Why did halfchan fail? What killed imageboard culture? OP must be at least 100 chars on this board..
Why did halfchan fail? What killed imageboard culture? OP must be at least 100 chars on this board
the FBI
What would lefftypol be like in 2004 if it had existed back then?
project chanology
americlap elections
boomer migration
imageboard culture is completely dead
creativity and passion are actively snuffed out because anything that isn't mean spirited autistic screeching is "cringe", Zig Forums fun commissars make sure nobody enjoys nerdy things instead of being a good wannabe normie and everything is about retarded internet culture wars forever
was it all part of keikaku??
This. Once imageboard/internet culture seeped IRL, everything went to shit.
Project Chanology
2016 Election
Boomers finding out what Zig Forums is.
Im sure there are many other reasons as well. Like moot never shutting down Zig Forums back then.
Okay, this is epic.
Posts about people trying to make a communist society in World of Warcraft.
I'm going to throw up.
Holy shit lmao I completely forgot about Tortanic
Found your answer elsewhere >>8278870
Nobody stood up when they took the pizza. After that the floodgates where open to whitewash the internet from any form of offensive creativity. And nowadays it's just a censorship heaven for mindless propaganda.
3 similar reasons:
1) We've entered an age where the dumbest and least successful can mass share their insane ideologies with ease thanks to the easy communication of the internet, and normal people are caught up in the mass propaganda from either side and start to show a bit of radicalism
2) Being American; thin-skinned, offended by everything but too lazy to change anything, and masochistically proud at that.
3) Image boards attract a bunch of LARPers, children, uninronic retards, anime soys whom just can't refrain from posting their cartoons everywhere and announcing that chinese cartoons are a very important part of their identity, incels whom can't shut up about how much of a loser they are, mentally ill transfaggots (although pretty much everywhere sightly political on the internet will attract them not just image boards), the whole of the right wing political spectrum with their ignorance, dishonesty and stupidity. Basically every sort of retard will be here shitting up everything.
4chan is paradise compared to the rest of this site
/fit/ is overrun with fascists, /g/ is casually racist in every thread, and the most tolerable posters on /lit/ are the catholic traditionalists. /t/ has something worthwhile every so often, but is virtually all porn now. What boards (besides the porn ones) are still worth it?
Some of the niche boards are pretty good like /diy/, /o/, Zig Forums, /toy/ if you're into it
But the best thing are the stickies. There's no reason to go on 4chan except for those.
no censorship == people being racist
deal with it, we hate you non white animals THAT much
Halfchan didn't fail in the strictest sense. Although it's worse than it ever was before, and I have no interest in it, and some of what it's done has effectively slaughtered entire imageboards by attracting their userbases and then shitting on 'em.
So imageboard culture in general has been murdered, with 4Chan as the gun.
Also this.
rather be on 4chan having lively discussions than on this shit with 1 post every hour
Seriously? I posted on /fit/ until about 2013, it was a good board
You can barely get nowadays 4Chan to keep porn threads on topic. An actual coherent discussion of anything is pretty unusual.
That's a lotta namefags and tripfags