Left-wing book publisher Douglas Lain asks in this new video:
In a culture overriden with an ideology that is at times explicitly obsessed with eliminating men, should it surprise anyone that it has born a vocal group of men crying for more interaction with women?
Can you argue for free non-sexual markets without it making sexual markets more free? Probably not
(Similarly I would add, can you argue for non-free non-sexual markets without making sexual markets less free? Probably not)
to suggest that humans actions can't be viewed as commodities in top-down examinations of human behaviour is anti-intellectual
Levi Williams
Doug "read the gulag archipelago" lain? Doug "assad must go" lain? Doug "Stalin, mao and assad are the same monsters" lain? Look, why americans are so obsessed with inceldom? This problem doesn't exist where I live
Ah yes more idpol garbage this is what the "left" needs
Noah Moore
Left-wing incelism would actually be a good thing, because it's not necessary to be misogynistic to criticize rampant social alienation. /r/femcels is a thing after all, and I doubt it's all men LARPing as bitter lonely women. I also remember a study Naziposter posted once that shows both men and women have less intimate relationships now than during the 1990s. Marx and his followers (Debord comes to mind) offer us great theoretical tools to analyze and provide answers to the ever-increasing mass of atomized people who don't get their basic emotional needs fulfilled, and yet you avoid the incel question like spineless faggots. Disappointing, as usual. Also read Houellebecq
One entrypoint leftist incels have into left-wing politics is through cancerous IDpol, the same LGBT politics Alana who made the first incel board did
Dominic Johnson
No it would not. Incelism is just another form of idpol cancer.
Matthew Taylor
Read the essay mentioned in that pic. Good shit, and l'm an "incel" too. I just need to learn to not care or want and do so without disdain or malice towards women.
Angel Hall
Be like Lenin, focus your ascetic energies on studying and furthering the cause of socialism while realizing that everyone is alienated and there is only one way out
Tyler Ward
There's already a school of thought which criticizes society's expectations that:
1. Men provide for women 2. Men conduct themselves in a chadlike manner 3. Women's self-worth is derived from couplings with powerful men
It's called feminism.
Half this board is still stuck in 2014 and very angry about video games and goes into palpitations whenever they encounter the "f" word, choosing to actively embrace reactionary identity politics instead.
Samuel Peterson
Doug aught to know to invite on to Zero Books if he wants an actual Marxist perspective on this issue
Why do people like you always make these headcanon tier posts despite there never actually being any evidence for it? The contingent of contrarian borderline reactionary anti-idpol on this board is very small and the majority of it is borne out of a lack of understanding (something that you could help with but mysteriously never choose to), yet you consistently make up some bullshit about this board being gamersriseup tier when it's demonstrably false, the GGers on here were never even a particularly big proportion of posters; there was an influx of them considering that was why there was a massive migration to 8ch in the first place, but they never made up even close to half of the userbase, and their numbers have dwindled ever since then, especially since all of the major drama incidents. Sure you can levy criticisms at former Zig Forums or generic imageboard users who became leftist not getting rid of some of their "spooks" but you always overreact and act like this is some secret NazBol hideout. I mean your list of examples actually has almost nothing to do with the Incel conversation and the majority of this board hates the topic exactly because of the people you're strawmanning the users as, hence why there are so many bans and these threads always get anchored. I honestly don't get it, I feel like this is just projection on your part because you have exactly the same attitude just inverted, and you haven't genuinely engaged with any of the actual critiques of your own positions. You only ever appear when there is low hanging fruit and you take being told to go back to Reddit as a confirmation of your preconceptions, when really it's just because you're acting holier than thou and repeating the same nonsense over and over again. You choose to chastise posters here while being guilty of the exact same thing, and I say this as someone who considers themselves a Marxist Feminist. You don't need to posture on an anonymous imageboard, you're not going to get excommunicated.
Joseph Morris
No it's not, it was a reaction to the incel subreddits to prove that "women can be incel too". They've barred membership to a select few and ALL the women their block the advances of other single men, voiding the concept of a female incel entirely.
Leo Mitchell
No, left-wing incelism should be about dropping Marxpills whenever you can, and long tirades about how capital is making us all isolated and unable to form bonds with people physically around us (typically in subways or traffic jams) because we all spend our time working or going to work or preparing to go to work (whenever your are shaving or going to college) and we are too exhausted at the end of the day to interact over overpriced alcoholic drinks and form meaningful bonds out of that. Modern life is pretty boring, and Marx can partly tell us why.
Jason Perez
That isn't incelism, that's just Marxism.
Joseph Thompson
I know you are mad Jim, but women can be ugly spergs too. Acknowledge it, come on.
Exactly, Marxism could be the answer to the incel question
Jack Lewis
It is. And the bottom line is - study marxism and participate in the class struggle to the best of your ability. If socialism isn't "good enough" for your identity, be it trigendered otherkin or not getting laid, then shut up and read more or fuck off.
Cooper Williams
As demonstrated in this thread, the left is drenched in ideology too. Bitter factional warfare is more important than solving problems. Displaying the correct liberal shibboleths is more important than finding common ground.
Marx's ideas are still insightful, but the left as a whole is utterly neutered by ideology in the modern age. If anything is going to bring about the end of capitalism, it won't come out of this clusterfuck.
Bentley Evans
Real life is not the Internet. A market is not when two or more people do things.
Nicholas Sanchez
Not really. Most of them are just mentally ill, so they are far more likely to appeal to succdems.
Leo Hall
Online dating is not real life. Seattle is not real life. Clubbing is not real life. Parties are not real life. College is not real life. High school is not real life. Speed dating is not real life. Your grocery store is not real life. Hitting on girls on the street is not real life. Your office is not real life. In conclusion, Real life is not real life.
I don't know if this means anything to you or not, but you're being a good role model for other people without a lot of sex. We need more people out there living positive lives rather than murdering others.
Alchemy is real. Don't lump alchemists in w/feminists, you fucking bear.
Dylan Cook
I think we have some newfriends who would benefit from us having serious discussions about this also does anyone have that screencap explaining cuck fetishes