I think most of us agree that individual terrorism is shit praxis. However, if you had to kill one Porky with the objective of furthering world revolution, who would you kill? Who is the kingpin of global capitalism?
Who would you kill?
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If I was a Communist I would make a fake plot to kill some prominent leaders and have it purposefully fail and look like a false flag so all the establishment spends all their time pointing fingers at each other so that a war happens.
There is none. Capitalism itself is the kingpin.
It is
For those that disagree, read Lenin
Individual terrorism caused World War 1 that made it possible for Communism to exist.
The assassination was an excuse to launch hostilities, not the main cause.
Capitalist development, and the imperialist aspirations of the various national bourgeoisie is what caused the war.
Read The Sleepwalkers by Christopher Clark
I'll try and find the pdf
If Deng was still Alive I’d chose him. For people currently Alive, I’d do the Saudi King, because jim dying now would though Porkystan into a major crisis.
WW1 would have happened regardless whether the assassination of Franz Ferdinand would have succeeded. Geopolitically it could have even launched from the First Moroccan crisis, not to mention any other incident. Germany was dead set on securing colonies, where as Russian Empire had to have a successful war to reinforce the authority of the tzar regardless and the buildup of armies before this be it along the entangled alliance networks would have launched the war regardless. France needed Alsace-Lorraine back,Russians wanted to project strength after their war with Japan and UK was antagonistic towards Germany due to its naval buildup.
I get Lenin's point but I remember seeing here a long time ago someone said that killing Kissinger would be pointless as he would merely be replaced.
I think exceptions can be made for hyper-competent individuals. Sometimes someone is so good at their job you can't replace them with someone better.
No one would make much of a difference. That being said, killing Soros would really confuse a lot of rightist conspiritards. Killing Trump would confuse a lot of Republican idiots. Killing Musk would confuse Silicon Valley ideologues. These are all possible options.
This is good too.
You mean the Saudi Crown Prince right? The Saudi King is senile and thus powerless
Yeah, my bad
Yeah but until he's dead they can still replace the crown prince. The best way to collapse the kingdom is to close that avenue, so MBS can run it further into the ditch.
But when WW1 happens is very important. If it happened in the 1920’s it’s probable that the Germans win.
Germans would have only lost harder even their high command was certain that if they did not have a war before 1920`s that Russian railway construction would have lead to similar mobilization speed that Germany had at the time, leading to them being overwhelmed. Their entire Schlieffen Plan was built around the fact that Russians were slow to mobilize their forces.
Why was this bumplocked? "Inciting terrorism"?
As to the thread itself, I think targeting the house of Saud would cause the biggest shitstorm we could take advantage of. Trump also came to mind, especially if you knock him out late in the 2020 election. Try to imply Crooked Hillary / Soros was behind it for the biggest riots.
Zuckerberg probably.
If I am only allowed to kill one then I would toss Soros and Koch into the Thunderdome and toss in a bunch of weapons. Two men enter, one man leaves.
I'd kill Winnie the Pooh, because he looks like Xin Jinping. Or whatever.