Socdem cuck Trudeau just got humiliated in the funniest way possible

Socdem cuck Trudeau just got humiliated in the funniest way possible

Attached: Trudeau-cuck-of-the-week[1].jpg (750x500, 123.12K)

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His papi died 18 years ago today; show some respect

A neoliberal socdem?

Oh Canada

fuck outta here bootlicker

I fucking hate Trudeau

The leaf, ladies and gentlemen, the leaf.

Don't insult socdem's like this.

wrong link, sorry

That’s pretty insulting to socdems tbh.

His dad was at least kinda based though.

Attached: A5EA4E6A-83FC-41B1-8F69-0303A0F97A9E.jpeg (1978x1309, 641.25K)


Attached: 1356-percyno.png (487x410, 138.1K)

Daily reminder Capitalism causes Cuckoldry.

Attached: getting to know cucks.jpg (1828x852, 402.41K)

trudeau is not sucdem, he is fully crapitalist.

Yeah like when he went full fascist for a couple of days.

Yea he had a beard at least.

Perhaps, but it's just cringy to fucking hear

cringy for you, maybe.

Quebec separatists have always been pretty shit though. They’re we’re doing right populism before it was cool in Europe.

I hate to say this but trudeau isn't even worth calling a socdem


Weren’t they left leaning then?

The FLQ were ML, but I don’t know what their position was on indigenous issues. However since then the sovereignty movement has basically devolved into the FN. In general the only thing they have ever accomplished is siphoning votes away from the socdem party and ensuring Lib/Tory victories in every single elections. While I know it’s unfair to paint the FLQ with the brush of the BQ and PQ, I still have massive distaste for Quebecois nationalists.

ok this is epic