Encyclopedia dramatica, youtube and such have claim the hearts of the millennial and z generations of people, while those who are in Gen X or baby boomers will naturally support capitalism. It seems as if there really is no hope for the left at all, because even if socialism was popular, it seems as if the capitalists will forever be able to sway people to the sweet, sweet allure of it's ideology.
The left is seen as weak, and as spoiled brats. The culture war is basically lost to even liberals and states like Germany, Poland, and France have fallen in love with the fascists in their countries. It seems as if all that we can hope for is to be able to pass as right-leaning enough so that we will not be shot by groups backed by the CIA and porky as a whole.
Encyclopedia dramatica, youtube and such have claim the hearts of the millennial and z generations of people...
What foolish defeatism! All periods of reaction eventually subside. In fact, I'd say it's subsiding right now.
you overstate the importance of minecraft kids, for most of them it's just a way to be edgy and rebellous, like skeptic joker memes we posted unironically when we were younger. in 5 years they'll be looking back on their alt-right period and cringing profusely
that UTR rally proved once and for all that the alt-right is an internet larping phenomenon with no real life influence
How do you explain Metokur's popularity? How can you explain how seemingly invincible the right is at making themselves look cool? How can you look at America or even Europe and believe that there is going to be any level of hope at all? Maybe Marx was wrong, the dialectics and the future will not be ruled by the proletariat but rather by large monopolies who are capable of choosing who is, or isn't popular through the power of being able to control the means of communication.
Look at reddit and see how unpopular left-wing thought is, as reddit is the nucleolus of the millenial's desires and thoughts. Look at how much they laugh at Venezuela while ignoring Argentina. Look at how easy it is for the CIA to influence people's minds with such precision and control that it turns my stomach at the thought.
Face it comrade, we have lost. We have no hope, CIA niggers have won this war and Europe and America will be the staging grounds of pure, mindless genocide. We will be ruled by the obese cube people that we call our betters, letting them use machines and their own form of dialectics in order to control everything with nothing more but a whim.
Zig Forums has won, QAnon is merely the hand of that victory and we are all living in a world of fuck. God help us, because even Satan finds this world to be too sinful.
okay this is just a Zig Forums slider, move along
I can see why you'd think that, but I've just got incredibly pessimistic since I've been watching a lot of youtube videos. H3h3's popularity is at an all time high and he's bringing in people to the alt-light. E;R and EZ PZ are also well respected cartoon reviewers who have a lot of clout in those spheres, and they are extremely Zig Forums aligned. Joe Rogan regularly hosts right wingers to his show, robbing even the left of drugboys.
What does the left have? ChapoTrapHouse? Hbomberguy? fucking Contrapoints? Nobody respects them at all, and even if they did they are succdems at best. Face it friend, we are totally fucked.
a force to be reckoned with, to be sure
beyond pathetic
When it comes down to a brawl, I honestly think that the left would overall win. We have the hottest and most powerful units out there in a straight up brawl. Sure the right does have some prison boys who are capable of putting up a scrap, but most of their civilian troops are comprised of the degenerates like pic related.
The left will have more guys like the flamethrower chad that humiliated Zig Forums with such precision that even they were outshone.
However the right does have access to programmers and drone operators and you might laugh at me for saying that people like No Bullshit, RooshTV, Sargon of Akkad along with others people who are capable of gathering respect of nerds. Those nerds will be able to hack into left-wing websites, even if a lot of them are script kiddies. Don't believe me? Look at the recent debacle about a programmer getting the ax for refusing to share code with Microsoft. These are the people who will be the most dangerous to us in the revolution, if there would be one in the first place.
I believe that with those cartoon reviewers, they will be able to entrap those programmers into a miasma of reaction, weaving their CIA backed webs to ensare proletarians who honestly just want to jack off to anime titties.
This is so stupid meme I am not sure if I want this meme to die, or (you) simply do not deserve to live anymore.
They still have propaganda value.
Remember, we're talking about young adults/teenagers here.
go on a reddit programming board and tell me if that's what you really think?
I hope you are just pretending to be retarded.
I don't like going on reddit, but there's a reason why I go there. It's to see what people think about things.
I wonder, what are (you) doing for living? How old are you(under 20/25/30…)? Why are you so scared of evil hackers destroying us? Remember that it's North Korean hackers which are making most damage in the world right now.
You mean chinese.
Well, it's hard to track down a good hacker, but what significant hack was linked to China?
I'm 25. I'm also a fuckin' NEET. A total trashlord ass fuckass who can't talk to people without calling someone a nigger.
However it's not about me, I'm talking about how the right wing got people who are capable of hacking into anything they want with ease and being able to air out any sort of dirty laundry, no matter how little it actually matters. Metokur, is able to channel the collective ID of the middle class idpol of White America. /cow/ is able to control who is, or isn't cool. Do you know who Mumkeyjones is? He's some lame fuckwad that people like simply because he was one of their boys and how they were able to fucking murk Digibro with such precision that I'm in fucking aw.
These are the people who will end us, no matter how much we laugh at them. I swear, losing anime to the right is where we fucked up and now I have to tolerate Zig Forums talk on /a/ and anime discords. I just wanna jerk off to anime titties like any good, white blooded, christian man and I have to listen to some fucking gimp talk about how niggers are bad when an innocent picture of a tan Cirno is posted.
/r/wallstreet bets is also sort of worrying, because they make stock market cool, so even the fact that they are getting skull fucked by porky, the right can just point to that reddit and tell the left to 'invest in fucking tesla stock" to become a millionaire. Like yeah how are you supposed to argue with those sorts of people? There was millions of people in that discord server and Zig Forums infographics are a dimadozen there.
That is the average redditor, a stock market bandit with daddy's money. Some get lucky and are able to hire other right-wingers in order to do covert ops on even the most milquetoast of liberals and extort them with "karma". Knowing how it works, it is fucking disgusting how that website is laid out, but that is THE most influential website for millennial and so we need to keep an eye over there.
/r/thedonald also has lots of clout and respect on reddit, and people don't like it when you shit talk about it.
China hacks and obtains various US weapon blueprints.
It is possible the nork hackers are chinese in actuality due to the lack of infrastructure in Nork.
Interesting, I didn't hear about that.
While I believe that best Korea is underdeveloped, I find it hard to believe that it would be a problem. It's not a liberal republic where kid have to have big interest in the programming, somehow learn a lot by himself and then either volunteer to intelligence agency or do some damage and be forced to join. All Norks have to do is ask school teachers about sending them kids most capable of learning fuckton of stuff in short time and they can train a lot of good hackers this way. China surely can have military university teaching IT (I have heard that Russia have such school) which would put them one step ahead of rest of the world (world largest state owned botnet surely need maintenance), but I would not underestimate North Korea.
Your post is too fucking dense for me to answer right now, give me an hour
It's been an hour.
Teenagers and young adults arent likely to keep thier political beliefs the same as they get older, most of these edgy autrighters will become the neocons they hate in 5 years anyways
OP is a self defeatist fag
It seems like your talking about how easy it is to influence the ignorant. Its no suprise Zig Forums and Reddit is the meeting place of holdovers of years of propaganda (the latter end of middle age) and children.
The content appeals to the simple and provides them with materieals that already conform to their worldview and/or limited experience.
It is the workplace and lifestyle of the adult that will make them like us.
I'm 25 too, it was work that made me a red and broke the liberal ideaology that hung over me. It's easy to radicalise those at the bottom of the pyramid including those spooked by the childlike personalities you describe. I know from personal experience.
Those that cling to them and become adults will either be in the classes above or the lumpen. Let them do so, the cartoon reviewers and watchers are of no benefit to us.
Also of note is that everyone your talking about is popular because of an American audience. It's always going to be at the center of reactionary movements due to its position at the head of empire. It's not that surprising or unexpected to see a strong right there.
The problem with these kids is that they are nothing short of contrarians. They revolve around the same axis of essentialist biopolitics that the social-liberals do but they make a serious counterposition out of the pursuit of this negation of social-liberal ideology - the thing which social-liberals often mock (this involves irony) and often react angrily against (a form of 'elementary', basic opposition)! Even though the opposition to 'socjus' politics can be a serious starting point, for many youths it's a case of contrarianism and post-irony, the reconversion of that which is ironically-stated back into a serious position since ironic humour is just not enough to satisfy their search for absurdity and raucous laughter. Yet examining such cultures of contrarianism yields the result that they are simply reproductions of the mechanism of seriously-believing in something and the birth and movement of political struggles! Even the simple opposition of contrarianism winds up being a contrarianism and it has the same problems, namely that eventually all sorts of people start following it and it becomes the new norm. The most contrarian thing to do is to CHANGE the norms about which contrarianism itself may pivot; contrarianism can never be enough for itself and it gives birth to systematic critique. This has been the Communist goal since the times of Marx.
I should add: one way to get these kids away from these stupidities is to throw contrarian cultures at them from all over the place while giving them some idea of dialectical thought and complete change of norms. This could facilitate them finding the common factor of contrarianisms that I've detailed - an adherence to the axis of norms, whether in support or against the norms themselves - so that they may change the standards of things. One can promote a 'use the best bits' doctrine or even try to get these people to understand how memes develop and where they can go next - for example, the transformation of Pedobear into Spurdo and eventually into Gondola, the last of which has lost much of its vulgarity.
Holy shit is that real? If so it's hilarious.