, but not any more. Even the ultra-rich techno-utopian types have started supporting ideological censorship.
Zachary Murphy
The BO is actually making an effort to keep this board scientific by banning garbage threads like this
This board generally uses a "European" naming scheme for political movements and ideologies. SJWs can be illiberal. You're using the Fox news version of the word "Liberal."