Looks like we're stuck with the good ol middle of the road.
The only realistic alternative
Is there any difference between the ISO, SAlt, and the IMT besides that they hate each other for being trots?
That's from the socialist alternative party
So SAlt are like Democrat Cops of America members who can just happen to quote Trotsky.
Stop right there, fascist scum.
yeah, because thats totally something taken serious around here
Ignore the retard, Stache-user. At this rate, it'll shit up every thread if at least one person gives it (You)s.
ok, retard
Fascist scum
fascist faggot
oh wait you mean the pronoun
on a fucking gender free zone that is an imageboard
oh fuck just fuck off back to your safespace reddit you stupid ass radfem cunt
…like a clueless rabbit, thinking that if it doesn't move, the semi trailer approaching it at 110kph will not try to eat it.
Good luck there buddy
Imagine thinking you discourage a poster by feeding them vitriolic (You)s in every thread she posts in
Like, did you not learn what happens when you make martyrs with icepicks already or
but it literally is
Is this Hoochie?
So you’re saying brainlet anarchyflagposter is basically Trotsky?
depends on whom it is targeted at
Censorship and repression are things that we need to drop, otherwise people will never take us seriously. No one wants censorship, it's always associated to old farts and fascists/totalitarianism. Repression should only be used if it's extremely necessary, but we should avoid it as much as possible.
What world are you living in?
Censorship and repression are means that are used by every government in the world. Even anarchists in Catalonia did it.
The reactionaries are coming and if you don't handle them, they are handling you.
My dude, why the fuck do you think Stalin and friends resorted to repression and censorship, just because of the blackness of their hearts? No. It was necessary for the survival of the revolution in a trying time. The only correct stance is: whatever it takes. If it takes repression and censorship to keep the revolution alive, then by all means do it.
Fuck off.
since when
I'd rather not
at the very least they should get more credit than Democrat Cops of America or random other groups for not being socdems and actually having an elected official in who pushed for 15$ an hour. pic related
Are you being serious?
There was no gun culture in Soviet Union, but until Khrushchev (who is practically unanimously recognized today as "Not ML") guns were easily available for general population.
I.e. unless you mean confiscation of military-grade rifles during Civil War (since Red Army didn't have enough), you don't really have any basis for indignant "Are you being serious?"
what do you mean "no gun culture"
nearly everyone had at some point of their life one form of military education and weapons training
the workers were armed and organized
I meant actual culture. I.e. no common Schützenfests or equivalents. Possession of personal firearms was not part of cultural identity.