What do you think of RJW (right justice warriors) using the same systematic victimization as those who denounce
we saw them with the battlefield trailer
What do you think of RJW (right justice warriors) using the same systematic victimization as those who denounce
we saw them with the battlefield trailer
The Dixie flag and 14 words ruin any sympathy they could hope to gain.
It's so blatantly obvious, you've said it yourself >>2665451
I mean, I get what you're going for here, but you can just call them "white supremacists." Left idpol and right idpol are similar, but "social justice warrior" evokes a particular kind of zealot who cares about justice. For the right-wingers like in OP it's pretty much always race first and then Israel's crimes after - and mostly cuz DA JOOS.
what is dog whistle-ey about the 14 words? it's fairly explicit
you dogwhistled the 14 words as "we just wanna have white babies" in an attempt to hide the fact that it's a white nationalist slogan
nothing wrong about having values, as long as they are good and you justify them reasonably.
If Bantus and Zulus and Berbers were displacing Chinese in China I wouldn't be surprised to see them push back and combine their race with their patriotism.
too bad their values are shit, and retarded, and based on falsehoods
what race and nationality are you?
It's obviously bad faith like any right wing politics has to be but we shouldn't be surprised they use social justice language against people who want social justice. It's just a matter of time and the left/liberals only have ourselves to blame.
are you an actual retard
white russian.
red flag socialist poster is a jew with Zionist neocohen parents I believe, at least one of them is
i lurk this board a lot
alright, thanks
do you have jewish/non-white ancestry at all? Do you have any disdain for the white european race?
This poster is a mutt.
no you don't you just pulled that out of your ass
there's more than one socialist flag poster
holy fuck why do you faggots have such a persecution complex
no one here wants to fucking kill whitey. go to left twitter or tumblr if you want deeply triggering and problematic idpol.
are you the Lenin hat poster that is actually a Paki girl
don't reply to any more of my posts you dumb chucklefuckess
no and you know that i know that you know that you just made that person up just then
i will reply to you as much as i like
so why make fun of white people in general, for wanting their race to continue?
Call them what they are: fascists
I rarely see this here outside of Zig Forumsyps being mocked for muh racial purity and masterrace nonsense.
Because it makes white identity idiots mad.
Because they won'te be able to make their race continue if they keep pushing for capitalism
Why are you such a thin skinned faggot? Zig Forums fags are tumblrinas.
They are not that many tribes(what does that mean?) that bich about muh race
And when someone does not allow people in love to merry they are considered assholes regardless of 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧tribe🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
So stop being a victim and do as aryans are supposed to do you fuck
i don't
i couldn't care less about whites reproducing, same goes for every race. my problem comes in when you try to act like thats all there is to white nationalism.
it's the most basic fascist dogwhistle.
when someone calls you out for being an ethnic nationalist, you pull the "i just want the white race to continue i don't wanna murder other races or anything i want for the best for my people just like everyone else should".
it's a convinient way to hide your true intentions and make people you argue with seem like the bad guys for not wanting you to have white babies or some shit. it's also an easy way for Zig Forums to indoctrinate gullible centrists. you can't straight up say we need to ethnically cleanse our country, so you ease them with something that anyone who doesn't know any better and can't identify dogwhistles would be like "oh yeah that doesn't sound so bad that's reasonable".
i know your tricks fag, don't try to pull a sneaky on me.
When they survival they mean
Lets force everyone to fuck who we want
honestly they are normal, the fact that the 14 words is considered abnormal in any context whatsoever is simply a sign of how prevalent deeply triggering and problematic sentiment ACTUALLY is
you want us all dead and our bones ground to dust because of muh colonialism and muh holohoax it's all so very obvious
Call them right-wing, conservative, capitalists or whatever. Their entire ideology is childish sentimental nonsense and always have been.
If your politics is shaped by the fact that games now have women in them while the world is getting destroyed by climate change and with the rising wealth inequality then you are mentally a child and your opinion is worthless.
This also applies to the libertarian, pro-market crowd; The world has already witnessed what unrestrained capitalism is doing to it, these people should either be told to fuck off or to read a book.
No one wants that you autist. We just don't want you making race mixing illegal or putting people in concentration camps or whatever the fuck.
uh huh is this the part where you say you don't want to kill whites and you only want to kill "whiteness" and "dismantle white supremacy" or some shit
talk about dog whistles🤗
it's considered abnormal because of its context you fucking retard
the 14 words were created by a white supremacist and is practically a nazi slogan at this point along with the 88
Thats exactly how you sound.
way to completely prove my point of you hiding your true intentions and like allll it is just you wanting to have white babies and da ebil lefties wanna kill whitey
don't give me that bullshit. you wan't to create an ethnostate which no matter how much you try to sugarcoat it is going to involve systematic culling and deportations of non-whites.
He didn’t say “white people breeding means other races are genocided”, he’s talking about FASCIST rhetoric and how innocent it seems. But look what happens when they get in power
from a feminist point of view that is absolutely correct
*yawn* what next I'm sure those nazis used toilets too are we supposed to abandon toilets to not be Nazis now
Maybe you can explain to me the exact steps you want to take to "protect the white race"? Are you going to force white women to have your children? Are you going to close the borders? Are you going to deport people? Are you going to sterilize other races? Are you going to make race mixing illegal? Are you going to segregate society?
You keep going on about "muh white children" but historically white identity politics has ended in disaster for everyone - INCLUDING white people.
ethnic cleansing and population transfers on an ethnic basis have been done peacefully throughout history more often than not, the crux of the matter is non whites view not being allowed to live adjacent to whites as inherently tantamount to genocide, that's an issue you're gonna have to sort out on your own I can't help you with that
we will do everything we must but considering how much wypipo are hated and attacked I don't have a feeling it's going to end amicably, but it won't be our fault, we only want to continue to exist
it's like an even more autistic form of muh iphones made under capitalism
play or be played, wypipo are being played now but hopefully the worm will turn
if you're gonna advocate for systematic murder just own it jesus
As a white guy, I never in my life ever felt like I was being discriminated against, even when I lived down in Georgia.
you should honestly do some reading on what ethnic cleansing actually is
jesus fucking christ
Well, I think whites are faring pretty well right now considering how no one is killing them off en masse and how economically dominate whites are in this world!
honestly that just means you haven't experienced life as a white minority yet
what do they say again? white privilege is not realizing you're actually white? yeahhhhh. that. go live in a multicultural shithole as a white minority for a while for a serious amount of time and get back to me on that mmmm thanks
Post some books then of people happily leaving there land
ethnically cleansing is always gonna be either forcibly removing other races from your country or murdering them
neither of those are ezacrly peaceful unless somehow every non-white is gonna be okay with it which is not happening
We know about you, manchild. You've been here at least three years.
Ever the cynic even though cynicism is long dead. You didn't get in on the joke.
Maybe you're hated and attacked because you want ethnic cleansing.
Forcible removal or sterilization of anyone different than you. And if they refuse and try to protect themselves, you butcher them. "Peaceful." Right.
Go look up how that's gone in the past. It ends badly for everyone, every single time.
whiteness as an ideology is the purest form of psychosis
I did live in a majorly non-white neighborhood though. I went to a non-white school and a white school. The experience was the fucking same as far how much I enjoyed it.
Which was zero, I hated school but not because there was negros in it.
wypipo are less than 14 percent of the global population right now and are minorities already in many of their own capital cities right now
just wait until all of the old white boomers die off in the next 15 years you'll be in for quite a surprise.
also check out the book the rising tide of color and the end of global white supremacy by lothrop stoddard, it was written circa 1920s and was eerily prophetic
anyway, I gotta go to work to make sure non whites have access to food stamps and welfare thanks to my tax dollars while having a dozen children with reckless abandon, bye bye /leftycuck/
lol cuck
citation needed
also maybe there are more non-whites in the world since you only consider anglos and germainic people white, and there are billions of asians and non-white europeans 🤔
WOW THEIR OWN CAPITAL CITIES. It’s almost like global capitalism drives migration from poorer countries and people immigrate to economically prosperous parts of well-off countries…nah it’s just jooz funneling them in
Who cares if there will be less white people? It’s not good or bad
Sounds like most white nationalists
Survival of the fittest. The lesser and inferior races wither while the stronger and more fertile ones conquer. What's the issue?
The nazi is post-modernist who could have gueses.
Also can we stop with the hwite meme
Whiteness is a mutt meme
Oh, Zig Forums, never change. Just die.
fragile wh*toid detected
you know what I'm just gonna mvoe to the Dominican republic and race mix until my cock falls off
really unsafe and ugly there
better move to asia, south east asia. people are nicer and if you're white you get automatic respect and admiration
It's pretty funny because white nationalism doesn't even exist. There is no "white" nation. What's the white language? What is white cuisine? They probably mean American Nationalism, but even that doesn't exist yet. They should modify the 14 words to specifically be American and not White. At least they'll have a cohesive message and stop trying to rope Europeans into their LARP.
Nobody's saying or doing that. You're just making shit up.
Is this fat guy you? why do people try to force this nonsense on white people now?
The landmass known as Europe houses various "white nations".
The traditional languages of the european people; Anglo, The romance languages, Germanic, Greek, Latin, etc etc
French, Italian, Greek, and eastern europeans have great cuisine/diets. Traditional Mediterranean diet is also very healthy.
A german or brit or scandinavian can integrate in american culture very easily, compared to say a bantu goat herder or salaf from arabia.
But the heart of a culture is religion/philosophy imo, the other things like Art and Cuisine and so forth are expressions of that religion/philosophy. For europeans the dominant "culture" was the greco-roman culture, the germanic and the christian that melded them together.
The fact that it is decaying now is a symptom of the times, it's not necessarily going to die or disappear.
Funny you mention Dominican Republic since Cuba has a much higher quality of life.
This is going to be very, VERY hard to comprehend for an american reactionary but Europeans do not have a concept of whiteness like americans do. Ethnic and nationalist chauvinism never takes a scope as broad as "white" or "european". Even aryan memery excludes the eastern europeans you praise so much.
It's literally something americans made up after hundreds of years of racism against germans, poles, french, dutch, irish etc. from 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧anglo🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 settlers
You can find plenty of anti-immigration propaganda from 19th century america which was anti-german, anti-irish, anti-russian etc. with no mention of blacks
Pick one
Though one wants to stir the pot, the other wants to un-stir it, it's the same pathetic liberal bullshit.
There is no one unified nation, there is a long history of cultures that have come and gone. You cannot hold a culture. You smell it, you take it in, but it is not yours. It's an amalgamation of people and arts etc.
Except for Russians. And swarthies like the G*rmans and the Fr*nch. Basically everyone who isn't Anglo…what, Benjamin Franklin's classification isn't good enough for you?
Okay then, all Europeans are white except for wogs, Russians, Poles, Irishmen…Turks are kinda white though. Huh? No?
Okay, everyone who is Catholic Christian is white! So not Eastern Slavs or Baltics or…
I guess we should use the definition of the "white race" that includes all europeoids, that isn't even a century old. But that doesn't sound very traditional to me…
You're committing a category mistake. "White" is not a nation. Ignoring the fact that its a totally reactionary concept, you could argue that its an attribute of the ethnicity component of a nation. You could then enumerate a group of "white nations" identified as those having an ethnicity with this attribute, but there is still no "white nation". Get it?
It could be argued that if the immigration policies hadn't changed in the 1960's, America would have eventually congealed into a recognizable nation, but it's extremely diverged from that now.
True, but they are still white and recognize they are closer to their european neighbors than to bantus or mongols or abos.
Previously immigration was extremely slow, extremely rare and limited, so whiteness was the default background europeans lived with. They are becoming more conscious of now.
Yes, brother wars need to stop.
Unironicly the average greek has more problems with neighboring slavs than with arabs or africans
In fact syrians are consider brothers to the greeks for being against da t*rks
Also why do you think hitler worked more with chins and japs instead with poles or russians
Cant be only cause of muh jooz bro
Go to irland and tell them to stop fighting cause they are all white
Though shit. you're going to need to end capitalism for that.
Fun fact: Fascists and nazis killed more "white" people in the last century than any other kind of people.
But that's because Hitler didn't implement the Italian system correctly. It wasn't true Fascism. Fake Fascism killed 10 million people, just like Fake Communism killed 100 million people. Maybe someday Real systems can be tried!
Aside from the rare pro-EU white nationalist, nationalists in Europe are not becoming more conscious of whiteness. Brits hate Poles, Poles hate Germans, Germans hate Greeks, ect.
I frequent right wing sites and this is not true. They are collaborating all the time.
500 trillion gorillions*
larpers on the internet are not representative of anything
Most nazis on the internet are LARPimg occultist that think hitler was the avatar or some shit
Not all people would start praying to Evola just cause of migrants
Also why when cultist do win they cause europe destroying wars ?(see nazis)
Right wings sites dominated by Americans and rootless extremely online autists.
Basically this.
Try 30 million. 11 million was just the holocaust. Their Ch*mp out killed more.
No that was the Holodomor, a man-made famine by the Fake Communists. The Fake Holocaust saw about 300,000 dead, mostly by natural conditions at the work camps.
I think they're called "virtue signalers" now.