Anyone active over at Zig Forums?

Out of curiosity, is anyone active over at Zig Forums? Does anyone frequent Zig Forums?

Random sentence to get past the 75 character requirement.

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Other urls found in this thread:'_Militia's_Militias_(Czechoslovakia)'s_Army

Zig Forums is kind of reactionary. We need a /leftyk/

Perhaps. I personally think its easier just to go to Zig Forums and learn what you can and ignore/laugh at the crap.

I'm pretty sure we get the occaisonal thread of /leftyk/ here. Sadly due to the BO coup most people left, either going to leftpol or just leaving entirely, so not many people are around.

Quite a while back there was a big /leftyk/ thread. But since BO can be ban-happy majority of the time, you won't see much discussion on it, since there's barely anyone to discuss it with.

BO coup?

We have one, it never got anywhere.

i used to go on Zig Forums a fair amount but i can't stand their "MUH PROPERTY DUN MESS WITH ME AND TAKE AWAY MY GUNS" libertarian bullshit anymore, not to mention the huge influx of Zig Forumsfags.

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I'm used to Americonservative nonsense but the Zig Forums LARP is so transparent that it baffles me how rarely they get banned. The majority of them would be vehemently opposed to gun rights if their epic redpilled fashy government actually happened.


100% of Zig Forums doesn't own guns.
Why should I listen to them?

Imagine being this wrong. Hitler loosened gun laws greatly for the vast majority of the populace. Those strict laws were passed by leftist politicians during the Weimar Era.
It's socialist regimes that gun-grab the most. You faggots circlejerk over the Marx quote advocating the workers be armed for the revolution. He doesn't utter a word about those private guns post-revolution. Lenin wrote the same exact think in 1914-15. The workers needed to be armed and form militias to succeed in revolutionary attempts. The first thing he did after gaining power was confiscating privately owned guns from the vast majority of the populace and implementing extremely strict laws on ownership. Same with Mao, Casto, Kim Jong il, etc.
No socialist nation has never had liberal gun laws on private ownership like what the Nazis implemented. You aren't foolung anyone, faggot.

…don't we Leftists believe in Personal Property though

He literally disarmed the jews though. Also he was prepping for war. We never got to see how Hitler's Germany would actually deal with gun ownership. This is because everything he tried failed and he killed himself. Also everyone who supported him was cucked and died miserable deaths as well.

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Citation needed

Existing Armed Peasent-Worker Organizations :

Defunct :'_Militia's_Militias_(Czechoslovakia)'s_Army


Venezuela's Peoples Militia

Gun ownership is entirely legal in the Indigenous / Socialist held Provinces of Mexico

Same with North Syrian Autonomy

Your first mistake was assuming that we're just carbon copies of Bolshevism, and that we don't acknowledge any problems with what happened and seek to overcome them.

Bolshevism was a product of a particular event in world history (The Russian Revolution). It cannot be extrapolated from completely, as there were many communist movements at the time (Revolutionary Catalonia, other Western Communist movements, etc) that were in strong support of gun rights for workers. Furthermore even without those examples, there's nothing in theory that says you can't have gun rights under a communist economic model. I don't know how you can conclude from Marx's argument the workers must be armed that they must be disarmed at any future point.

Now right-wingers have a history of being anti-gun whenever anti-capitalist elements get guns. Look no further than the National Firearms Act, which limited the ability of armed strikers to challenge the National Guard and police, or Reagan's anti-open carry policies in California to counter the Black Panthers. And your own source shows that Hitler disarmed Jews and other "undesirables" under his reign.

Jews were less than 1% of the population. Hitler did not need to loosen the gun laws for citizens to wage war. All he had to do was conscript all able-bodied men.
So did communists. Actually it was 1 Nazi dead for every 3 Soviet soldiers.

Top revisionism.

Militia gun ownership organized by the government has NOTHING to do with private gun ownership you utter tool. Look at Cuba's gun laws for PRIVATE ownership you imbecile. They are severely strict. Same for Albania.

Zapatistas cannot even govern Chiapas effectively. Of course they won't grab the guns. They're not in power nor do they have the logistics and manpower to do so. They are a militia fighting the Mexican government.
Rojava is engaged in civil war you moron. People need to be armed because the war is ongoing and they need everybody who is able to fight to do so. What happens if they actually do gain independence and the war ends? They will finally have a government that can dictate social policies and pass laws. You bet your ass they will crack down on privately held weapons outside of military-duty because it's a security threat to their rule.

Let me rephrase the question. No socialist nation has ever had liberal gun laws with regards to PRIVATE gun ownership. Not guns issued to you for use when you are in the military. These are two vastly different things. Private ownership has always been heavily regulated in socialist states.

This lasted for three years, and all those three years occured during a civil war. Of course they wouldn't confiscate the guns. They needed all workers armed so the war could be won. The big question is that if Franco was defeated and they secured their independence, what would happen to privately held guns and the policies surrounding the acquistion of them. You cannot claim this proves your point because the entirety of its existence was spent fighting a civil war against an encroaching army, and thus was not stable to consider something like confiscation of private weaponry. It did not have the time and effort to do so, as again they were fighting a civil war.

Progressive liberal.

Reagan is the only example you have in America. This guy was peak neolib faggotry but I will grant you he was a social conservative. I never said that no right wing politician has passed gun laws But on a whole, it's been leftist politicians and parties worldwide who are behind gun control movements. In Switzerland the pro-gun party is the nationalist right-wing one. The leftist parties such as the SP (anti-capitalism is one of their platforms), greens and feminist party shill for gun control endlessly. The recent EU gun ban directivs? Virtually all opposition in parliament came from right-wing nationalist parties. While the communist and socialist parties virtually all voted in favor.

Well they CAN be but in the case of the SPD in Germany the actual Leftists in the SPD were purged after they split and formed the I-SPD which allied with the KPD against the Main body of the SPD

After the Spartacist Uprising failed the SPD were effectivly Liberal Centrists who Happily allied with the Right to Crush shit like the Ruhr Uprising

Mein nigger, social democracy is center-left. Meaning on the political spectrum it is the closest to the center than other leftist ideologies.

All American presidents are capitalists.

They also banned leftists from owning guns by throwing them into concentration camps. If your government can arbitrarily decide who gets guns and who doesn't, then in that society there's no such thing as "gun rights."

Also, the Nazis lasted for only 12 years, so it's difficult to see how they would've dealt with their internal security concerns after the end of the war.

So? That does not mean they are right wing socially. FDR was pretty much a centrist when it came to social issues. Also socdems don't seek to abolish capitalism yet they are considered center-left in Europe as well. Do you need a definition of what center-left is?

Who again did not comprise the vast majority of the populace. Most of those leftists fled after Nazis gained power.
They passed gun laws that COMPLETELY deregulated the acquistion of long arms. You did not need to have a license to buy a rifle or shotgun, or be a party member. You could walk into a gunshop, buy a rifle or shotgun and walk out? Could you imagine if the USSR or Maoist China allowed the same thing? Fuck no. You need a monopoly on force to crush private business and property without resistance.

Fascism is social democracy

Tip top kek. I agree with you that the Nazi economics were more left wing than neolibs, classical libs, conservatives, etc. They nationlized key industries, had universal healthcare and education. Had paid vacation leave and limits on hours worked. Hell they even subsidized vacations for the workers:

Vote for corbyn for all I care faggot.

Why the fuck would I do that? I neither agree with his social policies or economic ones. He is more economically left than the Nazis.

Maoist China may have had restrictive gun laws, but they were either not enforced well or not that restrictive, as much of the violence committed against landlords, for example, was almost exclusively decentralized.

You seem to live in an overly simplistic world where capitalist enterprise is that girl who sells lemonade on the street corner, and there's nothing to prevent her from doing this short of a state officer forcing her not to.

In the real world, most business are complex entities that rely on a third party with a monopoly on force for dispute resolution, enforcing the business's intellectual property claims, protecting its land and evicting trespassers or tenants if they don't pay rent, and so on. All a socialist government has to do to put a stop to this is to simply choose not to enforce any of these things, which leaves at best these arrangements in a state of chaos as they can only be assured on the tenants' voluntarily paying rent, competitors voluntarily not infringing on patents, et cetera.

In literally what way.

How many times do I have to tell you we aren't talking about militia groups loyal to Mao? Obviously they kept their guns because their purpose was to go around and keep the peasants in check. It has nothing to do with private gun ownership. It was banned for the vast majority of the regular populace.

The difference is that there is an arbiter for resolving disputes and that can be taken to court. There are actually laws and regulations in place, as well as protections. Not the same as a blanket ban on private businesses and property. For fucks sake, Self-employed Cuban farmers cannot sell their own produce at a price higher than what the state sets it at to generate a profit.

If the common prole could own guns easily, you'd experience far greater resistance. Kulaks had their grain confiscated easily and unable to resist because they lacked arms.

Meanwhile the most right-wing authoritarian nation made guns far easier to acquire for the vast majority of the populace. Like I said, acquistion of rifles and shotguns were completely deregulated. No license needed. Nor an NSDAP member. You could be a closet Marxist who kept it to himself, and stock up on an arsenal and as long as you kept your mouth shut, the authorities would be none the wiser. That simply could never happen in a nations like the USSR and Maoist China, etc, as these nations were even more authoritarian when it came to personal freedom than the Nazis ever were. Marxist regimes need a complete monopoly on force to maintain power and their policies.

The USSR literally did. Hunting longarms were sold without a license. There were laws that said state enterprises should make better guns for personal ownership. Party members and members of the military (of which there were millions) additionally had access to handguns. Also there of course existed marksmaship courses that were freely accessible and encouraged, why would an ebil gun-grabbing state have anything like the Voroshilov Sharpshooters? Soviet gun confiscations all happened in wartime when guns were needed at the front and it was necessary to disarm spies and saboteurs.

Nazi doesn't know shit so he just regurgitates stale american conservative propaganda while pretending to be a rebel. Sad! Many such cases.

Nigga we literally had a massive shitfest over this last month, can we not do this again?

Disarming Nazis and arming socialist security forces is good, actually.

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It’s a problem a lot of people share. It’s why we need leftyk

Now would be the worst time to grab guns. You ☭TANKIE☭s better seize the means first before you go trying to disarm a nation.

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This guy gets it. OP gets it. Y'all need a /leftyk/ where you can talk about funs and hog hunting. Then you need to go use your hard earned capitalist money to prepare for glorious revolution.

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Did nazi germany or fascist Italy allow left wing militias all over the place? Nope.
Guns for personal usage such as hunting, where also allowed, and most of the gun laws now set in place are from the deng era and onwards.