Can you beat them up? Like, physically? I think history has over 4000 years of recorded evidence that physical punishment works.
Im from Belgrade, Serbia. Here we have a tiny organization of about 20 people in total (splintered from a much larger group) and basically you would get beaten up for wasting valuable resources (such as time) on counter revolutionary/irrelevant causes.
Bringing socialism about requires strict discipline, and the less resources you have the less you can waste. If you volunteer to be a member, you also voluntarily accept the physical punishments so there is nothing unclear here. It is crucially important to be strictly disciplined, especially with time and especially in the start/before socialism can even be established.
Resources arent unlimited and you are in strict competition with the whole capitalist system so there is absolutely no time for this bullshit.
So far, my group (lets just call it that on the internet) requires:
50 hours a week of work (we run our own welding, construction and custom furniture business for financial purposes among other things)
"full workout" at least once a week (lifting, benching and cardio) and attending boxing+judo practice at least once a week
ability to assemble m70 zastava (local version of AK) even while blindfolded, proficiency at shooting it as well
and finally:
at least 20 hours a week of dedication to an activity deemed strategically relevant to bringing socialism (this one isnt clearly defined but here you are supposed to study mathematics, mechanical engineering, electrical/electronic engineering, computers, agricultural mechanization in particular, industrial engineering, we also want to study medicine but we simply cant at the moment, recruiting effort also goes here but we rarely travel abroad and current student and socialist groups are just fucking awful or completely useless for revolution)
We have problem finding suitable recruits even tho there are special programs if you are a student (of a relevant field only, basically reduced working hours), people who are physically disabled and women (women cant meet our welding/construction work standards) can also be members but have greater responsibilities elsewhere..
There is also a system of physical punishment in case you do not fulfill your duties which works extremely well at motivating us all.
So far, we piled up enough cash to buy a relatively large farm, but Serbian agri business is so fucking fucked, you wouldnt believe it, few large capitalists are in bed with the politicians and they get all grants and subventions, making agriculture not viable business for anyone else. We dont have money to pay taxes to run a factory, so our businesses are largely cash on hand, untaxed services we offer in Serbia and abroad (mostly Balkan region, furniture, construction, floors, roofs, electric and water installations if you bribed authorities for permits…).
We debate on what to do with this cash, we are storing it in gold and oil (extremely liquid commodities, easily convertable) just to protect ourselves from inflation but we have no clue what to do next. We do not believe in defeating capitalism from within, only from outside. So we form our own businesses, are our own security, dont bother with unions or parliamentary schemes/forming parties/governments, we would rather have capacity to secede and pursue autarky (resource independence) then work with the powers that be.
But before socialism is established, each and every one of us must carry the burdens of responsibility. Simply put, turns out not everyone even deserves socialism. In pre-scarcity economy, many lazy people will perish much before they can be saved. If you cant stand alone, if you are weak AND if there is a shortage, there is nothing that can be done about you dodging starvation in the worst case scenario. So you must prepare, pursue strength on your own before AND IF you can be liberated. Cant take socialism for granted.