
General /Venezuela/ thread

From what I've read here I see people don't have a clear view of what is happening in Venezuela, the line of the goverment, and in general what has been changing for the past 15 years, I think this is probably because lots of people started to hear of Venezuela when the US started to really fuck them, so they don't have  a clear view.
In my country even before the Bolivarian goverment took office there had been hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans as well as lots of my compatriots there, so Venezuelan politics have been followed since the start, with every party, media outlet or political group talking about it on a regular basis (sometimes to ridiculus levels, were people now everything about what's happening in Venezuela and can't even mention the name of the president of our neighbouring countries)

So first of all, the Bolivarian goverment with Chavez at it's head did not present itself as even revolutionary at first, they presented themselves as moderate socialists,to give you an example something even less radical than the Uruguayan government.
They were harsh critics of the Communist movement and even of the Cuban goverment, with Chavez publically denouncing it and Marxism-Leninism in general: youtu.be/2bIl4Uii5GI
When Chavez reached power he had neutral relations with the US, and despite the attacks to him on public, he had some friendly approaches with the Colombian goverment, even promising them to help them fight the FARC and ELN that used the Venezuelan borders for moving around sometimes.
The goverment even had bad relations with the historical Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) wich is a Marxist-Leninist party, but good ones with Trotskist and in general more moderate left-wing groups
Still Chavez as one of his election promises he called for nationalization of oil, so this sparked reaction from the owners of PDVSA they organized a coup with maybe the aprobation of the US but not their support as you probably know the coup failed, as some sectors of the Venezuelan capitalists friendly to the Bolivarian goverment called dor the army to not support it, not to mention Chavez was really popular within it ,in my country nearly all media outlets supported it, but in general there was a neutral reaction to it from most Western countries.

This coup can be called what really started the Bolivarian revolution, the Chavez goverment made a left wing turn, calling for inmediate nationalization of PVDSA as well of some sectors of the economy (specially the ones wich were suspect of supporting the coup).
This made the Colombian goverment to start having an agressive position towards Chavez , as well as the US to start paying attention to what was happening and cut some economic ties, still the EU had a good relation with Venezuela.
On the other hand this made the relation of Chavez goverment with other progressive ones to get closer, specially with Cuba as well as to have a more friendly relation with the PCV.
(Continues inside thread)

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So Chavez goverment started a path of nationalization and inversion into public infraestructure, this improved really the conditions of the Venzuelan people and was mostly possible thanks to the Oil revenue wich was really good at this point.

Chavez was really popular, and going to the 2006 elections he openly declared himself a Marxist (not a Communist though) and there was some spectation that he was going to create a united party with the PCV as a progressive front ,even some people thought is was going to be the unique party (such as in Cuba).
Even William Lara, an important figure in the goverment said "Although this is not going to be the unique party of Venezuela, it is going to be a stong union under the Bolivarian ideals of Marxism-Leninism" there were calls for organozation of woeker control "ecuadras" and even a reorganization of the army into a "Red people's army"

This is the point when in my opinion the Bolivarian goverment fucked up, they had the option of really having a Socialist country, they has the people support, were in a point of economic bonanza as well as the support of the PCV and dozens of others progessive parties to make such move.
But there were some right wing sectors within the Bolivarian party wich representing the interests of the middle and small national Venezuelan capitalists wich knew, this would lead to a nationalization of their assets and a Communist goverment.
They convinced Chavez to create a more moderate party, the PSUV wich although called itself a Marxist party, defined it's ideology as "Socialism of the 21st century" and not Marxism-Leninism. Most importantly this party had still on it capitalist elements, and although progressive had a more moderate outlook.
Lot's of progessive parties (trots, maoists, demsocs….) joined in.
But others such as the PCV after seeing the sudden moderation decided not to join in, still they logically kept supporting Chavez and said they were open to join in the futire "when the aims and ideology of the PSUV was more clear".
Also the PSUV mantaines some really corrupt local candidates wich were not socialist anyway you looked at them.

As you now at this point the US started to hadly meddle in Venezuela as lot's of American assets were nationalized, and the Venezuelan goverment was less willing to accept their economic impositions.
Also the big capitalists wich saw their position compromised, started organizing and funding an active and violent right wing opposition (wich is basically fascist, I can explain further on this point if anyone is interested)
To top this, as it had taken a more moderate approach the PSUV although commanding the economy in theory had only real control over the oil industry, wich was the only one fully nationalized, so they did not diversify the economy.
As such the situation on the oil market (specially with Saudi Arabia basically fucking it to damage Iran) took a hard hit on Venezuela, this combined with sabotaje produced by the non-nationalization of certain sectors, as well as US meddling started to damage the Venezuelan economy.

Chavez saddly passed out and now Maduro is the head of goverment and although following the progressive line of Chavez, as you now specially since 2012 Venezuela is in a bad economic position .
Also the opposition has started to take an open terrorist approach.
The PSUV (and government in general) is now divided in basically two groups: on the one hand the right wing sector wich basically mourns Chavez a lot, they are the corrupt officials and hardline christians, that although calling for socialism they want to keep the current moderate approach (wich IMO is unsustainable anymore)
On the other hand there is the left-wing sector, calling for doing what Chavez did not do in 2006, join with the PCV nationalize the hole economy and put the workers on control of factories (wich they are in some sectors), but this is now risky and will probably lead to a civil war and foreign intervention.

Meanwhile as you see the oppostion has become violent and well organized, and although there is some hope in terms of economic improvement (wich I can talk if you want too) the PSUV is in a really difficult position and I think it will be hard for them to mantain the current status.

What are your thoughts on Venezuela? What realistic path should they take?

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El VenezolANO

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If there is enough chavistas, there should be no civil war. Just arm the proles. The opposition is not organized very well, they are being violent in only small pockets of the country.

I agree. If there was a turning point, this was it. I wouldn't say it was as easy as you think it could've been, but that was the choice that defined future of Venezuela.

Except civil war is going to happen anyway (or just one-sided massacre, if left decides to surrender). The only thing there is to wait for, is until US gets bogged in whatever new war its going to get into.

Yes. Would you mind elaborating on this a bit?

Nine icepicks out of ten. The man is going to get himself killed by actual Fascists any day now, but among Communists he persists in supporting the only one who preached defeatism before Fascists.

This tends to end up with proles deciding they'd rather have Communists in charge, rather than lukewarm SocDem populists. And Bolivarians are much closer to the latter than the former.

Additionally, US is still in the "whom are we going to bomb today" phase.

Very good post, OP.
My only correction might be that the oil industry was originally nationalized in the 1970s. During the leadership of Chavez they took advantage of this to fund social programs but the government control already existed.

I don't know. The PSUV is a reformist party, not a revolutionary party. To establish real socialism they need to organize the workers and give them power over production, politics, and defense. I don't think the Venezuelan government will do that since the politicians seem too corrupt.

Maduro is trying to run the economy (and country) by decree. It doesn't work, never has. His recent statements about tying the minimum wage to the value of the Petro currency doesn't seem like it will really solve anything. A good currency needs to be stable. Oil prices fluctuate a lot, which makes it an odd choice to use as the basis of one's money.

In an ideal world, Maduro's government would listen to someone like Paul Cockshott and begin implementing a centrally planned economy using modern computing power to ensure that the country avoids shortages and runaway inflation of prices for basic goods. Considering that the oil industry was basically funding the rest of the economy, this would have been a good option. I am pessimistic about the chances of them doing this, though. The broad support that the Chavists originally had seems to be fading since their ability to handle basic problems is not adequate. It makes me worry that within the next 5-10 years they will have an anti-socialist revolution.


Does this man actually stand for anything concrete? First he reps Stalin on TVand then he reps ⛏️rotsky on Twitter…

it's too late to save Venezuela in my opinion. If they try doing anything radical the US will just invade or start a coup.
Bolivia, on the other hand has been lead by a similar government for years, and they seem to fly under the radar for the most part. We should unironically start meming Morales into Cockshottian economics.

Shit I just realized after reading it again how terrible my grammar is , sorry to you all

There are some hints IMO than the Venezuelan economy is actually going to start improving on the close future (mind you that all this could still get fucked by something big, like a foreign intervention, a coup or civil war)

First of all and this being the most vage and probably wakest of the arguments for it. The Venezuelan goverment although slowly is actually getting a hold over the economy, this preventing the capitalist opposition, as well as the US to keep the economic asphixiation over the country
This can be seen with the nationalization of certain sectors, most importantly the private banking sector:abc.es/internacional/abci-maduro-quiere-nacionalizar-banca-privada-despues-elecciones-201804250138_noticia.html
As well as the manufacturing sector:laestrella.com.pa/internacional/america/maduro-nacionaliza-empresas-procesadoras/23495300

Second point,  the Oil market is actually going up at this point (and suspected to keep growing) and this really important as Oil revenue is the main component of the Venezuelan economy:

Third point, although erratic the Venezuelan goverment is fighting  inflation and "purging" PVDSA bureocratic aparatus, for the first time
Also related to this, for the first time Venezuela is actually paying back his debts with what is the first economuc power China in form of oil as a result partially of US tariffs on China ,they are giving China in exchange for investment and help 28% of their oil production
As such inflation will have no longer such an effect in the economic exchanges between China and Venezuela (wich really makes it much better as inflation was the biggets problem) and will make trade between this nations grow rapidly:el-nacional.com/amp/noticias/petroleo/china-aduena-del-crudo-venezuela_229750

To end, China has signed an agreement with Venezuela so that also in exchange for what I wrote above, China has to help them improve repair and develop their oil extraction industry.
As Venezula up to this point was not able to do so alone due to US sanctions, this will make on le medium term Venezuelan oil much easier to extract (wich is a big problem of Venezuelan oil, as it's oil is much deeper):larepublica.pe/mundo/1272120-china-revive-produccion-petrolera-venezuela-multimillonario-credito-cambiaria-historia-nicolas-maduro-simon-zerpa

Sorry that I've chosen sources in Spanish, but it was difficult to find english ones, also I've not chosen any left-wing one so there is not a proVenezuelan bias

Also, related to that ⛏️rotsky comment.
Although he is not an ML Maduro is not a Trotskist and he has also praised Stalin in the past.
Of course there are some trot sectors within the PSUV, (wich were much more influential under Chavez who was more critical of ML)but to have less support for the Venezuelan goverment based on this is stupid and counterrevolutionary ( not saying you are doing it though)

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it's obvious English is not your first language. Don't worry, you posts were perfectly understandable

I'm from Venezuela, which country are you from? Colombia?

The US nows it can not invade Venezuela it would be worse than Vietnam, as most people still supports the progressive goverment, as for a coup yeah this is the most realistic outcome, still it will lead to a civil war probably as the PCV would oppose it as well as most of the PSUV

Do you agree with what I wrote? What do you think it needs to happen in your country?
Also, all the solidarity to our Venezuelan brothers

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In some parts you're very accurate. I don't agree in other parts.

Right now we are on the offensive against the bourgeoisie, the new set of measures with the oil-dolar-petro-bolivar reference it's a blow to those thieves disguised as entrepreneurs.

the cock actually has a good video about why socialist states had huge economic difficulties


thank you based venezuelaposter
maybe you should copy and paste your arguments from the Petro thread to illuminate the effects of the Petro ITT

Has anyone ever noticed how Venezuela simultaneously has an obesity crisis, but also starving? Kind of odd.

I don't think that is very odd. Food scarcity means people eat more unhealthy shit. Anyone can afford to make a sandwich or fry something in a lot of oil, having a balanced diet is much harder especially during scarcity.

I know, it's just funny to me when people portray them on the same level as starving rail thin Africans from capitalist countries, and Maduro as some greedy slob who chows down on empinadas during political speeches, despite high-fat content food being the most readily available.

Also, there were people making fun of the recommendation that people in the country breed and eat rabbits, because they though it would lead to rabbit starvation, despite the fact the fat in their diet was fine.

"Progressive government"? Elaborate.
Most people don't support the Venezuelan government.
Most anti-government Venezuelans have lost hope in the opposition too, since the government cucked the opposition politicians out of the positions they were elected to occupy.

1. That's from 4 years ago. It's roughly as relevant as an article from 10 years ago.
2. It clearly says that the government is the one announcing it, not a source with any credibility.

How can oil prices help Venezuela when production is in free fall?
The reason why those manufacturing companies left is because buying materials was no longer profitable or too complicated, and that problem hasn't been fixed, so even though the government expropriated them, they aren't doing anything with them.

Read my fourth point it awnsers your question, China has agreed to help them develop giving them technology and materials needed for it in exchange for such oil (as I say 28% of their production)

Also they had given Venezuela a loan of 5000 million dolars to develop as well and increase and ease production(giving them acces to foreign currency, wich the have a problem obtaining):eluniversal.com/economia/14217/china-otorgara-credito-por-5000-millones-a-venezuela

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Sorry this was for you>>2626389

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I wouldn't say that they cucked them. The opposition made a political mistake by not participating in the elections, as the government are you going to interrupt your enemy when he is making mistakes? no right?

i think he's referring to the fact that the opposition won a majority of seats in the old national assembly, so the Chavistas created a new one to bypass the opposition.

That's relative. If things go well, they support the government, if things are bad they don't, the minute the situation gets better, the people that don't pay attention too much to economics or the political game will switch sides.

If he's referencing the National Constituent Assembly, I must say is not a "creation" per se, Chavistas didn't made that up, it is an instrument completely valid in our current constitution, that even the opposition one year before proposed as a measure to take complete control.

Anyway there were elections to take seats in that new assembly and they didn't participate either.

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The "Constituent assembly" is just a goverment legislative organ responsible for Constitutional re-writes and sheit and isnt the same thing as the "national assembly" which is basically just the Venezuelan Parliament / Congress

And while the "Constituent Assembly" by the constitution has supremacy over the "National Assembly" as Venezuela user pointed out this wasnt some spooky invention by Chavists to cheat the system but was a already existing fixture of the Venezuelan constitution anyway

They were apparently starving four years ago, too.

It's the world health organization, retard

It's called "Fascist coup" (or counter-revolution, if it transitions back from Socialism), and 5-10 years is overly optimistic. Venezuela seems to be balancing on the brink of it for a few years already. I'm guessing, the "anti-authoritarian" opposition will go all-in with the first signs of improvements. So it's 2-3 years tops.

Well, positions of Stalin and Trоtsky aren't that different for someone in his situation. But it is kinda weird, yes.

Mandatory reminder that Cockshott believes that Capitalism is the use of steam power, while Socialism is that of electricity.

If that bothers you, spell-check should help.

Cockshott proved LTV numerous times and the steam vs electricity shiet is just a silly example

Example of what? He literally says that mode of production is not about organization of production.

That's not quite what Cockshott said, he said the old Stalinist/Althusserian mantra of a mode of production = social relations + productive forces is an oversimplification. He doesn't think social organization doesn't matter (have a look at his USSR videos), and the reference about electricity = socialism is a historical reference, because that's what Lenin and Marx believed. While this is obviously outdated, there is still something to be said about free energy supply for everybody that might lead to socialism. He also states that nuclear fusion and similar energy will require socialism due to its long-term planning necessity, while capitalism is unable to move beyond fossil fuels because of its inability to plan for longer than 50 years.

Also, good thread, keep it going, especially with the sources, I keep getting in arguments with libs about Venezuela.

To the Spanish and the Venezuelan anons: are there any good sources about the state quota of the Venezuelan economy in 2018? Fox News said 30% in 2010, Wikipedia sources it with 30% as well in 2014.

That means that fucking Norway and India have a higher state quota than Venezuela.

They just publish what they get from the government. Like the World Bank, they rarely measure the data themselves.

WATCH IT: youtu.be/HbjZlKqDCMA


He does not debunk "Stalinist" mantra.

He invents a strawman, calls it Stalinist (saying that Marx was completely wrong would immediately raise all kinds of red flags even among retarded youtube-watchers) and then uses debunking of this strawman to substitute core ideas of Marxism with his Technocratic bullshit - the same way R.D.Wolff substitutes Marxism with Anarchism.

What he stealthily debunks is the idea that wage-workers are Proletariat, that Capitalism is defined by private property, that Means of Production must be seized and controlled by Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

If this is Stalinist distortion, if Marx didn't support any of this, then Marx belongs in the trash. Except Marx supported it. That's what Marxism is. And it is Cockshott who needs to be thrown away as Petit-Bourgeois Revisionist and Technocrat.

They did not. That was Cockshott's idea and he never presented convincing evidence of Lenin or Marx believing this. He claimed that they might've thought it, but all he had some ambiguous bits of text that he interprets the way he likes.


This is your brain on Cockshott.

We already can create Socialist economy. We don't need free energy for this. We need to remove Capitalists and their lackeys. We need to socialize means of production (change socio-economic relations of production). That is what we need.

Which is why all nations that use nuclear energy are obviously Socialist.

Read Marx instead of watching youtube, ffs.

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Cock explains exactly what Marx was writing. Only he has empirical data to support it and he has a way better planning ready than any of the socialist states ever had.

Hurr durr, Cockhshott actually goes beyond vague theorizing and shittalking, he must be le ebil tegnograt hu dunn understand gommonism

No. Why are you so triggered?
He didn't try to "debunk" it. He said it was an oversimplification. He substituted old dogmas with energy politics, that's all. If you think Cockshott thinks that social relations are irrelevant, again, watch his videos about the USSR before sperging out so much.
He doesn't say that. He distincts between social relations that occured before capitalism, a capitalist mode of production (that goes beyond just social relations but includes the real, material conditions on the ground), and a capitalist society as a whole.
"Socialism = Soviet Power & Electrification" is one of Lenin's most famous slogans, and he presents letters from Marx that imply that Marx also believed that energy distribution systems are somewhat connected to the mode of production. Which is a totally reasonable assumption.
He does not say that. Like, at all. What I mean is that the free distribution of energy might spark a communist movement. Of course you need to overthrow the bourgeoisie, and if you had watched the video to the end, you would know he quite literally says capitalism is quite incapable to provide that which might lead to the final crisis of capitalism.
Yeah Cockshott believes the USSR was socialist and that the DPRK is socialist, so I don't see your point. As for the rest, Cockshott never said that a vanguard party is outdated, that revolution is outdated, or whatever. That's something you make up because for some reason you feel attacked by his work.
I was talking about nuclear fusion, not nuclear fission. Are you sure you watched the video to the end?

Why do you post?

So you were just baiting. Good one.

That is all you have - a why do you post? Lmao

Should there always be some cunning retort? I'm genuinely curious.

Morons are unable to watch videos or read. All the know is le ebil technocrat Cock.

Watch or read Cockshott to actually see what he says and what assumptions he makes. He never says Marx was wrong or that Stalin was a fake. He newer says that energy control alone will bring socialism. He never says that we don't need a vanguard party.
Dipshit ignorant fool.

I wasn't baiting. I think you accusations against Cockshott are bullshit. You responded to a perfectly normal answer with capslock and shit, I think my comment that you are unnecessarily triggered is quite true in this case.

> [runs away with goalposts]

Simple question: what defines proletariat? Type of job or whether or not they are wage-workers?

He didn't deny that wage laborers in pre-capitalist times weren't proletariat. Of course, selling your labor for a wage makes you a proletarian. That's not what he was discussing. Are you denying that proletarians existed before capitalism? Read Silvia Frederici's "Caliban and the With'', it talks alot about the pre-capitalist proletariat.

Caliban and the Witch"*

I wouldn't rely on a pink tide to turn red, though it might, we can't predict the future, however, critical support to the Cuba-FLSN-PSUV axis against America.



support the CIA to own the trots

t. Lenin

wow lenin believes communism is when there's electricity lmao what a petit bourgeois revisionist technocrat idiot lol

If prostitute is working for a wage (i.e. paid by pimp, not client), does this make her part of Proletariat?

Maybe technically, but prostitutes are traditionally considered to be a part of the lumpenproletariat.

Begone, fiend. This is for China-poster who defends Cockshott.

Lumpenproletariat is extremely slippery though, prostitutes are also a consequence of the reserve army of labor

After the opposition won 2/3 of the seats in December 6, 2015, there was an illegal lame-duck session where the outgoing Assembly elected 13 out of 32 Supreme Court magistrates, which blocked the new opposition National Assembly from electing them. historico.prodavinci.com/blogs/5-violaciones-cometidas-durante-la-designacion-de-los-magistrados-del-tsj-por-jose-i-hernandez/

That elected Supreme Court went on to block every single law that came out from the new National Assembly, no matter what its contents were. And what did the opposition do? Did they accomplish anything in the end? Just guess.

The Constituent Assembly is something that existed, sure, but it didn't follow the process specified in the constitution. According to article 348, the President, National Assembly (2/3), Municipal Councils (2/3), and the voters (15%) can only take the initiative to call a National Constituent Assembly, or in other words, a referendum asking whether or not voters wanted a new constitution, since the people have the right to object to it.
They skipped that and made an election which had two votes: one that depended on location (as usual), and one that depended on your "sector" (private uni student, public uni student, oil worker, public worker, private worker).
Guess which Supreme Court "re-interpreted" article 348 and let them skip the referendum process.

On a similar note:

You don't even know what liberal means.
Go back with your twitter t-friend

if you think Stalin was in any way ">" than Marx, you're a theorylet red liberal who's only here to seem more edgy.

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There's no way that would change either. They don't have enough people to measure and verify data independently for each of the 193 member states.

bumping cuz there's so many bumplocked shit threads

the opposition in Venezuela are Nazis, plain and simple

Use the right flag.

Yeah, that is undeniable
The Venezuelan opposition is fascist

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Is >>>/arepa/ an anti-PSUV board?

It looks as an apolitical board for the most part, but yes the political debates there for what I've seen are an antiPSUV circlejerk

Noup, for what I've seen there are also a good number of Chavistas there

Lots and Lots of chatter that the US is thinking about military action


Americans deserve not being able to afford healthcare, education, housing, and good food.
They also deserve to get shoot in shooting, or get shoot by cop. They also deserve to be imprisoned.
Seriously fuck. Why are they voting for such pieces of shit into office??!!

Most Americans don't even vote. It's the DOTB dumbass.
That said, Americans are still pretty culpable due to their passiveness and inaction.

Americucks deserved worse

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I fucking despise this country so much, holy shit

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Eh, at this point I hope it'll happen. I can just imagine the disaster and revolutionary potential in the region, nothing will come out of course.
Funfact: Roraima in Brazil is in danger of being cut off electricity due to sanctions on Venezuela.

A couple of guys at a forum are saying the Venezuelan government is starting to cut off the internet. Is this true OP? I mean you should at least have the 6Mbps I´m used to!

Venezuelan here, obviously lies, what maybe is happening is that opposition groups are sabotaging the electrical system and that is making the Internet connection to be suspended as long as the faults caused in the network are fixed.

Posts Proofs of Nationality

Good enough?

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Did you vote for Maduro? How bad are things really?

BAD!!! im cuban and escaped that shithole but my new friends at work that just recently arrived have some heartbreaking stories. and the video of that soldier against communism that they wouldnt allow to surrender and killed in cold blood sealed it for me. I was neutral despite being born in cuba and raised for the better part of my life in the usa but i remember what communism was like when i saw that video. fuck communism.

Of course I did vote for Maduro, it was the best option, the others were complete puppets or opportunists, void discourse, at least Maduro knows whats going on, the man is by no means stupid, people like to underestimate him, they are wrong. Politically speaking the man has crushed his adversaries by applying all the tools our constitution provides. In the economical field is where the oligarchs have their advantage and it's what they do best, well other than being traitors to their own country.

Things were getting really out of hand this year, the economic warfare has gotten very rough, the private sector, companies, firms, businesses etc. they were having practically slaves, they drove the wages to amount almost nothing. You couldn't do a thing with what they were paying, couldn't even buy one of the products you were producing. I had a couple of months of vacation, so I activate them and went home, it was really hard to even pay for transportation. I didn't leave my house for like 15 days.

Nevertheless things started to get better since when Maduro announced this whole Economical Measures in the 20th of this month.

I finally had access to enough cash to even move from my town to the capital, to you know at least enjoy a hot cup of coffee. With the bonuses form the fatherland's card, the monetary re-conversion, the wage increase and the whole other things, damn!! this week has been heaven in comparison to the past months. Today I even invited my dad to eat at a restaurant!! something unthinkable like in June or July.

They are Fascists. Learn the difference.

Why are you posting on Zig Forums?

I am glad things are working out. Please, do tell more. How is unemployment? Are there shortages or breadlines?

dude, keep up the good fight. if you just got rid of gommunism Cuba would be just like the USa

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that' funny because I've done the same comparison yesterday to prove the point Cuba is looking great for a carribean country. Small problem with that is that the Dominican Republic has a much better economy than Haiti, very close to the Cuban one, with some sources even better. Growth is looking better for Cuba tho. With a big statistical problem because most data is in US dollars and we all know that it isn't easy to exchange US dollars to the Cuban currency.

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Cuba has multiple other good things going on, including one of highest life expectancy in the world, as well as one o the smallest infant mortality rates.

the dominican rep still gets 10 M+ dollars in us aid yearly.
guess how much Cuba gets.

I work with someone from Venezuela, of course he thinks the government is incompetent. He also says that they are going to block all non-Venezuelan IPs from accessing servers in the country. I wonder if his parents are petit-bourgeois.

tbh 10 million is not much aid at all.


that's great news user, thanks for the insights!

Maduro has no interest in blocking Cuban, Chinese, or Nicaraguan sites whatchu talkin bout

Do you think Maduro has the balls to go full commie as the conditions get more radical?

Unemployment is practically null. "Shortages" like in 2015 or 2016 (They were not as bad as they claim to be really) are not even close.

With the food/groceries box called CLAP people have some sort of safe ground, they just have to buy the stuff that doesn't come in the box, like eggs, meat, chicken, fish etc… their protein quota. It's by no means desirable but the government has taken care of that regard, with all the difficulties that get carried over. With the bonuses deposited through the fatherland's card people have been able to get by these last months, by having an extra income to withstand the price hikes. The opposition criticizes this kind of policy because they repeat the same discourse of people being "maintained" by the government, creating a lazy habit, not wanting to work, because your earned more with the bonuses than with your actual wage (when in fact it was the oligarchs, the bourgeoisie, businesses etc.. that destroyed the wages and salaries by increasing prices taking as a reference the black market dollar exchange rate).

If he is in the U.S. he probably sends money to their family. I'm not going to judge that but he and his family are above most people in the country because they exploit the dollar exchange rate and use them in their favor.

What the government did these past days is legalizing the free dollar exchange, through exchange houses, booths and an electronic platform called DICOM, that has a exchange rate that's going to fluctuate according to supply and demand, just like the opposition always wanted, but with the difference that the state is not going to put the dollars that we get from selling oil, that's like 90% of the dollars we get as income. So practically the private sector is going to have to use their own dollars.

Anyway the government said that in order to force those who send money from overseas or outside to their families here, to use the electronic platform designed to channel all that money and turn it to BsS, they are going to block IPs that try to make transactions to local banks which are the result from an exchange operation from the black market rate. The details of this I don't know and don't care because I don't have any relatives outside of my country that sends me money. Of course right now the people that receives the dollars here are mad because the black market exchange rate is higher, not as high as before the 20th of August but is still a bit higher than the official rate, but that will change eventually, in fact the black market exchange rate have been decreasing after the measures announced by Maduro.

Sorry If it reads a bit convoluted but I'm writing really fast because I was a bit busy and obviously I'm not that good with english.

Full commie? He may have the balls,and he has showed us that he's not going to betray the cause, but, this whole situation is so hard and difficult, we almost have everyone and everything against us, The US, UE, our neighbors a bunch of traitors etc… I don't know. I have read Cockshott and stuff like that, but I think the conditions are not ideal for those kind of things yet. We can't do it alone, not with the US on top of us, blocking everything, sabotaging and conspiring.

What we are right now is the tip of a spear against imperialism, the vanguard country, the one that can easily move in trying new things to get rid of the dollar, the experimental room to say, while Russia and China work their way into a multipolar world where the western powers lose influence, after all that maybe we can go the Cockshott route or I don't know. In fact the whole fatherland card is pointing in that direction, cybernetics, centrally planning, statistical tool, digital wallet, etc… but can't do it all in one go, it's impossible.

If the latter was true, the former would stop being possible. Even though the black market rate went up by 50%, the official rate hasn't moved by even 5%. There's no difference between what's happening there and what happened in 2015. The government won't change anything with DICOM or a "CADIVI II: Reloaded", because those still have heavy currency exchange restrictions.

Things will only be different this time if they open up to the international banking and credit card systems, and they obviously aren't going to do that.

Thank you for this explanation user, great posts. If you don´t mind I got a couple of questions for you. What about the Venezuelan media? Are they still mostly privatized and against the government? And also could you talk a little about the people fleeing the country at the Brazilian or Colombian borders?