In this thread, talk about Leon ⛏️rotsky, the historical ⛏️rotskyist movement, and ⛏️rotskyism today?
Question to start the thread: who's your favorite ⛏️rotskyist leader? For me, it's Nicolás Maduro.
/trot/ - Trotskyism general
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All trots get the bullet too.
My personal favorite Троцкист is Homero Rómulo Cristalli Frasnelli, also known as Juan Posadas
Maduro did nothing wrong
Without unity there would be no revolution
Posadas was unironicly a good thinker
And without Trots, there would be no myopic opportunism
All trots are oportunists
Dude you must have some great takes
Perhaps not in theory, but in practice they have proven this more than once.
In practice most tendecies have
Ah Yes, I see you are a man of culture too. Posadism for the 21st Century Alien Invasion Nuclear Holocaust Now!
One of the most telling things about ⛏️rotsky is this quote by Frida Kahlo:
"Today like never before I am not alone. It has been 25 years that I have been a communist. I know the central origins. I know the ancient roots. I've read the history of my country and almost all the villages there. I know its conflicts of economics and class. I understand clearly the materialist dialectics of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao Zedong. I love them as the pillars of the new communist world. I realized the error of ⛏️rotsky since he arrived in Mexico. I was never a ⛏️rotskyite. But in that time, 1940-I was only an ally of Diego. (personally) (political mistake)- But you have to take into account that I've been sick since I was six years old and really very little of my life I've enjoyed health and I was useless to the Party. Now in 1953 after 22 surgeries I feel better and I can from time to time help my Communist Party. Since I'm not a worker, I am an artisan - and allied unconditionally to the communist revolutionary movement."
– Frida Kahlo in 1953 ☭
Imagine being such a shitty lover AND a shitty communist that your own ex-GF starts painting pictures in honor of the guy who icepicked you.
One of Britain's ⛏️rotskyist leaders, Alan Woods, was supposedly a good friend of Hugo Chavez. Today Woods is pretty critical of Venezuela and claims they've only achieved "half a revolution."
I wonder if Terry Eagleton is a T.rotskyist? Why Marx was Right is a pretty good read but the way he seems to deny anything about the USSR was "real socialism", and the passages where he praises T.rotsky made me wonder about that.
I hope this wordfilter gets deleted btw, it's cancer. BO should stop creating even more division than she already has. I'm not even a t.rot but if Hoxhaists and the like are accepted as "real" socialists, t.rots should too.
Proven great man.
Guy who didnt like Stalin.
Case closed.
Trostky is what judas is to jesus
All communists are bad, but ⛏️rotsky especially so.
lmao no mames.
no u
Trotsky was the leader of the Red Army.
I don't really consider myself a trot but I really like Tony Cliff.
ayyy you saved my OC