
Just a heads up.
Yours truly, /fascist/

Attached: 9135210b036b5eddd139c63dba46a60a475b90e48a06c2845da1ef8a29e90af4-tv.jpg (1000x464, 115.27K)

Yeah thanks fag

It's just the motherfucking nazbol gang.

Attached: Politiscales.jpg (480x566, 77.6K)

destroy all books


Fucking based.

Could any tech anons tell me why this is wrong?

GPL is more of "hack" of the copyright system and makes the laws work against their original purpose. It allows the software to keep its social nature. Also when talking about GPL you should be talking about free software, not open source. Open source is vague, it could be interpreted as a synonym for free software or something more limited, which would no longer be free software.

I told you personal property was not only a meme but a meme that will lead to the downfall of the left. You will share your toothbrush and like it damn you.

GPL only exists out of necessity. If copyright did not exists, the GPL would be unnecessary to begin with.

adding to what everyone else said, open source doesn't contradict anything in communism.

Anyone remember when that fat fuck Traditional Family fuckers party tard was walking around at one of his rallies wearing a shirt of fucking cordraneu while saying he wanted "peaceful ethnic cleansing"? LMAO


Lmao what brainlets

beat this.

Attached: themotherfucking nazbol gang.png (800x1200, 265.62K)

/fascist/ is for classcucked retards

How the hell are you guys getting 100% communist? I only got 95% and I don't know which economy related question I answered idk to. Also how do you up the rehabilitation score? I'm not even in favor of punitive justice and it still cataloged me there.

Attached: shrug.jpg (800x1200 86.25 KB, 192.21K)

might be one
might be one
is most likely one
might be one
could be one
could be one
could be one
could be one
could be one
could be one
could be one
could be one
could be one
i only got 93% communism with those questions though and 90% regulationism so i don't know if that's all of them.

FUCKING revisionist

Anti-Counter Revolutionary program activated. Initiating Charge sequence

Lmao what brainlets.

Attached: a8092f185f5d0ad06722339562701299d54675371d5870ff3e2b3943373992c3.jpg (850x1032, 203.62K)

I hate these tests because It never specifies if we're talking about the future I want or right now.

Who is the confederate guy? He's probably the most insufferable poster there.

Attached: 6d10ee175a8b19c284f20fad8f88c257eddcd3fe2739d65261ee7512c0bacb04.jpeg (525x777, 55.31K)

probably some rebel asshole that unironically has a dukes of hazzard car horn