Dicky Spencer beat his wife

Sadly, its not as comical as Heimbachs arrest.


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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/richard spencer/start/2014-1-1/end/2015-1-1/

So this is the power of traditionalism and white values. Why are all of these freaks degenerate or wife-beaters? Makes me think. I'm weird but I don't hide it at least

He must be punching her because he's too afraid to punch the antifa super soldiers that punch him first.

Because fascism is about power and domination and men calling the shots. It's no surprise. And yeah these guys beat their shit out of their girlfriends on the regular


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Also I noticed the line in there about her pointing out his alcoholism, which is obvious if you're ever watched a Dickie Sphincter livestream where he's soaked to the gills

Wow who would have thought
Surprised she was still with him after the "Lets give pedophiles porn" shit

Lmao, all these wamen respecters here, I hate dicky as much as the next goy, but lets not pretend for a second that his ex-thot didn't deserve what she got. What exactly did she expect marrying a fed/cia nigger

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The alt right strikes again in the face of their tradwives

These fuckers beat up and fuck each others wives constantly what the fuck is wrong with them

Beating your wife IS family values to these freaks, they're cheering him on

Victim-blaming much?

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she married Dicky, she knew exactly what she got herself into

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I mean theres a world of difference between "respecting wamen" and dragging your wife down stairs by her hair, throwing her on the couch so you dont watch some shitty movie by yourself.
And I should know, I'm a gamer and we fucking hate broads!

But in all honesty I dont know if you know her history, shes cozy with Dugin and according to her website translated two of his books.

Isn't she that one thot that translated Dugin's shit to English? Fucked in the head attracts fucked in the head attracts fucked in the head. Like pottery.

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Literal Nazis get married and have wives to beat meanwhile i remain an incel.

You are allowed to be misogynistic and violent towards women, as long as you're a wealthy attractive chad.


Reminds me of Elun Musk's ex wife's story:


I know there's the "banality of evil" and Nazis are normal people like you and me blah blah blah. But I've spent a decent amount of time looking up these jabronis and a lot of them just seem like psychopaths to me. Yeah I know it's really shocking and I'm blowing your mind with that factoid.

Or maybe sociopaths I dunno I'm not a psychologist. But this combination of violent menace and pathological narcissism lurking underneath superficial charm. That's a bunch of these guys

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Dicky is hardly a chad, honestly I thought he was a closeted homosexual and only had the wife and kids for show.

Yeah thats a really good story, gonna drop the "I am the alpha in this relationship" the next time I go out on a date, wish me luck.


You better drop that relationship if she submits to this bullshit. Or if she's a bourg, milk her for all she's worth.

oh ho ho ho
So desperate, it bleeds through the screen!

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But my good sir he has not referred to himself qua neo-Nazi and there for ipso facto he is not a neo-Nazi

no faggot

Big brain

Dude hes not gonna fuck your wife.

I had a great Apgar score so I'm pretty smart

Nazbol is not Communist, you tard.

If we use as much Latin as possible it will show how smart and cultured we are!


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Probably the most redeemable thing that Dicky has done.

>implying Zig Forums thinks anyone who isn't a keyboard warrior is a Jewish infiltrator

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I like that booty booty
I like that boom boom.


So…what's the difference between white nationalist and ISIS?

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Stalin did peaceful ethnic cleansing.

Such as?

Nothing really, if Islam wasn't a religion of brown people, Evangelicals and Fascists would be falling over to praise ISIS and Islamic Terrorism. They pretty much outright say so in Jesus Camp where they actually admit they're jealous that kids are radicalised to suicide bomb in the middle east, but not the US.

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Never happened
The German Volga ASSR was dissolved during the Eastern front war and afterwords most Volga Germans were given the choice to either continue living as citizens of the the RFSSR or to move to the newly established DDR

The guy who shouts "Hail Victory", which is English for Sieg Heil, is surely not a neo-Nazi.

He didn't "appear out of nowhere". Here are Zig Forums archives mentioning him a year before the election cycle and even as early as 2013, many of the posts supportive of him: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/richard spencer/start/2014-1-1/end/2015-1-1/
Richard Spencer also coined the term "alt right" alongside Paul Gottfried in 2008.

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Just pulled up a trailer. I'll have to watch the whole thing. But anyway it's funny how the right and white nationalist claim to hate other religions and ISIS and Al-queda. But like you said the only thing separating them is their skin color.

From 2010, earliest I can find about him besides the Lacross Case


You need to kill yourself.

Isn’t Spencer’s Wife the person who translated Dugin’s work into English?

I seem to remember hearing something like that as well but I don't know if it is true.

Listen I love my papa Stalin but let's not pretend here those Germans were violently punted back to Germany for the most part. It was fucked up but I find it hard for me to blame them at the time considering the circumstances.
The Volga germans were treated well though

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Well yeah, he's a CIA/KGB informant LARPing as a Duginist. CIA had to head off the rise of NAZBOL before it was too late

Hey grandad

lol no, being forced to live in Kazack desert and being unable to return to your homes until Birthmark destroys everything and even when you try to create community cultural organizations. Other Soviet Citizens protest your very existence. The Volga Germans were treated like shit, granted it’s understandable why.

You can't be a Nazi and support Israel. That's like a communist supporting private industry.

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who cares

Americans everyone. Reminder that this is what got that """traditional worker""" (he was petit bourg) guy in trouble too.

ISIS and the aut-right draw from the same type of people: failsons from dominant ethnic groups/social strata/etc. It's not surprising that they have similar behavior and opinions.

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Israel is a fascist ethnostate. It is very similar to how America was during its western expansion (and very much still is on an institutional level.) Why wouldn't a fascist love them?

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ISIS is comprised of brown people.

Didn't Blaire White out a lot of these people as being grifters though?

Do you know about the Haavara Agreement?

Why would the people who want to get rid of capitalism like CEOs?

20,000 jews served under Hitler and Israeli's first PM was a known fascist sympathizer.

They were purged during the knight of the long knives. Others hid their identities

A lot of western European elites supported the creation of Israel as a non-violent way of solving the "jewish question."


hahaha socialist=incel

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I'm a hot socialist twinkboi

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Why do some of these board lurkers think in groups and say shit like
Gee, Humans war over each other and give them shit living standards, it's understandable why humans do that since humans are pieces of crap who do unethical things like kill and put people in shit living standards so they deserve all of it!
Is this like biblical group thinking or something.


Reminded me to download Dwarf Fortress. Thanks!

I remember reading the alpha line and think of it every time Elon comes up. What a jerk.

Fucking Hitler supported Israel dude

butthurt incel detected

Nazis didn’t support an independent Jewish state, though. He says in Mein Kampf and I’ve read it in a few articles which I found by searching Haavara on Jstor. The hardcore Zionists did collaborate with the Nazis though

There’s no practical need for big muscles in the 21st century. Bodybuilding is dandyism, pass it on.

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Because there's a difference between Nazi (the historical German ones you're strawmanning hard) and Fascist, which is what you have budding in faggots like Dick Sponsor. Hating Jews was only one facet of historical Nazis as well…


Quit being retarded just to own the Zig Forumsyps, you don’t have to always argue the opposite of what they say. That study has been thrown at us many times, all it says is that poor men that are stronger are more likely to support redistribution of wealth and the inverse is true of wealthy men.

It is genuinely true though that having big muscles isn't necessarily an indicator of a good fighter
Eddie Alvarez has muscle but it isn't really that big he has a lean build where as a bodybuilder might outweigh him and have bigger muscle mass he's likely not a very good fighter. At a certain point big muscles actually get in the way.

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Yeah, I'm sure you are at risk of attaining muscles so big it could be a problem.

This is a COPE post if I've ever seen one. The guy on the left is still far more muscular than 99.8% of the male population. Even if world class athletes aren't as big as roided up as elite body-builders they are generally far stronger and chiseled than the average person and in general the stronger an athlete the better they are all-round.

Pic related is a group of indigenous men, notice how they aren't le ottermode xD but actually look like solidly built muscular men. These guys would fit in seamlessly at almost any musclehead gym. (You) would probably do well to be as stacked as the old guy in the center; I'm willing to bet it would take you years to do it and would probably quit before you did it.

Do you really think these are dandy muscles in this photo? Do you think these guys put any more thought into their physique beyond what it took to lug a kangaroo carcass 3 miles. I really doubt it.

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I said nothing incorrect. In the modern day, the most useful kind of muscle to grow are the energy-efficient, fatigue-resistant slow-twitch muscle fibers, which are naturally slender. The energy-hogging, fatigue-prone fast-twitch muscle fibers which provide short bursts of strength might have been useful to the blacksmiths and lumberjacks of yesteryear, but in the 21st century when that type of work has all been mechanized, it’s only really good for looks, because fast-twitch muscle fibers are quite large and bulky.

In short, bodybuilders and their fellow travelers are fucking dandies and no amount of fake, affected gym bro “masculinity” is going to change that fact. The right thinks you need to be “swole” to be an effective fighter because they think real-life combat is like American action films, the irony being that the big, muscular guys in those films are all just actors, none of whom (to my knowledge) have ever seen real combat of any kind.

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This photo is also semi-famous but I think it should be pointed out that these men are Soviet gym teachers and not bodybuilders in the Western sense. I guess it depends on how you define big muscles, in comparison to the biggest modern bodybuilders, no these guys aren't that great but they are definitely still elite in comparison to the majority of the male population.

While his aesthetics are not as extreme as an elite bodybuilder, the current world's strongest man is jacked by any standard. He is carrying some extra lbs in fat especially depending on the picture but you can tell that he has an enormous quantity of muscle mass. His muscles aren't the biggest if we are talking proportions but they are definitely extremely big and even if he wasn't 6'9 he would still be packing a lot of muscle.

His muscles are geared to the practical purpose of lifting heavy weights rather then showboating. I know bodybuilding and powerlifting aren't the same but lad, even if your lifting for aesthetics you just don't get on magazine covers if you aren't able to lift large amounts of weight when you aren't on a cut.

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What I'm getting out of this, is that you don't have a job where your required to lift more than 40 lbs…


There is no practical need to be able to lift heavy weights in the 21st century, that role has been thoroughly mechanized

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Wait if you're a Yahtzeeposter why are you hating on Zig Forums

Yeah, you need to be real swole to lift 40 pounds. My fucking mother could lift 40 pounds.

Uh huh
see pic related:

Also, love how you picked a light-weight fighter to "prove" your point. But you didn't address my core point which is that Alvarez is stronger and more cut than the vast, vast majority of the male population and would probably out bench them too.

Spencer's said some pretty horrific shit, so this doesn't really surprise me.

Once again, 40 pounds isn’t that heavy.

And I said nothing about whatever the fuck you were on about after that.

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What fucking job are you talking about?

naziposter isn't even a nazi anymore, he just keeps the name.

I never was

wait what
i thought you originally were and just became more based over time

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