I think everyone is well accustomed to this bullshit cult (And Probably Psyop) by now
But what im actually slightly worried about isnt one of them having a autistic boomer meltdown and shooting up domino's or some shit Its the chance that we could be witnessing a repeat of the Satanic Child abuse panic from the 80s-90s (If you dont know what it is just AMA im well informed on the subject) with how wound up these people are about this do you really think its going to be long till they just start throwing public / legal accusations at dem LibTARDS with no fucking evidence? imo it wont be long till we see these people do what police / parents / Quack Psychoanalysts did in the 80s (Coaching kids into making accusations / "Bringing back" repressed memories of sexual abuse where none existed / writing book after book on the satanic pedo cabal)
If you really think its that different compare the Pizza Shop / Homeless camp bullshit from current year with the Mcarthur preschool trial from the 80s (Protip : Almost identical claims made right down to "Muh secret satanic tunnels" and it all turned out to be bull)
Your post is deebly problematig… I mean americentric. Nobody outside of the US gives a shit about this qanon thing. We have american politics general for this kind of discussions
Luke Reed
Satanic panic extended even beyond that - you could basically get exiled from some towns if you liked Venom too much and parents found out.
Anyway, naw. I don't think it's going to go that far. And the paths indeed have already converged - one of the guys I knew who was big on the idea that John Podesta was personally going around and abducting random children also claimed that they'd later found tunnels under McArthur (I believe it was -) preschool when it was demolished. I was curious, so I looked into this claim (hint: he probably got it from YouTube) and found that these were actually small holes from construction which were largely filled with building waste or something to that effect.
This sort of thing inhibits the Q types in this age - at present, there are resources readily available which allow most people to quickly investigate retarded claims. Most people actually aren't quite as stupid as they were in the '80s, and a lot of the people who are into Q are indeed people who never got over '80s idiocy. Unfortunately a lot of the people in government are fucking morons, and some of those still sitting were directly responsible for legislating based on the waves of censorship and moral panic of the '80s (and early '90s). The further commodification of the internet could also fuck with access to useful information. But for now, not only are Qballs a fringe minority, but even enthusiastic Trump supporters are likely a minority themselves.
Nathan Parker
The satanic panic was totally justified. Even today we have news stories of pedo rings found from as high as the UK government to as low as hollywood. Burn in hell satanist.
I dont know ive even seen some boomers from AUS / UK / Can / NZ etc and some of the especially reactionary shitholes in europe begin to pick it up
Logan Evans
There is little evidene that these people were / are satanists though and as….
Said it wasnt just about pedo's or Human sacrifice cults or some shit it was literally kicking people out of town for dressing in black / listening to slayer / Being part of some Edgy Athiestic-Satanic sect like S.T / C.O.S or some shit etc
Landon Reyes
The same therapy was also used around that time to bring back "repressed" memories of child sexual abuse and sexual trauma more generally. Alien abductees used it as well to recall their abductions.
Caleb Johnson
What about making fake stories and pointing it on reactionary/liberal politicians?
Actual, real Satanists are nothing more that LARPy edgecore punks and hipters that gather around to praise Satan to either: a-Piss off their family b-Get pussy from desperate girls c-Get dick from desperate men
And that is what mainstream Satanism is pretty much. There is of course, also branches of Satanism that legit believe in Satan as their dark lord whom they must praise, but they are as lame as these kids, only that their base is made up of either bored divorced women or edgy Boomers that were into the occult back in their hayday. The Satanic cults of the 60's were at large just places to have sex and do drugs, though there was some actual threat of danger in some of them.
There's also witches who practice Santeria or Voodoo, but you'll find that they are more likely to sacrifice chickens to Satan/Santa Muerte/Baron Semedi/Ect. The white witches, the Wiccans, are just completely lame and harmless, and only a few of them follow satanists beliefs.
John Torres
Why fake it? There's gold in this here thread
if you follow links and dig a little for example
Colton Jones
I really don't think that describes the Temple Ov Blood/o9a or The temple of the black light/MLO at all
Well, for one these aren't mainstream and they aren't specifically satanists per se, as far as I know they believe in a metaphysical concept of Evil and use whatever edgy aesthetics they can find (Satan, Nazis, DPRK etc) to represent it.
Mainstream horns-and-pentagrams Satanism is exactly that, contrarian liberals pretending to worship Satan to own the conservs
I was talking to a friend who is into occult stuff about ToB and showing him that stuff, and his impression was they seemed to take it seriously, which surprised him because most Satanists are not "serious" in a sense. It's hard to explain. I mean they'll adopt insight roles and believe in that for a time, but they don't ACTUALLY want to sacrifice people and drink their blood. I mean, Anton LaVey was a carnival barker.
Jackson Jones
ToB/O9A and LaVeyans are two completely divergent branches of Satanism. LaVeyans are just atheistic Randians who throw edgy occult-themed parties to stick it to da man. ToB/O9A take black metal lyrics and build an unironic religion out of them. There are also religious Satanists who just believe in an inverted Christianity and are distinct from both.
Liam Sullivan
The CIA actually does run cults that abuse children though.
The Qanon shitstorm is so surreal because it is an attempt to reconcile doublethink: Zig Forums simultaneously worships the status quo (because God Emperor Trump is the current US president) and opposes it (because Jew global conspiracy keeping the proud hwyte mann down).
If anything seems oddly familiar about it, it absolutely should. Qanon is a textbook example of how conspiratard culture works in general. It's a hilarious, yet disquieting peek into the mind of an American conservative.
1) Boomers are one of the worst generations in human history. And I'm not referring just to Amerigan Boomers here.
2) There was an attempt to create some kind of moral panic in Italy about a decade ago. That story sounds too much like the Amerigan shit of the 80s. And there was le black man aka a guy from Sri Lanka working at a petrol station in this shitty small town. To cut a long story short, the few people that actually got indicted were eventually acquitted. No proof, no flipping anything. Everything was based on batshit crazy statements got from four-five years old kids. They were questioned by this fucking psycho-something asking leading questions without following the protocols that should be in place when kids so small are questioned.
This is how you can tell 4chan is a normie boomer cesspit now. Qanon would have been told to kill himself, and everyone would have went about their day at one time.
Reddit banned one of its largest communities dedicated to discussion of the Qanon fringe conspiracy theory on Wednesday, citing the subreddit's repeated violations of the network's content policy.
The community, called /r/GreatAwakening, had more than 71,000 subscribers making over 10,000 comments on average per day before it was banned, NBC News reported. A backup subreddit, /r/the_greatawakening, was also banned, along with 17 other Qanon focused communities, including r/BiblicalQ and r/Quincels.
The Qanon subreddits have been host to escalating threats of violence from proponents of the conspiracy theory — despite repeated calls from the community’s moderators urging them to stop.
Qanon devotees falsely believe that President Donald Trump is secretly waging a war with special counsel Robert Mueller to take down a global pedophile ring led by Hollywood celebrities and the Democratic Party, most notably Hillary Clinton.
Managing to fit a reference to gamergate really gave it away…
Jace Rodriguez
Speaking of which, can we all finally admit that GamerGate was just a test run of the methods and demographics that would later be used to spawn idiotic 'movements' like the alt right, Kekistan, and Qanon?
Can anyone even name a prominent GamerGate activist who didn't later become a Trump supporter or alt-right moron?
Lincoln Richardson
French pro monarchists were worshiping the status quo and at the same time opposing it (Jacobins conspiring a revolution).
If anything seems oddly familiar about it, it absolutely should.
I guess all the judges, senate, CIA, FBI are all #Resistance?
inb4 they secretly follow Trump
Brandon Lee
Hes the status Quo because the Policies he supports and Opinions he exposes continues the world on the NeoLiberal path it has been set on since the 80s
Reminder that no amount of Political spectacle will stop trump being one of the Establishment
Christian Kelly
Like what? Protectionism, deportation and strong borders, cutting off trade alliance?
Walls are being built. NAFTA was being reformed. NATO is not a trade alliance. Tariffs to EU and China does not exist.
Neo-liberalism is when you put tariffs into China to get commies mad lol
Christopher Morris
Iol it's happening. This is the same shit that obama supporters were doing when he started going full neolib early on in his first term. Yeah sure he's "reforming" something he was supposed to just destroy outright but I guess that's OK as long as you can imagine that you are a winner. You aren't though. You are a corpse.
Trump really is the start of America's terminal decline. It's going to be fucking amazing watching this shit go down in real time.
When the last of the Boomers retire, along with older Gen Xers that came up in the late 60s, early 70s, income tax receipts are going to plummet. When this happens America is going off the financial cliff. States are going to default on their unfunded liabilities, must of which are pensions. Illinois will be one of the first. Then NJ. Then CA.
Camden Martin
Citation needed Repackaging the exact same deal but with a Smily face sticker is not Reformation FUN FACT : even if NAFTA was completely cancelled you would keep the exact same trade model with Mexico and Canada because your all members of the WTO and all equally follow their supernational drawn up regulations Formally No But Being in NATO and being economically linked to USA is almost like two peas in a pod The Tarrifs Dolan put in place are purely Punitive and in the Name of Geopolitics and have done little to effect US economy either way
Also if you actually believe the US dosent support the EU and Euro-integration because trump said something mean about Merkel then your functionally retarded
If you actually believe China is communist in Current year you are Functionally retarded
Adam Ramirez
I fucking wish, trials by combat would be legitimately more democratic than the election system