Hey "comrades" ;), what do you think abou the stupid gentiles, who seriously believe this marxist bullshit and are even to stupid to see that it's just a tactic from us chosen people to take over the world?
Hey "comrades" ;), what do you think abou the stupid gentiles...
never understood this cognitive dissonance
Zig Forums is probably whiter than Zig Forums.
Nice thread OP.
Yeah we jews don't think in ideologies, like you stupid gentiles, we see us as a big family and help each other.
Are the Zig Forumsyps on 4chan this schizophrenic and out of touch with reality?
We do not control everything yet , but that will change because we are the chosen people and you are only our cattle! Stupid gentiles!
Why do you think that i am a stupid nigger-gentile? My great-grandfathers controlled the slave trade in the USA, you stupid gentile!
All Zig Forumsyps are mentally ill
A shekel for a good gentile!
Hey there good master, it's me your loyal brown servant. Don't forget to grant all the gentiles' land to me after your master plan succeeds.
Sure, my muslim brother you can trust me!!!
They are very good goyim that we have caught into our international Jewish gangsterstein trap, with all radio controls implemented already in their fissioning brains. Seven billion useless, deadless, derelict slaves to the subconscious that bow down directly to JerUSAlem when their supreme Jewish masters (us) command them too. Soon we will exterminate the wh*toids and the world will be only mulatto nigger underling puppets that will abide by our every kosher wish as per the Talmud.
Hail Marx and Stalin btw
No, Stalin was a bad goy… that's why he had to die…
By the way, you are a gentile too…
Rare Shrek thread.