This is just a friendly reminder that the only way to achieve communism in America is through psychedelic hooliganism. People are born and raised blind, it takes a special spark to awaken the consciousness of a majority of people, most of whom are sheep.
Made by /x/ gang.
Psychedelic Communism
Shit, left my shitposting flag on. Oh well.
psychedelic experiences are 'objective' and more importantly, political.
Is DMT inherently socialist? I'd argue favorably.
Zig Forums psychedelic threads have posters saying it made them feel like they were the true ubermensch and that brown and poor people were scum that had to be eradicated
No shit? Shit like op is just an excuse to take drugs
It is, comrade.
fuck that laboratory shit, eat psilocybin and smoke salvia to commune with mother gaia
DMT is naturally found in your brain and LSD is naturally found in mushrooms.
psilocybin and salvia are great but they're natural so it doesn't require guides to get your hands on some.
Psychedelics are for fucking morons who want to 'open their minds' without having to read a book or do any serious thinking.
Complete petty bourgeois affluent hedonism; has absolutely no fucking goddamn place in socialist circles and fuck you for even suggesting otherwise.
nooOOOOOOOO. if you're going to do salvia, suck on the leaves at least. do NOT smoke it. it can be terrifying and certainly isn't educational in any way
nice try.
Idk why this made me laugh so much so if you are a socialist you experience expropriating and executing kulaks?
Fuck off, 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧McKenna🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧.
terrence was right. i mean to be fair, i've never sucked on the leaves myself but i have smoked salvia and it is not a pleasant or particularly informative experience. unless you have a fetish for being on some kind of hyperractive reality ferris wheel and being forcibly transported into a universe where you're a cursor on a video game title screen, do NOT smoke salvia.
That personality change that some get with LSD is brain damage.
But what if it commiepills them tho
poor people BTFO by acid-taking nazis
actually, it doesn't though.
it was a 60s anti-drug campaign that had very little if any scientific backing. also, it was during the same time period that the cia was doing the mkultra project - a sure sign that daddy government doesn't hate psychedelics as much as he wants you to hate them.
liars. psychedelic insight is never so affirming. 99% is impossible to remember afterwards anyway
This board needs a psychedelic communism flag.
It really does, on the meantime drawfags should start coming up with a design
I made a large flag, but it would be impossible to translate into a little pixelated flag for the purpose of posting with a flag. It's all the flags in the world underneath a soviet symbol.
Fuck that's convoluted. But pretty fucking nice still, it is psychedelic after all.
5 minutes in gimp
Why would they want to hate when they're testing it out on you.
I stole a posadist flag and made it psychedelic. Psychedelic socialists and posadists are natural friends, after all. AYY and all that.
I found my experience with shrooms was pretty affirming of my ideas and general life path.
That's because shrooms are naturally socialist, comrade. Socialism is quite natural, and there's nothing better than a human getting in touch with his naturalistic tendencies.
I improved it.
I'm a brainlet so for this reason I would probably never take CIA drugs. Isn't there some kind of drugs naturally in the brain that you can activate somehow anyways?
Lol nice fucking work but being honest I prefer this one , literally psychedelic communism. Hella tight job either way
heyhey amerifat comr8s, just leaving this here
Also imagine socialist visuals after smoking DMT and listening to this
DMT gets activated when you sleep, and large amounts of it get produced every couple of months. If you're looking for a safe high, purified DMT is the way to go.
It's illegal, but how can you ban something that's found in your lawn grass and common plants?
Well that explains my totally fucked straight out of a video game dreams.
Wat. So I can just go and pick it up if I look hard enough for it or something?
You'd need to do the process described in the OP to extract enough of it in concentrated amounts in order to get a high. There's a less complicated process involved in making ayahuasca (which is dmt soup), but for plants with low amounts of it you'd need to extract it through a more precise method.
Phalaris aquatica is the grass you're looking for.
Ayahuasca is very different from smoked DMT, and the plants involved are pretty much only available local to where they grow.
bump for info
TOOL ironically made a good song pointing out why OPs idea is bullshit
psychedelics strenghten your convictions. if you're reactionary, you will become more so. if you're socialist, you will become more so. the fact that nazis became more nazi isn't because psychs make you nazi, it's because they were ALREADY FUCKING NAZIS
Is this confirmed? What if your trips have nothing to do with your political convictions though?
Idk but in my experience they've affirmed my positions and yet I know a dude irl who after doing DMT went full Last Son of the West
Huh, interesting. I've never tried DMT before, but hopefully one day I'll get the chance.
just make it yourself dummy. the infograph's right there -
Nigga how the fuck am I supposed to know which tree bark is mimosa hostilis or if it even exists in my country
also what do they mean by "grass clippings? English isn't my first lenguage, no clue what that could be
Wait I just looked it up, is grass clippings just cut grass?
It's referring to Phalaris aquatica, a type of grass which contains dmt.
fuck lye and hydrochloric acid.
you can do this shit with vinegar and calcium oxide, also known as lime. much easier to get as well.
DMT is a different animal to other pyschedelics. Very powerful. I want to try it again but it's so powerful that I'm kind of scared/nervous of doing it again, even if all the experiences have been incredible.
As to the widespread psychedelic use aiding the leftists movement, I unironically believe it would help a lot, but would also make a lot of people believe in stupid shit. Individually, I wouldn't condone psychedelics as a way to further philosophical thought. That can only be done through critical reading, while trying to be very grounded with the world we live in. Taking psychedelics to "know yourself" and "open yourself" is different, but should also be interpreted with caution and a heavy dose of skepticism.
People like Terrence Mckenna lost their fucking marbles and were a very good example of unhealthy recreational drug use.
psychedelics are very powerful drugs that can make your psyche do weird shit, even after the trip is over. A former friend of mine invented a conspiracy theory during the trip and believed it very firmly even after weeks of dropping. This isn't to say you shouldn't do psychedelics, I advise you do sometime, and when you do, definitely go out of your way to have the right (mind) set and setting (friends, place, etc) and also some benzos on hand in case shit goes south. stay grounded. don't get cocky. don't over do it. your brain is fragile.
Thanks for the anecdote, but I think the USA is a lost cause. Try Europe or Asia instead. Anyhow, psychedelic experiences are not conductive to wisdom if you just randomly dose someone completely unexpecting, who won't even know the reason for what's happening. Don't do that. Set and setting are more important than the substance itself.
Some here claim that psychs affirm pre-existing worldviews, but in my experience it was the complete opposite. I had to take up the entire field of philosophy and reconsider my most fundamental assumptions even after sobering up. I think some of my first trips were highly conductive to forming a communist ideology. Subsequent trips have caused far less substantial changes, simply because I am now oriented in a way that can't be discredited by psychs so easily anymore.
What it really helped me understand is that a spark is just not enough. It may be necessary for most who are indeed born and raised in false consciousness, but you can't run an engine on spark plugs alone. That's why I started reading political & economic theory.. Lots of it. If it wasn't for psychs, my bookshelf might remain empty.
There's a big difference between worker being separated from their labor, and the distinction between worker and labor being drawn in the first place… Ideally the latter wouldn't even occur. This kind of metaphysical, ontological insight can be difficult to just stumble onto by chance.
On my last trip I was reading Absolute Recoil and boy what a joy it is to allow Big Daddy Ž to lead your thoughts along, letting you experience the double negation of the dialectic first hand. We need a strong, affirmative figure of the master today, who openly invites us to cut his balls off.
who here /dextrometorphan/
Nigga, that shit could kill you if you use it excessively. Be safe
Kek, it's good to be young.
Tuss=/=Robitussin bb, you gotta get promethezene not DXM
You know, I'm gonna bump this for being easily the most laid back and wholesome thread I've seen here in a long time.
Careful what you wish for. If you drop too much LSD (or get a hold of 'brown acid' by accident) you can lose your mind and ability to socialize/think/communicate properly. I'm a boomer from the 60s era, I've seen this shit happen.
Is that so? But is that from a single sitting or using LSD excesively? Cause I've read storied about guys who took 1000 mics and while obviously their trip was extremely powerful and disturbing, they didn't completely lose their minds.
Acid always temporarily causes you to lose your ability to think or communicate properly, 'brown' or not. That's the whole point. But I assume you mean permanently, which is extremely unlikely and typically only happens to those with serious latent mental issues to begin with.
What is often called 'brown acid' is not LSD-25 at all, but something from the 25x-NBOMe or DOx family of compounds that have similar effects to LSD, DMT and psilocybin, but severe genuinely physically dangerous side effects. If Psychs were controlled and monitored instead of outright banned, harm reduction could take place and people wouldn't have to order shit from the dark net or otherwise gamble over what they end up with. Always use testing chemicals (ehrlich's reagent, et al) before consuming anything.
People who have taken a 'ten-strip', which would theoretically add up to 1000µg, usually end up with about 600-800µg in their system instead due to crappy acid, but even that is overkill. Anything over 400 is already mind-shattering and past that point you can't really tell the difference between higher doses. Besides, excessive use of LSD tends to be unheard of, because a trip usually encourages you to stay away from psychs for a while and re-ground yourself over the course of a few weeks at the very least. Tolerance builds up extremely quickly with psychs, meaning if you took a dose one day and then immediately took another the day after, absolutely nothing would happen the second time.
please tell us some boomer drug stories
More people should realize this. Taking up a copy of Ashby's cybernetics, Design for a brain and reading up on what the high school biology, chemistry and physics did not cover in order to get a broad idea about the function of the brain should be a prerequisite before taking anything.
Or a visit to a psych ward to see the schizophrenic patients. Or patients strung out on sedatives. Even something like skunk weed can send people to psych ward, as there is a significant percentage of people who will develop schizophrenia after prolonged use of the specially bred marijuana.
Well for that kind of crap you need to get an actual infrared spectroscope to measure the vibrational spectra of molecules inside.
Whatever it takes. But then one does not have to introduce external chemicals to understand that one needs to learn more.
Interesting, thanks for the info; so is it possible for LSD to damage you psychologically if, as you said, tolerance builds up very quickly?
The idea of psychological damage from mind altering substances that isn't directly caused in turn by literal brain damage is dubious. As far as we know, psychs cannot cause neurological damage. They can severely fuck your worldview up if you're already prone to idealistic/fantastic thinking, but personally psychs turned me into a hardline materialist and made me stop believing in anything supernatural.
I'm of the opinion that just about every mentally sound person can effectively insure themselves against harmful delusions during altered states with extended prior study of philosophy (especially Hegel & advaita) and psychoanalysis. This only goes for the 'trusted' psychs, namely LSD, N,N-DMT, psilocin, mescaline. Some other types like Salvia or 5-MeO-DMT behave so unpredictably that they can't be insured against by gnosis. I'd stay away from them altogether.
Only if you already have schizophrenia can the substances actually trigger it to manifest.
This but unironically. Reactionarism is at least partially constitued of neophobia, aversion to new ideas and experiences. Properly administered drugs break down this barrier.
But as it has already been discussed itt, if you have reactionary beliefs, chances are psychedelics will only reaffirm your convictions. I guess it depends on the person tbh.
I'd say ayahuasca churches are evidence to the contrary. They often specifically warn "converts" that they may come out of the trip a changed person cough a hippie or New Age cuck cough.
But then again, drugs, especially psychedelics, are all about set and setting, and the churches provide a relatively benign spiritual-but-not-religious atmosphere. Whereas polyps most likely tripped all alone in their bedrooms, surrounded by Nazi paraphernalia and anime figurines. I can see how it would be conducive to make someone think they're a Randian genius.
Hypothesis: psychedelics neither reinforce nor shift one's ideas, but rather they open an imprinting window during which our set and setting are driven deeper into our minds, from learned and conditioned behavior down into imprinted behavior, following RA Wilson's 4-layer model. Generally, the deeper a behavior, the stronger is its effect on us. Thus theoretically you could imprint yourself with all manner of worldviews, provided you can determine which set and setting would cause it. But then again, simply having this notion and wanting to consciously change yourself will by definition change your set, thus making deliberate imprinting impossible. But by now I'm just rambling, sorry. Here's RA Wilson's model:
Off to Goli Otok with you. You had the chance to read books and do drugs and wasted it.
Its memetic concentration is still too low to warrant a flag.
Not DMT tho. It's almost unique in that it builds virtually no tolerance, nor is it affected nor affects by tolerance of other psychedelics.
Not the guy you're talking to, but I'd say it's better to think all psychotropics can cause neurological damage if overdone or taken for too long. It's probably true with some, but not with others, and we only have anecdotes to guide because of the drug war. Except for alcohol, which we know for a fact causes damage at long term. There are academic studies saying that just about any drug causes long-term damage, but then again, capitalism has reduced scientific research to near-uselessness. Seriously, google "reproducibility crisis"
That news story is fake. Just so you know.
What mushrooms???? I'm pretty sure LSD isn't found anywhere in nature. LSA and Lysergamide are found in various fungus and plants (although no mushrooms I know of).
lol nerd
I've met ancaps who drop acid dozens of times a year. it's a good thing your post is bait
That hypothesis is probably the closest analysis to the truth of how psychedelics affect us. Your state of mind most definitely plays a big part as well, I doubt a heavily depressed person would have a same trip as a a happy and healthy person.
I can't believe I finally have an appropriate place to post this.
To be clear, psychedelics are a proven aid to mental health and well being, they do NOT give you special insights into political economy. There have been plenty of communists and plenty of neoliberals that have used insulin and vaccines. Medicine isn't political.
Woah that's sick as hell
Sounds rather delusional of you, comrade. How about a stint at a prison asylum?
One of these pics does not belong…
Fluoride = put in water to control popular opinion
Psychs = put in water to awaken popular opinion
Hell yeah comrade
No, the consensus among users is that people with a family history, let alone personal history, of any psychosis-related disorders should abstain.
So we are on the same page?
But you said only schizophrenics themselves should abstain.
I smoked Salvia a couple of times and all that happened was the room kept collapsing in on itself and the chorus to Bullet with Butterfly Wings was on a loop.
Wth is salvia. I've never heard of that drug before. I assume it's a psychedelic right?
it's a psychedelic and you can buy it off Amazon for yourself if you want
How strong is it? Is it more similar to DMT, lsd, shrooms..?
I haven't done any other psychedelics but it's convenient, the trip lasts only five minutes
I see. Is it reality mixed with visuals or just visuals?
At 30 strength it's reality mixed with visuals, maybe try something stronger
How is it consumed? You smoke it right?
Water bong and Butane lighter are neccessary, you need to hold the hit in for about 30 seconds before exhaling
And the effect is immediate?
pretty much, you'll feel like falling over pretty much right away, I'd suggest doing it in bed and having a nightstand close by so you don't spill bong water all over yourself
Also, does it come with any auditory effects? Or is it only a hallucinogen?
If you have a part of a song stuck in your head you might get a fucked up loop of that stuck in your head for a little bit
Lol really? That sounds disturbing