I remember when I was the sheep in the pen, falsely adhering to Marxist doctrines introduced by an alien force. Marxism was forced into my brain by Jewish professors and feminists, poisoning my natural Aryan instinct of folk and land. This was true alienation. I hated my white skin (the skin of conquerors), my own gender (the gender of imperium) and my own sexuality (that of nature). I had become the modern man – the incel cuck, the product of Jewish modernity. I was floating in space, a Judaized rootless cosmopolitan like so many others.
Then one day I stumbled upon völkisch salvation – TRUE socialism. The national organism, the collaboration of all parts of the nation for the greater good, the Führerprinzip, the rejection of multi-party systems and 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧democracy🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. Marxism was banished from my brain and replaced with TRUTH. I saw the world as it was and hate flowed forth with the force of a tsunami. For so long the Jews have poisoned my nation and suppressed natural law for this modern Jewish playground. The Christian himself has become the Jew. To fight the Jew we must reject their Semitic values, expel them from our countries and REVOLUTIONIZE OURSELVES. Just like mosquitos in swamps, Jews settle in the swamp of our sins.
Führerprinzip is in line with natural law and hierarchy. Only animals follow the mob rule of democracy while in reality it is the individual will which is the driving force of history, not economics. People are more than numbers and statistics
Dominic Morris
Through some hard-hitting esoteric hitlerism and a thoroughly biological racial study analysis I can conclude OP is correct and anyone who disagrees with him needs to read Evola and Hitler to understand the esoterically pure nature of National Sócialism and needs to reject materialist hedonist jewish "scientific" socialist marxism.
This is not an argument. Natural hierarchy is the state of man and will allow for his flourishing, not your class-cuckoldry and philo-semitism
Lincoln Morales
This thread is nonsense, but I don't think anyone on the left does enough to attack the concept of guilt informing this sort of thinking about race and the like. Both repenting and affirming such categories belong to the same idealistic orientation toward reality.
Jack Flores
I disagree with this statement but I am happy to see someone like you who can look past his nurture and see the truth behind not attacking one’s Volk
Dominic Torres
the “Feels” which you speak of are all completely real. Only a Jewish golem would reject the validity of feeling and emotion.
Camden Phillips
just more proof that nazis are liberals
Cameron Sanders
Communists are the real liberals. The similarities between those two forms of scum are much closer than any similarities between fascists and liberals.
Andrew Parker
You both happily bend over for porky
Jonathan Rodriguez
next time when you make a bait thread, at least pretend to be a nazbol instead of immediately outing yourself as a bootlicker cuck
Brandon Brown
You say this like I am the one violated or exploited when this is clearly not the case. A nation is composed of many parts – workers, bosses, etc. All parts functioning in harmony is the ideal nation. This is why we reject both capitalism and Jewish marxism
Juan Johnson
You do not understand the nature of the turd position:
Jayden Hernandez
y'all posting in a bait thread
Christopher Price
class cuckoldry
Nathaniel Hernandez
FEELZ > REALZ Thank you white bourgeoisie for exploiting me XDDDD Pls exploit me more XDDDDD Kill more boons to society pls XDDDD
Jayden Morales
My point was that you're still thinking about identity in exactly the same way as you'd been taught by the "Jewish professors" teaching "Marxism" (incorrectly, apparently, supposing they even taught it, dubious at best).
You were taught to be an idealist, and you've merely switched to affirming the moral categories deemed "bad" by liberal idealism. Insofar as thinking goes, you've escaped nothing at all.
Zachary Adams
'natural law' is a classical liberal concept, buddy. No Marxist takes it seriously.
Matthew Murphy
OP understands the cycle if nature and the esoteric purpose of scientific racism and social darwinism, the natural planks of the purifying harmony that is National Sòcialism, you don't. Read Hitler and Evola.
Liam Thomas
Why would I pretend to be a Marxist? Marxism was forced down my throat in college, hence once I awoke to volkisch truth I got out of there quick. All I heard was “muh whitey”, “muh wiminz” and “muh oppression”. If this is not Zig Forums‘s version of REAL COMMUNISM it is surely cultural Marxism. The base of that ideology is rooted in universities as part of a still-continuing and very successful long march to dominance in our society
Henry Sanders
Ethan Williams
You should really watch some Cultured Thug on Jewtube. He really understands what I mean. The restoration of naturality will be concurrent with the removal of kikes from public life and self-revolutionizing
Julian Jones
What else could it be? The “oppressive” male is juxtaposed to the “oppressed” female class. This is a form of Marxism, gender Marxism maybe. Or more likely a subset of the Frankfurt School