Lmao. Seen the new masterpiece?
After "What if stalin never came to power" here's the new gem.
Doesn't work anymore
Lmao. Seen the new masterpiece?
Other urls found in this thread:
Still gives a view. Which basically fucks up the whole reason of it existing. Plus who gives a single fuck? This hooktube thing is pure autism in the first place.
Actually, the whole point of Hooktube was so that Google didn't track what you watch. I don't know if the G tracks what you watch if it is in an embedded format, but if you want an alternative to the old Hooktube you can use invidio.us
Read the changelog.
Literally who gives a shit tho?
Mock the video
I could only watch the first 3 minutes, it got so cancerous after that. Actually when I first saw the video linked here, someone said something like "the guy who used Marx's teachings to kill millions" I though it was ironic, but then I found out that was the actual description. Yeah. Don't watch it if you value your eyequeue.
Nvm shitposting flag
I can't watch these type of stuff. What is this video about?
Stalin used marx to kill 100milliom babies, only scandinavia is near socialism
I really hate this. Norway is polluting country that has massive profits from selling weapons. Norway is polluting country that has massive profits from selling oil. Has enough money to cure cancer, chooses not to.
Denmark is polluting country that has profits from unclean energy and unclean ship industry.
I am really glad that citizens in those countries despite all their wealth are forced to live in tiny flats, and can't afford tasty food and can't afford to have kids.
This. The nigger didn’t even read the Wikipedia page on communism, he literally said that communism is when the state comes and distributes the fruit of your labour equally to everybody.
Stopped watching here. What the fuck
that's a funny assad meme.
Sweden's welfare is built upon an arms industry that is gonna be giving Brazil some airplanes to conquer Venezuela.
Socdem is Fascism.>>2632706
Lmao. Reported
These meanie nazis! How do we stop them, leftypol?
The guy unironically makes "alternate history" videos for a living, why expect any substance from his content in the first place?
I had to stop after he labeled Marx an "idealist." Why do so many brainlets continue criticize Marx when it's blatantly obvious they don't even remotely understand even the most basic principles of his thought?
make another /gulag/ thats how we stop 'em
Hegel was the Idealist
I do. I do my best to not allow google to know everything about me. However, I really hate giving these people views more than anything.
Setting aside that Phytoestrogen is made of different stuff compared to the hormone (Even if it acts in a similar manner), that's pretty funny
it does make you grow mantits
In my country we say beer is rakija (locally made alcohol, really high alcohol percentage brandy) for women.
guys you won't fuckin believe this
there was still some wine in the pot, and when I filled it up with water… the water all turned purple.
what in the fuck
He certainly ruined everything for the imperialist.
gulag should do the trick once more
ie american brain who doesn't understand anything about marxism besides what his years of cold war propoganda taught him… "communism is when everyone shares a toothbrush and the government picks your job for you and doctors make the same as janitors"
The self-confidence of the right always baffles me. For me it would be an absolutely arrogant gesture not to consult some actual sources before going public with an opinion piece, for them it's just "lawl, common sense, brah" and they publish absolute nonfactual crap that gets successful only because it is backed up by a 100 years of anti-communist propaganda.
They are so fucking dumb they don't realize how easy they have it.