If you lived in a communist society what would be your profession?
Assuming you didnt get a political position.
If you lived in a communist society what would be your profession?
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Design electronics. Also design furniture and clothing on the side.
I would like to be a clerk at a convenience store so i could have social interaction in small manageable bites with no expectation of prolonged contact.
Zig Forums historian
Director of diversity and inclusion
For real just a medical doctor
I wouldnt care id get paid the same regardless lol
Wait we can choose to work in the gulag?
I choose to be glorious Communist detective.
Anime niggas being retarded as usual.
Hmmm. For socially necessary labor, probably a cook. For production of non-socially necessary goods, simply for the increased enjoyment of life, I'd be an artist, pencil/charcoal/oils(eventually) and bideo gaym developer
You think you wont work under communism?
ITT: people who don't read
I think he's being a fag about specific terminology. He envisiages proffession to mean >I went to school to get a devree to work an 8 hour day job for the rest of my life for a monetary wage" and not just what labour you'd provide for society to keep it functioning, as we'd all need to do.
Why is this board full of clowns and LARPers?
I think he means that work won't function the same way as it does now.
Something computer science related or maybe a detective
Still gotta work
Youre just mad because you wouldnt be able to live that neet lifestyle under Communism.
OP said nothing about how you would be compensated for your work, or whether the question is about lower stage or higher stage communism.
I dont think there would be wages under communism, I was just trying to i terpret your post about "proffessions". No shit there'd be a ton of automation, but before that reaches its peak people will still need to perform some basic labour to maintain society, even if its just 4 hours every wee, though I'd assume more for the first few decades. Finally, once the necessary production and industries are fully automated, people will still, and absolutely should, spend time being productive. On a society that sustains itself entirely through automation, that basically means people will take up crafts, producing things that are not necessary, but make life more interesting. Some people might just learn outdated shit, like blacksmithing, because their products may be desired and its even possibly a useful skill should something apocalyptic occur.
Never the less, its all day dreaming. But you can be assured that even at the very highest stage, people will learn things and put it to use in some organized fashion for the good of their community.
Not sure, I’m studying political science now so if I was barred from politics there are a number of things I might consider. Hopefully something like a game warden, or maybe a forestry biologist. Something that involved spending a lot of time in nature.
I would like to work in agriculture. I would work on the field, in the greenhouse and also do research in cultivation of useful plants.
i want be a musician or involved in sound production stuff
Master of all trades. As an ideologue you would have to jump and fix whatever doesnt work to keep the train going.
You think the solution to our problems is magic level automation and you call others LARPers?
Automation still requires a lot of labour input, its not like your going to have the nice automation elves to implement the reverse kinematics of your jerk off bot. What's more, the labour input often needs to be more specialized. People who believe in this FALC shit being just around the corner seriously do not realize where we are at with automation right now. Yes there is a massive amount of work right now that is trivial to automate conceptually, but that automation still requires a lot of labour input. However, we are still pretty far away from mathematically solving important stuff like generalized gripping. Robots are still pretty dumb.
Not just automation, but the loss of the bullshit jobs of state and capital.
I would want to get my art developed. Grow some self sustainables like pictured Maybe lend a hand in the community for this or that if they need someone as old as me
if i could pick where then some health resort
that'd be nice
Ummm.. hammering steel beams?
Are you sure youre a lesbian?
Love me some motherfucking plants
I-I won't be executed right?
nah, but i'd suppose some occupational therapy would be nice
i bet you can do something, right? it'd be for your own benefit
I'm looking at things I can do from home. Right now I just take care of my aging parents, but I'm hoping at some point I can do something artistic. I'm good with music (used to play the clarinet) so I'll likely pursue that.
Space navy engineer.
historian of one big US military base in Syria stuff.
I like one big US military base in Syria
Some kind of agriculture. Anything where I can just work with my hands while listening to audiobooks all day really.
Same one I have now - electrician.
What a dumb thread.
Probably to hunt down and kill moderators since the act of banning would be counter revolution.
Robots, automation and AI should make medical doctors obsolete
I imagine some people such as myself would have multiple professions just lesser degree of specialization in exchange for a wider perspective to help the specialists solve problems.
I want to be a teacher, but teaching pays like shit here, you have to bust your ass for 12 hours a day juggling multiple classes just to get a bottom of the barrel survival wage. Under socialism I could actually become one.
Donating semen and making Doom megawads after a long military career
Read Marx
Ok. When? Decades from now?
You still need evacuation,training and experience to be proficient in something. You can't just come to hospital and operate.
I'm a professional at everything I do fam, can't help it
Can the theory bros who are too stupid to think the OP didn't mean 'your labor' when he said 'profession' go back to rose emoji twitter. Thanks and god bless.
Profession is just a synonym for 'kind of job you have/are gaining experience doing'.
Work = Labor (example: mining)
Job = A specific task that needs work spent on it (example: mining ore from this location)
Profession = The collective experience and expertiese to make one efficient at doing a job (example: miner)
A person does a Job by Working it, hopefully it aligns with their Profession, else they will kind of suck at it.
Something with IT, maybe working on AI that will plan the economy
I'd be doing the same thing I'm planning to do now, be a diver and cinematographer. Diving is a necessary profession and under a socialist system it ought to be easy to do what I'm aiming for without much hardship.
Now with more meaningful projects.
Apply today.
Making tshirts in a sweatshop
I would be a scientist working on curing aging, like pic related.
best cure
I do enjoy ICT things and programming, but my relationship with it is more or less strictly professional, not for fun nor as a hobby.
I do have experience in light construction and have worked as a mailman from sorting to delivery. Those jobs were alright, even if the latter was utterly fucking ruined by the profit motive and a shitty foreman. The union kept me from going insane back there, thank god.
I was also trained as an NCO as a conscript, so there's something there.
As corny as it might sound, I've got a handful of notes and ideas for a book I've been thinking of, too.
I suppose I'd do whatever and whenever useful. Mostly the first on my list, most likely. I hate being stuck too long at one thing, if it becomes monotonous.
Honestly, the most soul-sucking thing on the branch are caused by capitalism. Fuck. Half the work is web based services is thinking up ways of exploiting the users by either shoving down advertising or sucking up personal data for heartless analytics. The other half is doing shitty gigs on shitty budgets with shitty time-frames, so that the shitty product can be shoved out as soon and cheap as possible and to justify SAAS-deals and shitty temporary employment deals and around-the-clock crunch time, all to enrich some fucking bastard who's out of office four days out of five and even when there spends half the day out on "business lunch".
Probably the same thing I’m doing now (wrenching on cars) albeit with enough shekels to not have to scrounge through my couch for cigarette money.
Sure in 3,000 AD
What could an accountant do in a communist society?
So you're gonna be the James Cameron of communism?
Genetic Engineer, because I’m a student going into that field.
Automation for at lest a few centuries would’t mean no work, It’d be more like a ten hour workweek. Also STEM jobs will be nessicary forever because well, using AI would be exploiting the AI.
Go back to uni
Essentially yes, although my hero is more Jacques Cousteau.
Read Marx. Political power is merely the organized power of one class for oppressing another. Public functions will lose their political character and be transformed into simple adminstrative functions watching over the interests of society
You should kill yourself
Contentedly so
trades or something with computer programming.
Repent, heathen!
☭Work class☭ ROV pilot :^)
I always wanted to be a composer like Prokofiev or Weill.
Doing what I do now, purveyor of specialty alcohol and cigars. Providing fun is not considered reactionary of course :L
forest ranger
I was already expecting this kind of shit, but it's pretty sad to read for someone finishing their CS degree that enjoys what they do.
any tip for someone entering the workforce in like a year
I would really like to become a writer, like Oscar Wilde mixing political stuff with a good story
lion tamer
baboon trainer
I would attempt to go back and finish my electrical engineering bachelor
What's stopping you all from doing these jobs under capitalism or even any other system? You're not all a bunch of talentless retards, are you?
Whatever the government assigns me to be.
So probably factory worker
Yes, I'm a talentless retard with crippling depression.
If you oppose my ego, may death come to you.
The interesting thing to consider about capitalism is that if tomorrow every person in the world was very talented at everything nothing would change.
Did you even read the thread?
Most replies are "Same job but not being dirt poor" or "same job but not shit".
I did. Why would things be less shit under communism? Just because that is the definition of communism?
If every person in the world was very talented at everything nothing would change under communism either.
Its sad how you don't even realise how nonsensical your statement is.
Because the shitness we are talking about is a direct result of producing for profit rather than for use. Under communism we would not employ a team of engineers to get a 0.5% increase in microtransaction sales, or a marginal raise in website visit retainment. Similarly, under communism people doing essential services like car mechanics or farmers and what have you, would not be struggling to buy food while working 40+ hours a week, because wages would be vastly more equal, and the profit that their bosses would normally get now can be distributed to the people actually doing the work.
Under communism, the leeches also known as businessmen wouldn't be allowed to monopolize wealth so as to exploit the working class for profit.
Plus, pirating gookanese video games would be legal, and that's awesome.
This. I worked at a convenience store for a few months and it was my favorite job to date (until I was put on the night shift). People always get so pissy when I say being able to live off of being a convenience store clerk would be my dream life. Like I couldn't live up to my potential with activities outside of my job.
Tank crewmann
Envoy to the RSFSR.
Helicopter pilot.
Very BASED, EPIC and REDPILLED meme MAGApede! Have an upboat!
Piracy would literally not exist. Without intellectual property laws, information would not be property in any sense.
what are you 14?
But true pirate pirates everything, even open source.
Yeah, but this would mean all information could be spread using torrents. Maybe that's what he meant.
are you guys even communists?
*technically it's a Mi-26 but point is, it's a soviet helicopter