Hi commies im living in the socialist dream and i have 19 years of my life waiting for a NATO/USA invasion and i see...

hi commies im living in the socialist dream and i have 19 years of my life waiting for a NATO/USA invasion and i see that here all are based in those topics about imperialist and capitalist destroying anti-west/socialist countries soo somebody know when or at least if the force of evil are planing take this little caribean country

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Cuba ain't socialist no more, they legalized private property

This is low-effort posting, even for you, Zig Forums.

Cuba is still Socialist
It hasalways had minor market elements but the majority of the economy is still state run industry

i can prove that im venezuelan

Mmm, no, try again sweetie.

Plus if you knew anything about economics you'd know that the "socialist" policies Venezuela implemented are based off of similar policies in Scandanavia, much of westernEurope, Singapore, Bolivia, and even fucking Chile.

The real reason why Vuvuzela is such a shithole is because of corrupt leaders who failed to diversify their economy away from heavy reliance on oil.

The "socialist" policies they implemented are actually the only policies that aren't responsible for fucking up the economy.

Attached: IMG_20180123_173059.jpg (912x1200, 114.58K)

Could you remind me where that socialist society that actually works properly is again ?

Then why'd they recently legalize private property and fag marriage?

That's fine.
USSR, Vietnam, Cuba, are decent examples, if you look at increases in life expectancy, food intake, and (for the first two, since Cuba cannot do anything about the fact it's blockaded and since an island nation heavily depends on trade) economic growth, they were objectively successful.

Private Property has never been completely abolished in Cuba Socialist planning simply became the general method in which the economy was run
Small business was allowed to exist

Is that not good totally not Zig Forums?

Shut the fuck up liberal, you're lucky Venezuela wasn't hit by Operation Condor, my country was and it was economically and politically fucked for 30 years.

here is my proof my camara is shitty

Attached: webcam-toy-foto1.jpg (800x600, 54.71K)

Latin American "nationalists" everyone. Just point and laugh. Hope you catch a bomb if America invades faggot

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If True then your a literal cuckold who wants the USA to basically turn Venezuela into a effective province (Which is what your Democratic freedumz fighterz opposition literally wants)

And your in the minority of Venezuelans anyhow

opposition sold their asses to goverment venezuela dont have opposition really

I hope the US drone strikes your house, bootlicker.

my leaders are drug dealers with a army fullt of cuban

an army sorry

but that will happen? when?

Your opposition literally refuses to compete in elections only to instantly scream rigged when they promptly lose said elections

MUD the opposition coalition was banned by tribunals


because we haved 40 years of democracy sadly that end with chavez
where are you from


Also, Mr. Venezuelan, if you’ll remember Chavez was elected because the neoliberal government that came before him fucked up so badly. I will give you gusanos credit, though, you really showed your commitment to democracy by trying to stage coups against him and Maduro, multiple times.

Mai-chan’s Daily Life

not is the same give a coup against a democratic goverment like chavez do that give a coup against a dictator like maduro

Maduro is an elected leader like Chavez. The opposition was given multiple opportunities to participate in elections, but declined on orders from the United States, specifically so they could call them illegitimate as a president for US intervention.



you cant read or what?
MUD was banned they dont let them participe in the 2018 election when the popularity of maduro is low intereting right?

They were banned as a course of not meeting conditions put forth by the National Constitutent Assembly.

nobody vote in that because ALL people know that was a fake

but the imperialist is really interested in this piece of land?? be honest with me commie i wanna know the true

wow yeah i guess that could never be a lure for imperialists ehh?

Another case of Zig Forumsyps can't into geography.

and how many time took the imperialist to invade and destroy a country??

i live in a beach city in caribe soo yeah venezuela is a caribbean contry

Beyond disgusting.

rn the people are cucked by starve soo is bether be cucked by USA that for cubans

And you know this how? The whole point of not participating was to claim that it wasn’t legitimate. The point of which is to justify either a military coup or US intervention.

Yeah, why would imperialist powers be interested in controlling the largest proven oil reserves in the world?

Typically once unless they fail.

It’s your own national bourgeoisie and the US that are causing the shortages.

rondo duo fortisimo
it's basically big titty animu girl futa


do it faggot
full dox or I don't believe you

picked up

Futa is the dumbest porn there is. I think people who like it must have brain damage. It’s not even gross, it’s just fucking goofy looking, it’s like jerking off to Ren and Stimpy.

Uh… what exactly does two guys dicking each other have to do with the means of production or markets?

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They should rename /arepa/ to /gusano/ tbh

It isn't. Read penile missile


Ideology does not translate to successful/unsuccessful governance. Ideology does not manage the state. People manage the state. And Venezuela is a failure.

Venezuela will remain a pile of shit - especially if there is an American assault on it. I would not count on it if I were you. China has a stake in Venesuela, and, as a real Communist stuff, it is willing and able to contain American glorious uprising here and anywhere else. American Government is in meltdown mode, it's more likely to invade itself than anything at all.

In general, you will always remain in deep shit as long as you are going to wait for someone else to make things up for you.