Zig Forums creates a content rating system

7 year old, 10 year old, 13 year old, 16 year old, 18 year old

What kind of violent/sexual/other content could be harmful to (for example) a 7 year old, but not a 10 year old? How would you rate Deadpool, South Park or The Simpsons?

Attached: rating-system-300x300.jpg (300x300, 38.46K)

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what the fuck are you even talking about

What the fuck does this have to do with communism?

Well since this post is already here there is no reason for a general age rating. It's better to have a rating of each content itself in levels of severity not ages.

There should be no strict age limits. Age guidelines should be based only on the level of violence/aggression/abuse depicted. The concept of obscenity should be completely discarded. Hardcore porn could be rated "G" as long as everyone involved was having fun.

Zig Forums should creates a content rating system but to rate the ideology only.


Attached: mega retard.png (474x711, 90.48K)

Attached: mpv-shot0056.jpg (1280x720, 91.56K)

lol spooked

I really do hate this petty-booj revision of porn into everyone consenting and "having fun", when historically AND at present, most women in porn are exploited, abused and hate their jobs.


No one gives a fuck about white camgirls and other wealthy whores who shove their fists up their asses. Make up like 0.5% of actual sex work.

Honestly I don't give the slightest fuck about 3DPD porn. If I was going to watch it, I'd pirate it anyway.

ALL employment under capitalism is exploitative and dehumanizing. Every worker sells their body to their employer for a small fraction of what their labor is actually worth. Third-world camwhores are not special, and there is still no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism.
If you want to boycott porn, feel free, but don't delude yourself into believing that you're standing up to capitalist exploitation by doing so.

You're probably some socdem twitter poster who's covering for his rapist fantasies because I've heard this EXACT SAME SHIT so many times.

Just because capitalism exploits other workers we should thus tolerate sex-trafficking, sexual abuse and rape? Dude you have some FUCKED UP priorities I tell you that.

Trying to compare working in fucking mcdonalds to getting raped and cummed on for the world to see. If you cannot see the error in this false equivalence then I don't know what to tell you.

Here's a link to why this absurd petty-booj sex-positivity is vile:


Concocted by wealthy white pixie girls to feel good about their hedonism. Only in our fucked up society can these cunts push themselves to the forefront on sex-work issues.

retarded mods anchoring a genuinely fun thread

Oh fuck off. Crawl back to whatever liberal shithole you came from. Everything you stand for is cancerous counter-revolutionary bullshit, and people like you are the reason why the left is in the state it is.

What? LOL.

Liberals don't scream for sex-positivity and pro-sex work shit?

Le gaslight meme.

The problem is that you want everyone to focus on sex than structural economics. Both sex-positive and sex-negative feminism are completely liberal positions.

Ummmm no, someone brought up sex politics and I only further elaborated with my rebuttal. Reading comprehension you fucking mong.

If you take issue with
then you're a liberal. It's that simple.

I never denied it, I'm saying that you're using that statement, which no one disagrees with, to cover for possibly the WORST form of exploitation under capitalism.

Who cares about sexual exploitation because everyone's getting exploited huh?

Exactly. You can't fix just one kind of exploitation under capitalism. It's like trying to bail out your own personal cabin while the entire ship is sinking.

Trying to create some kind of sex-negative-feminist-capitalism is the height of liberalism. Now fuck off back to r/socialism.