1.the purges are justified because of reactionaries in the party
2.holodomor was a normal famine it happened because of weather
3.the kulaks deserved it
1.the purges are justified because of reactionaries in the party
2.holodomor was a normal famine it happened because of weather
3.the kulaks deserved it
Stalin did nothing wrong because he built a superpower and was responsible for winning the bloodiest war in human history.
The actual number of politically/ideologically based deaths under Stalin is a mere 400k at the MOST. Name me another empire/superpower that was built on similar number of casualties? Yeah, there aren't any. This in itself is an unprecedented accomplishment.
you're not wrong, but
this is a bad thread and you should feel bad for posting it
Stalin was a fucking dictator
It's time you dimwits accept it
He was no communist, he was a criminal!
thats your opinion
You're making us look bad
There are people who deserved to be purged from the party like Kamenev, Zinoviev, Bukharin, Rykov, but not executed
thats your opinion
see, thats the kind of retarded dimwits you attract with that shit
now they're just gonna screech the entire time this dumbass nonsense while we already had discussions where they got btfo
so they latch onto any threads like this to use as an excuse for putting no effort into their already pitiful postings
and what do you expect, OP? MLs to come here and fix your shit again by delivering the substance that your OP lacks entirely just like the triggered screeching it receives in response?
i'm too tired of that shit, go do that yourself
i wouldnt even be surprised if this is just another false flag tbh
forgot to sage
Folks like you are the reason why there's no Rotfront
t. Imperialist
just fuck off
sounds like an opinion
I feel bad for making this
from the bottom of my heart I apologize
Apologies accepted
wait again?
again as in this sort of thread keeps popping up and it always ends up the same way, not saying that it's always you who's behind it
but who knows
I didn’t say that every purge victim was innocent, but clearly many of them were not reactionaries. Even if the accusations of subversion against them were true, it’s obvious that they were driven to that point by Stalin’s administration’s refusal to tolerate any opposition within the party. Clearly they saw him as a threat to the integrity of the revolution. Unless you unironically think that a bunch of people who literally risked their lives to establish socialism in Russia suddenly became reactionaries.
Stalin and his soldiers saved my country from the Nazi menace so I love him even if he purged some faggots. Idgaf what anyone says.
Tbh I’m perfectly fine defending Stalin from obvious nonsense and recognize his positive accomplishments. But that doesn’t mean he also wasn’t a cunt sometimes.
Stalin made a lot of mistakes, he was overly paranoid, played dirty games to get his way in the Party etc. None of this changes the fact that he was a commited Leninist, represented the most realistic position for the advancement of the SU, and his economic policies should not have been pulled back.
I understand the aggressive defense of everything Stalin did because "de-Stalinization" was the go-to excuse for dismantling socialism itself and eagerly embraced by the counter-revolutionaries to seed dissent in the rest of the world. But it's not necessary to be this dogmatic about it with a Marxist analysis. We're not liberals, we don't view history as a struggle between individual charismatic figures and whine about how flawed they were, we analyse the gains experienced by millions of proles and look at how Stalin's efforts contributed to bringing about the socialist mode of production. He could have been the biggest asshole in the world, it doesn't fucking matter for anything above the most shallow worthless analysis.