The Right Wing Mind
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Ummm, sweetie…
Nazbols are just fascists who want to LARP as soviets.
the Jews overwhelmingly are the bourgeoisie though, the most powerful and influential elements of it at that
if you're anti bourgeoisie you're anti semitic by proxy get used to it buttercup
Like all fascists they are obsessed with aesthetics and have attempted to “steal” the Soviet look to push their reactionary bullshit
You could easily say this about white people but you’re too busy covering your ass for your own bourgeois masters.
could you? idk wypipo are pretty poor these days and arguably haven't been major players since 1965
banks, media, Hollywood, social media…all Jewish
Those are some pretty big claims, sad you’ll never offer proof behind some pictures of Jews with big yellow stars next to them, as if any Jew in any position is automatically a nefarious actor.
it's all so tiresome tbh fam
You can show that there are Jews in those areas but you’ll never prove that they are pushing any sort of uniquely “Jewish agenda” or are working in unison. The mere presence of Jews says nothing
what do you know what Jewish porkies are or are not "pushing" """in unison""" and secondly why are you desperate to run damage control for jewish porkies?
are you per chance Jewish?
Not all rightists are ethnonationalists (even if quite a few of them are one bad personal experience away). Quite a few of them know that capitalism is the problem and actually like what it does to society.
Find an image more fucking stupid than this one, I dare you.
And what do you know? The burden of proof is yours.
I am not. Of course they exist. But the problem is not one subsection of the bourgeoisie – it’s the entire class regardless of race, religion or ethnicity. Even if Jews are a greater problem than any one subsection, they’ve all got to go.
My post was mainly aimed at Zig Forumsyps and their ilk but you do see the same type of rhetoric towards illegal immigrants or economic migrants – where they blame the people themselves rather than the system itself.
Conspiracy theories involving hundreds or thousands of people are completely implausible.
Because you're weak with epistemology. You cannot prove that capitalism is reducible to Jews or even the ideologies which are attached to Judaism let alone Zionism - the bourgeois class is beyond dependence on particular religions and 'ethnic properties'. For example, have you heard of Hjalmar Schacht from both the Weimar and NSDAP governments? If you've gone for so long without even bothering to look up things like this, then as far as you should be concerned as an ethnonationalist, you are an embarrassment for white people. And this is assuming that you are indeed a "white Russian".
This. Every conspiracy - no matter how secretive - ALWAYS leaves a paper trail.
Nazbols are socialists who realize democracy only works if the people in your country have an average Autism Level above room temperature (e.g. no browns).
much more than you, apparently
here's a list of two dozen organizations where jews openly conspire to push Jewish agendas
whoever said I'm reducing capitalism to the jews? I'm just especially critical of the Jewish bourgeoisie, I'm curious as to why you're so eager to damage control for them
Marx said you're not supposed to divide the proletariat by ethnic background he never said anything about dividing the bourgeoisie by ethnic lines
These don’t control massive parts of the American economy like the capitalist class does. Try again
I see something interesting
Rather than prooving your claims you make another question
Why tho
Why dodge the question
Like the kikes control the world but why you cant btfo is all
Like you are not crazy you cant just believe smng without any base in reality
So like a billion other poltards
I ask you where are the jews
Only in america
And someone post the irish meme
Every critique of capitalism made here is either correct or mostly correct but you are completely wrong on the brown/jew question.
Bluepilled. Has a Jew ever been president? Nope, but the Hibernians have. They even have a holiday where they flaunt their love of gold around openly and force the Sassenachs to dress in green
Honestly nothing of value was lost.
Please enlighten me
they're only some of the most powerful and well funded lobbying groups in the us, along with AIPAC of course
They will always Idpol, whites won't.
Stonetoss is the most idiotic person to have ever existed.
Americans. They feel like something is rotten with the system but are so brainwashed by decades of mccarthyism they can't articulate it with class-aware terms. So they start inventing retarded conspiracy theories to explain why everything is going to shit. Ever think why conspiracy theories are so prevalent in America compared to everywhere else?
Remove your flag.
I chuckled. You're still banned tho.
Media & Hollywood are small scale industries lol, see pics related, this pastebin, and look into the work of Peter Phillips & Michael Hartmann pastebin.com
honestly kosher certification alone and the racket behind it is proof of disproportionate jewish control by itself
Sounds like an assertion to me.
One can admit not to like AIPAC or the Israel Lobby but not think it is an arm of a mysterious Jewish cabal pulling the strings or that Israel is some spooky Jewish world-base. The mere existence of these things doesn’t mean they control the government or society to the degree that the bourgeoisie as a whole do. Are Jews influential in America? Yes, sure. But do they literally control every aspect of it? In no way
it's not very mysterious at all and considering the kind of extradition laws israel has and the kinds of bullshit only they can get away with within their own borders, "spooky jew world base" certainly fits the bill to say the least
keep on damage controlling for the kikes
that isn't completely true. The most direct action to get rid of the elite class is to attack the proletariat; amirite tho?
Fucking greeks destroying the west
Its not about class if its only targeting one group, just as an example. You could also look at Bernie pandering to Idpol with "If you're white then you don't know what its like to be poor."
Jews can break all kinds of laws all they need to do is step foot in Israel and get off Scott free
Meyer lansky is a good and famous example of this, israel is literally an international mafia base for world jewry
man you're just making yourself look dumb
the last 17 years of war in the middle east has been fought on behalf of ZOG Occupied Government
Back to r/socialism
uh huh.
Nothing you say is uniqely jewish bro
Wake up
the fact that Hollywood, all 6 media conglomerates, social media, all US data management (phone calls, internet, advertising/marketing and controlling free speech by controlling the data in this Digitocracy; which jews are controlling), a plethora of organizations both governmental and NGO are specifically in-place to launder mon … er … look out for jewish interests, and 3 (or more) seats on the SCOTUS are Talmudic as opposed to Magna Carta are all owned and controlled by both zionist jews and diaspora jews is a sheer Cohencidence, user.
The good news is that the over 55 y.o. White Caucasian of Euro-descent is committing suicide so everything will be terrific soon. HOORAY!
Brainlet, brainless
Yea dude its totally not about oil
Not the guy you're responding to, but this level of maliciousness is unique to jews.
Well zionist are shit
But i have seen way worse nationalists
N*zis are indeed stupid, although it should be mentioned in the first point you make is that capitalism has caused ageing in Europe and now Europe needs immigrants, because of ageing. It should be also mentioned that the first reason why people move to Europe to begin with is capitalism. Capitalism is destroying Africa and Middle East.
your comparison is apples to bananas I'll let you rub the two brain cells you have to figure out why
if it was only about oil israel would have ceased to exist long ago, better to be on diplomatic terms with a billion muslims than prop up the kike mafia state of Israel while pissing off a billion muslims
Jews control our government and make sure the usa fights imperialist wars in the behalf of israel
pure cohencidence indeed
You're not 'especially critical', you're not fooling anyone here that you're 'just being like the Marxists but looking at a particular case for the bourgeois class which is perfectly valid'. And all of a sudden, you try to pander to us, trying to scream about what Marx said as if he's some sort of prophet. Incidentally, it was Marx who was one of those wrote about how Communists should not restrict ourselves to caring about the particular non-class attributes of the bourgeoisie (which is the reductionist mistake of many moralising socialists who aren't Marxists).
if marx was alive today he'd be publishing articles on the daily stormer on the Jewish question and you would call him a problematic nazi like the good little sjw cucklet you are
Pic related is not entirely true, Jews are not hive mind and Israel is very influenced by non jewsih cultures including building westernized skyscrapers and mcdonalds,
Also Israel is having rising Arab population which has higher birthrates than Jews.
I am not Zionist, but no need to start conspiracy theories.
One jew doesn't represent all of jews.
Antisemitism is the socialism of fools.
Antisemitism =/=antizionism
Arabs are Semitic too.
if you fail to realise that most of the bourgeoise is jews (and ofc angloscum) you are a lost brainlet
Fucking hell, the soviets didn't fight this hard in Stalingrad
In what way does planning to attack those nations benefit America when they had no stated goal of subverting the petrodollar?
ah der ewige amerimutt. your kind is no better than your overlords
Most of Zig Forums is anti free market. This isn't 2012 halfchan when Zig Forums was lolbertarian
pol is a bunch of underage retards
You're pretty much fucked if thats the case.
Geopolitical analysis level: Watched a few episodes of the Simpsons back when Iraq was the hot topic
Also aut-rightists are just jealous of Israel for being a religious ethnostate.
Zig Forums mockingly word filters "zog"
nuff said, it's honestly all you need to know
ahahahahahahahahaha holy shit my sides
nice retarded logic on thinking that pol is all of the youth btw
I mean, you said it.
Read settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat; they will always hate you because it's biology. Different species cannot coexist and fill the same niche, read up on Gause's law. The different hominid species cannot co-exist.
saying that pol is made up of a gen z brainlet audience doesnt mean that suddenly all of the youth is them
look at the bright side
settlers also applies to israel, much more aptly considering how it was settled within LIVING memory
come and take it
there is no Jewish proletariat, not even ari driving a cab in tel Aviv
But it means that Zig Forums is attracting youth while lefty/pol/ either isn't or not to the same extent.
every time I hear that phrase is usually followed by "I'm white I dont NEED to take that test"
so are you for getting rid of below 90 AQ whites or..?
zog is doing a piss poor job I see
No, it means that Zig Forums ideology is juvenile and incomplete, not that you are attracting the youth. Nice wishful thinking.
Maybe, but majority of Israel population is still Slavic and Arabs. I know Baltic family that moved to Israel in the 90's. One of girls married a Hungarian. They moved to c*nada, because they are greedy bastards.
You'd be gulaged in the USSR faster than you could say the 14 words
dont mistake 4reddits popularity (thx to american elections and retarded le ebin greentext youtubers and other shit) for some actual great fascist ideological youth brainwashing centre
exactly! this is why we constantly hear "The Good jews©®™" telling the bad ones to stop giving all jews a bad name; amirite tho?
stop cherry picking. Israel is majority Slavic and Arabic. Russian language and mcdonals are common in Israel.
lol you're funny when backed into a corner a jew will even deconstruct israel itself
not him but
what a retard
bourgeoisie isn't defined by their religion or ethnicity. not all jews are part of the bourgeoisie, not all of the bourgeoisie is jewish. lumping them all together and declaring them as common enemy is missing the point.
don't forget the classic
ha, I mean c-cmon how uh, how mental is that huh?Am-amirite, like ya so mental a-and s-stuff
Even if I was a Jew I did admit that I am not a Zionist, scumbag,
Will the fact that you've read more of Hegel mean anything when it comes down to raw numbers? This idea of looking at your enemy as incompetent idiots is a very bourgeois liberal failing and it makes you look bad when nationalists like Trump win.
Only 20% of the America 1% are jews despite them being like 2% of the population, lol
50% of American billionaires are Jewish iirc
sample any good bloody baby penis lately?