I get why poor people would support an ideology that give them free stuff, but if you are rich, I want to hear your reasons.
I get why poor people would support an ideology that give them free stuff, but if you are rich...
socialism doesn't give you "free stuff"
maybe you should actually learn what communists advocate for
fuck off with your low effort raids
>>>Zig Forums
Well my parents are well off and they support me kind of.
But I'm a failure and my lack of economic success hurts my self esteem.
But still I'd be a traitor if I fully supported having their houses become public property.
my sides
do you actually have a frontal lobe
true, it's much worse than that, I was being nice to avoid a ban/bumplock.
I don't know what's going on. This is my first thread on Zig Forums in months.
why do you keep going on about the nobel peace prize
never even claimed you were all the same poster
ideology so fragile it can't even handle a simple discussion
hohohohoooooo loook guytyyysss Ibve noticeds a bait hoohohohoooo Im sooo greeaaattt le meme fuck Capitalism hohohoho Im so smart shiiiiieieetetet ayiiiiiiiiieeeeeee
because you're not looking for a genuine discussion, that's why.
It reduces them. Gotta protect the echo chamber or no one would visit, right?
I am okay materially, and I am a communist because I read Marx and Lenin. Communism isn't a matter of "believing" or "supporting" anything. It's about recognizing material reality. Even if I were a bourg what Marx wrote would still hold objectively true.
Anyway it's funny how no matter how this thread goes it will be inevitably screencapped and posted on Zig Forums as proof that commies are stoopid. If it turns out most people here are poor, we're just jealous and want gibs. If it turns out most people here are materially comfortable, it's proof that communism is for trust fund kiddies who are out of touch with the poor. Funny how that works.
ohhhh shiiiieeeettt looookk guys I burned OP for sayiiinnngg his thread is shittttt OMMGGGG BURNNNEEEDDD XDDDDD shiiiiieettttt
HOLLLYYY SHIOIIIIEEET COMRADES I just pointed out a Zig Forumsack hohohohohooo Im so genioues hohohohoooo thisss is the start of the defeat of Capitalism hohohoho
Marx didn't take into account demand.
The labor put in to a good nobody wants is worthless.
For instance if I put 3 hours into making a paper mache mini statue of garl marx its worth would still be $0
how do you know that? It's a genuine question. For poor people the discussion always boils down to: it's us vs. them, fuck rich people, fuck their rights, we do what's best for us.
so it was a genuine question, but since the thread has been bumplocked, I won't bother checking the thread again, good job protecting the echo chamber! Gotta keep the faith strong comrades.
But at no point did Marx claim the opposite.
yes you are totally here to argue in good faith that's why you posted nothing but a dumb strawman during the exact time that a bunch of other retards are shitting up the board
Ok, put me in the screencap.
Leaving aside the fact that there absolutely would be buyers for a paper mache statue of Marx, value =/= price.
When there's shit on your doorstep you hose it off because its shit, not because its triggered you something fierce.
And its neat of you to admit that you don't actually care about getting an answer, just about feeling good about how you totally triggered a bunch of lefties epicc style
According karl marx he said capital=means of production+labor
He gave an example of linen being transformed into a shirt
He said 1 linen+labor=shirt
So shirt=labor*2
But he didn't take into account the demand for the shirt
holllyyyy shiiiieettt comrades I just pointed out someone that he's posting this on Zig Forums ommmggggg Im a prophhett comradessss beware I know everything
oohhhh shiiiiieettttt I said "epicc style" to himmmm omgggg I've just blown his cover woooohhhh VICTORY FOR US COMRADES!!!
Y'all niggas stop replying this is some autistic raid by the same people that were doing it yesterday. Literal 15 year olds from Discord
You're asking, "What is Socialism, and what it really means?"
It's equal rights for every man, regardless of his strength
So don't let no one fool you, (Joshua said)
Listen as I tell you, (Joshua said)
No man are better than none,
Socialism is love between man and man
Socialism is love for your brothers,
Socialism is linking hearts and hands,
Would you believe me?
Poverty and hunger what we are fighting
Socialism is sharing with your sisters,
Socialism is people pulling together,
Would you believe me?
Love and togetherness, that's what it means
Mr Big trembling in his shoes saying he's got a lot to lose,
Don't want to hear about suffering at all
(Joshua said)
One man have too many, while too many have too little,
Socialism don't stand for that, don't stand for that at all
Socialism is love for your brothers,
Socialism is linking hearts and hands,
Poverty and hunger is what we are fighting
Socialism is sharing with your sisters,
Socialism is people pulling together,
Would you believe me?
Love and togetherness, that's what it means
Socialism is love for your brothers,
Socialism is linking hearts and hands,
Poverty and hunger is what we are fighting
And how does demand factor into anything in that example?
Socialism is sharing with your sisters,
Do you believe me?
People pulling together
Love and togetherness, that's what it means
Socialism is love for your brothers,
Socialism is linking hearts and hands,
Poverty and hunger is what we are fighting
Socialism is sharing with your sisters,
Socialism is people pulling together,
If nobody wants the shirt the value of the shirt is=labor*0
So if there is no demand for a shirt I can instantly produce infinite shirts out of thin air?
But demand doesn't factor into your example at all.
Also how does the need for labour to turn linen into a shirt mean that 'labour*2 = shirt'. You seem to have a very poor comprehension of marx since you've given an internally inconsistent example that is also irrelevant to what you're complaining about.
I'm saying its a poor way of gauging value.
There many shirts in the market and they're all made out of linen but they have different values depending on the demand for said shirts.
But your example doesn't demonstrate that, you claimed that Marx didn't account for demand and thought that as long as you put labour into something it has value, this is something Marx never claimed, when this was pointed out you gave an example which didn't mention value or demand at all and also had some inexplicable assertions.
Its pretty clear you don't actually know what the labour theory of value states. I recommend briefly reading up on it.
Price is not value.
Prices oscillate around values according to supply and demand, you mongoloid.
Also, Marx was examining the production of socially necessary commodities inside a market, and how the economic laws and social relations implicit in that arrangement operate. Neoclassical economics damages your brain apparently, since you can only imagine these stupid scenarios of an individual person making individual things. What Marx is interested in are TENDENCIES. He isn't describing the political economy of making a sandwich inside your house to eat. There are some contemporary works on domestic production however.
Marxism is bullshit, he thinks that the only struggle in this world is the class. He thinks that we humans are intelligent machines that deserved not to be bamboozled by Capitalists. Well, that's not the case in reality. We humans are so intelligent and we are not just "workers", every individual has its own ideals and wisdom. In Marxism, you are just a producing human. Marx was right about the class struggle, but he thinks that the workers should get special treatment. For me, class should exist but Capitalism should be changed.
Communism is basically all about managing the productive side of human life in the best way, so we have more free time for self-actualization. It's precisely a movement that wants to limit the impact exploitation holds over interpersonal relations.
It's been changing constantly, generally for the worse unless directly threatened by communist revolutions and union uprisings.
I’m not even going to validate this with a response.
socialism is when free stuff
capitalism is when pay stuff
fascism is when uh
-Karl Marx, "The Poverty of Philosophy", Chapter 1