Okay, so don't be pregnant, but also don't murder. Those are two different things, absence of pregnancy is not necessarily murder, absence of murder is not necessarily pregnancy.
If you're in a country where abortion is illegal, you're not FORCED to be pregnant (at least not by the law), and you're not PREVENTED from ending a pregnancy (no one objects to premature birth), you just aren't allowed to murder.
Anti-abortion laws are not, at their core, about pregnancy at all. You don't go to jail just because you were pregnant one day and then you weren't pregnant the next day, it's only the killing an innocent human with intent part that makes it a crime. By that reasoning such laws do not violate your right to bodily integrity, so bringing up consent is a dodge.
Sure, there is no non-lethal method of abortion yet, but that's an issue of technology, not human rights.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yea dude we have all the food we need for your little ameretard bastards

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don't like white nationalism and White supremacy? go move to non white baboon reggaton shithole!

I don't see how that's relevant.

You may be in the wrong thread.

"destroying whiteness and dismantling white privilege" == dog whistle for killing white people

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Yeah, it's not like if you outlaw abortion (like in the third world) the people go to illegal places with no safety and die by loss of blood.

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No one said anything about race in this thread. You're the one making it about race.

If a murderer gets hurt in the process of murder, it's still murder.

If you legalize it becomes extremely common practice, despite being a damaging practice to the mother.

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Yes, but it will be IF is consider a human being AND the importance of the mother and her choice at the moment. It depends on the law.Not your will, nor the one of the doctor.

First of all, Is more traumatizing have the freedom of choice? or have in yout belly the fruit of a rape? You can tell me, adoption is an option, but in my country is not the best,heck even live is not the best option.
Look,from a scientific paper(from France)
8.2. Abortion
Abortion seems to be an interesting option for some
of these victims, when it can still be implemented at
time of diagnosis. Article 2212-1 of the Health Code
authorizes abortion [45], including for minors
(article 2212-7 of the French Code of Public Health [34]), until the end
of 14 SA. The concern lies well within the time limit for recourse to a
medical consultation following a rape. Some victims
however, they have sometimes been offered a break in
pregnancy for medical reasons, according to article L2213-1 of the Code de la
public health [46].

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Even if it is murder who cares? InB4 edgy


shut up amerifat

Consent to sex is consent to pregnancy

Who says most women who want to get abortions consented in the first place.

So in 1920 this matter of abortions became acute. Up to that time abortions had been punishable by law. But the penalty descended not on those who compelled women to have abortions, not on those who performed illegal abortions under extremely unsanitary conditions, and by methods which for a long time after impaired the health of the women concerned – it was the woman who was held responsible. At that time I wrote:

Improvement of general living conditions, and particularly the protection of mother and child and the public education of children, will remove this main cause.

Fifteen years have passed since that article was written. Our country has become rich, mighty, and prosperous. Our people are better educated and more enlightened. Women have become a force in the collective farm. They have become active in social work. Many of the women are Stakhanovites. They are studying hard. The Party and the government surround the children with public care. They make their childhood a happy one. It is with good cause that millions of working women are so devoted to Stalin – they see his solicitude for the working women.

Under these new conditions the questions of the family and of abortions appear in a new light. The new decree will play an extremely important part in remoulding people’s modes of life.

It is essential to carry out this decree on the widest possible scale, to fight for good maternity homes, nurseries and kindergartens. There is much work ahead.

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The case for rape? Miniscule, execute the rapist and aid the mother, children that result from rape are deserving of love just as you or me.


Abortion isn't Murder Spookcuck LMAO
A Fetus feels no pain and Dosent even have a Brainstem or a heartbeat till right before it's born

If you don't like Abortion and want it illegal literally look up Romania under Ceaucescu