Melenchon speaks at UK Labor event

Melenchon speaks at Labor Party UK conference in Favor of Jeremy Corbyn

Internationale SOON

Guillotine SOON

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Only Posted this independent of /britleftypol/ because sites fucking up btw

Literally had a Labour member say he was "problematic" because he supports a burqa ban (although not the currently existing French ban): I tried to explain to him what the fuck french Laicité and he said "he doesn't care he wants to opress muh minorities". He then claims he is an anti-semite because JLM said Vichy wasn't the legit French government, the French people as a whole aren't responsible for the holocaust in France, and that Macron was trying to score good-boy points with Israel.
This guy isn't even a blairite what the hell…

How the fuck does NOT liking Petain's / Vichy france make HIM a Anti-Semite in your friends eyes???

I dunno he just linked a Haaretz article and called him an anti-semite. Then said "what about x" and pointed out the fact that Vichy is not considered a legitimate government of the French people is something LITERALLY RECOGNISED BY THIS COUNTRY LEGALLY. He didn't say anything back to it.

because saying vichy france was illegitimate is denying france's role in the holocaust or some stupid shit like that

I Found this is this it?

Hes clearly just saying that Vichy was basically just a German Military occupation / gov and that the french people did not support its action

LoLing at Ma*ron and Haaretz claiming Vichy "Was the Legitimate government of France" when thats literally shit i would have heard a Neo-Nazi say a few years back

collective guilt is something that was pushed by western powers against germany
socialists can only reject such a notion of class-indiscriminate guilt of the people for imperialist actions
which is btw the same shit third worldists do and deserve a bullet for

So we will kill all third worldists in the day of the R(evolution)?

since they'd reject the very idea of a revolution in the "first world", it'd be well deserved if they're treated as its enemies, don't you think?

I dunno, I just imagine Jason and Phil Greaves being dragged down the street and get firing squad'd for insulting the great people of Britain/Canada.
That will be a sight.



Yes the exact one.

this expands the dong

anyone would argue that the nazis never really won free bourgeois elections and instead unleashed brutal terror with their SA troops, jailing communists and threatening social democrats, and yet the same kind of people, antigermans here, still argue that the nazi government was "legitimate"
they want to hold the whole of the people responsible for the actions that capitalists profited from to cover their tracks
i wouldn't be surprised if that guy would go so far and accuse anticapitalists in general of "structural antisemitism"

based corby at it again

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France, Britain, Kerala in India, a slow underground brew in the US… All we need is half of Italy and Mexico, and we'll have our own Kaiserreich but in 2036.

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Didn't the entire Western world told the jews fleeing Nazi prosecution to go fuck themselves at the Evian Conference?

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Isn’t there already a socdem/demsoc international?

Nothing surprising here.

the socdem international already exists

That not a socdem international, that is a """socdem""" (read: neolib) international.

That's full of neoliberals

What a schock!

It must be a sad state of affairs indeed if things have gotten so bad that most leftists would welcome pre-1980s socdems with enthusiasm.

But why?

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Because social-democracy always deviate toward liberalism.

Here's Mélenchon's vlog where he talks about his encounter with Corbyn, tl;dr he thinks he's a cool dude even though he's English.

Fun little detail, they started the meeting each speaking French and English because neither knows the other's language. This was quickly getting tiresome for both as they had to use translators. It was then that Mélenchon found out they both spoke good spanish. The rest of the meeting was much more convivial and took place entirely in spanish.

In the video I posted, Mélenchon actually bashes the SI as a neoliberal organization and then bashed the SPD specifically for allying with Merkel and upholding German supremacy in the EU.
He apparently congratulated Corbyn on moving the Labour party program against SI guidelines and towards the left.

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Seriously tho, /ourguy/