Shooting in American Synagogue

Is Zig Forums behind this? When will they realize that sending bombs and shooting up synagogues is awful praxis?


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I think I know who's behind this…

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Obviously Soros paid jewish antifa agent that will get released. Even if he wasn't released it will say something about the nature of the Jews. : ^)

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Can reactionaries go one day without shooting themselves in the foot?

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could be a Muslim reactionary, but it's going to be a reactionary.

also, there's a barely a difference anymore.

Leaked photo of the shooter

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Who cares? I know there's a difference between Jews and the state of Israel, but the majority of them are extremely pro-Israel, so fuck em.

Two birds with one stone

he can't keep getting away with this XD

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He said "screw your optics, I'm going in," wild fucking guess as to what movement he is part of.

You don't care that a person, who is likely a fascist, can barge into a synagogue and shoot up a bunch of people, regardless of their religion?

of course not.
He's one of the resident polyps whose goal is to slide the board.

Soros was behind this. This synagogue is a MAGA synagogue, because it’s in Pittsburg a MAGA city. If it was in NYC or LA it’d be a Cultural Marxist synagogue. Soros is trying to kill all the MAGA jews so that he can become the lord of the Jews. How do you Pinko Cucks not see this. There a Jewish Civil War going on.

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I mean it is kinda fitting here ngl.

the synagogue was a conservative congregation and had shabbat dinners for refugees, thus probably less of a pro-isreal concentration

but pro-israel false flag amirite

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Optics-cucks BTFO

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I hope this, along with the maga bomber, sets off a chain reaction of right wing terrorist attacks.

My popcorn is ready.

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I can't wait to vote for Trump in 2020

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You should be helping the left organize

Literally yes

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Let'em destroy each other so fascist and communist can fight each other properly after that.

If I didn't live in America I would
But 1)there is no Left in America 2) Trump is doing more to end American hegemony in the world than any liberal or "communist" party here has for about 50 fucking years

yeah nah, burn it all down and start over

Archive of the Zig Forums boomer’s gab

y i k e s

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Voting in the US is pointless your just ratifying which government is going to fuck you in the arse

pipe bombs and now this
The right is losing their minds

I live in America and the thing to do right now is start working with groups that are even a little bit left. A left isn't born overnight. Accelerationism is childish and dangerous. Just because the perfect group doesn't exist doesn't mean you do nothing.

do fascists ever change script?

and that's why anarchists are at the service of fascists and pointing that out is just stating the facts
always been like this

Well at least it seems that today a brutal child abuse was prevented. Enjoy your foreskin, little jew, but be warned…they'll try again.

It isn't born at all so long as you keep supporting liberals instead of actually working to end capitalism so until the D/SA begins to go Black Panther mode I'll keep on doing accelerationism because it's more fun to watch libs squirm and/or become radicalized than to suck their dick to let milquetoast Social Democrats who still want to bomb the Middle East be in charge for 4 years just so they can destroy any of the tiny reforms he makes

If you want me to join a Leftist org make me by starting or helping a real one actually gain some steam. Fuck the Democrat Cops of America, fuck the Democrats, and fuck you for apologizing for them

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were right about what?
How is this helpful?

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t. circumcised amerimutt

The guy was literally storming a bris, and I certainly have nothing against that innocent child.

So you're a LARPer who doesn't realize that politics have real life consequences. This isn't a game, faggot. Actions have consequences, this isn't just about "owning the libs epic style".
I'm not supporting the Democrats or the Democratic Cops of America, I'm saying that sitting on your ass is the worst thing you can do. Of course there is no good party right now in America, I'm acutely aware of that. I would start my own thing but I don't have the resources nor the education yet to put this in motion. I'm sick of these Bernie retards and Cortez too

The more right-wing violence there is the more it forces "left-leaning" people to go full radical because the other option is overt fascism. Either the "left-liberal" succdem fags will evolve and start organizing the working class (which outside of "le white working class" is already pretty radical and prepared for violence against the system) or else they'll die

Libs are already starting to drop the "civility" spiel, once the Blue Wave fails to materialize due to all the voter suppression even in the face of all this right-wing violence many who might have been considering working within the system will become antagonistic to it and the ones already disillusioned with it will get more serious about working against it

Or maybe they won't and the USA turns into overt fascism for a few years before it implodes, which was going to happen anyway so long as capitalism continues. The whole "lets enrich liberals to make sure fascists don't come along" shit is a waste of time that accomplishes nothing because the liberals end up suppressing Leftists even moreso than fascists and thus make it inevitable that fascism will occur once their impotence fails to properly confront the crises of capitalism

Shut up succdem

Thanks for the good discussion, faggot

foreskin protector has logged on.

Do something or else stop shaming those who "do nothing"

Soc dems serves as a school for socialism.
Its the only way forward.
Also I don't know if you guys care about your salaries.

Accelerationist faggots and those who advocate voting for crypto-fascists deserve no respect and should be shamed


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I don't agree with shooting up a synagogue but circumcision is pretty bad
Guess I'm a centrist on this one guys

Listen to yourself. There is no excuse for child abuse.

Muh penis

I didn't say soc dem was socialism I said it serves as a school for socialism.
You know like people would learn and be more open minded to different kinds of socialism.

Imagine thinking that voting for Hillary in 2016 would have prevented the United States from becoming a fascist state or done literally anything at all to further "Leftism" in the nation

If we all did what you wanted there wouldn't even be a resurgent social democratic movement to fail at effectively fighting fascism and demonstrate to the workers its impotence and thus give actual Leftists a space to criticize capitalism as such. If we would have "supported any kind of Leftism at all" in 2016 le D/SA wouldn't have been relevant enough for anyone to criticize it because neolibs would have shuttered the Left wing of the Democratic Party even more effectively.

Hillary still would have had to face down a Republican controlled government on all levels, and the fact that she agreed with them on about 70 percent of shit and the other 30 percent she didn't agree with them on was even worse in some respects it would have given more legitimacy to the fascists/right-populists whatever you want to call them and their arguments for a long period of time. They would have been able to blame "the Left" for all the failures of the neolibs. Someone even worse than Trump might have come along.

Why would social democrats ever teach people about socialism when they are self-enriching capitalists in the first place?

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Listen to yourself.

Circumcision which isn't medically necessary should be illegal but that's not what shooting up synagogues is about

You seem to be assuming a lot

What the fuck else could "supporting anything even remotely Left" in America mean lad? I mean realistically. Yeah sure it'd be nice if you could get people to start striking en mass but right now nobody is going to do that.

The thing about you faggots is that you don't understand you're making literally the same argument that people made to vote for Hillary in 2016 just for succdems.

There's no Left in the USA it's all just liberalism. If you want a Left force the liberals into a join or die position.

I think most religions are damaging and shitty, but I wouldn't shoot up every place of worship I see.

This, if the perpetrator were an armed anticircumcision activist he'd be carrying out targeted assassinations of circumcision providers (religious or secular) which I would support btw, not attacking innocent people in a building where a circumcision happens to be taking place.

Sanders was left wing though


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while i don't see the point in circumcision what is the point in complaining
babies don't remember that shit, it's like complaining about cutting the umbilical cord.

Check out the pol thread on this, there are a couple of loons that are worth a global report and maybe their threats of terrorism will be taken seriously now that this shooter has confirmed pol to be a right wing terrorist recruitment operation.

I know what I'm going to do now

i wan't a little fucking milky way

muh not having a freedom of choice, muh not protecting children from religious abuse, muh celebrating a bleeding, crying child as a community, muh robbing a man of a sensual part of his sexuality…

nice screen cap, Zig Forums


By that logic it should be legal to sodomize infants. Arguably that wouldn't be as bad since there would probably be no long term physical damage.


I'm not for circumcision, but this is blatantly false.
The sensual part is the tip and the glands.
The foreskin is actually the least sensitive area.



Prove me wrong brainlet, literally what's the difference besides >muh culture

Bitch please…then why do I play with my foreskin while writing this?

From the pol thread. FBI or polack?

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just don't get offended when leftists call you out for being a bootlicker, bootlicker

If we were to kill serial child abusers, all religious people would get the bullet

Because you suck jerking off?
Using both hands and pressing your glands is actually pro strat.

well for one when you circumcise a baby you're not sticking your dick in them.
again not pro or anti-circumcision, but comparing it to sodomy is stupid.

Tell me what the alternative is. Doing nothing or voting accelerationist is literally less destructive to the Left as continuing to support neoliberals

Just put a bullet into your brain now

Wrong. Circumcision destroys like 80-90% of the feeling in your dick retard.

vote for a third party…


Cite source, dum dum.
I can.

Supporting neoliberals is the accelerationist option. Supporting fascists is just retarded.

They've been doing this since ever, even when there's a ton of proof at the contrary. People normally see something as true after seeing some prove of it, proving that's true. That's not true for right-wing tards, they firstly believe in something and then proceed to search for proves that confirm their believes, mostly with the most absurd mental gymnastics. You can see it when they talk about race issues (IQ or skull size) or climate change (it's just natural cycles, even when these cycles take ages to complete and this one is real fucking fast).

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Shut the fuck up about "muh penis". Make your own thread if you have to derail this one. People are dead from a fascist Zig Forumsyp and all you can scream about is circumcision

It's derailment

Behaviors don't correspond linearly to pleasure systems in the nervous system retard. You can destroy most of the sexual pleasure in someones body while preserving their behavior.

1)Trump has done literally less damage so far than George W Bush or Bill Clinton. Literally the only thing worse is that he's enabled MAGAhats to do violent shit and the Republicans to cozy up to them which would have happened ANYWAY. As I said before if Hillary was president right now I guarantee you that there wouldn't even be a social democratic resurgence for us to criticize in the first place, or if there was one it would be subverted and stomped out just as quickly as OWS. The vast majority of bad shit Trump is doing is literally just shit the bourgeoise was already doing anyway and the descent into fascism literally was always going to happen no matter who was president for what amount of time disprove this or just stop bothering to respond to me

2)We don't think that the fascists themselves are less destructive insofar as their policy but that because they dissuade people from belieivng in the system at all by demonstrating both the violence inherent within it and also that the liberals are a part of it and thus unable to actually destroy it

I need you to tell me what the alternative is that will actually work. I'm not bootlicking anyone you fucking idiot, if there's a fascist or at least someone who appears to be a fascist in charge it makes it a lot easier to talk others out of bootlicking.

I did in 2016 but it's even less useful than either other electoralist option so fuck it


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So you don't have any actual arguments?

the point of third parties is to punish the mainstream parties.
Libertarians punish the republicans and green party punishes the democrats.

ITT: a bunch of jews getting flustered trying to express ethnic solidarity without being too explicit. So the conversation gets derailed into a defense of circumcision instead.

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Good thing the thing I cited was about sensations and not just behaviors, my retarded compadre.

The Greens have literally never affected the outcome of a vote ever and if you believe they have you are falling for easily debunked Dem propaganda


Do the math…no gathering of child abusers = no targets to shoot. Standing up against child abuse could've prevented this.

Given how badly he took his show's cancellation, I wouldn't put it past him.

brain-geniuses at Zig Forums at it again
