Explain to me how the immortal science of marxism-lenism defeat anarchism? I getting more
anarchist with each passing day, maybe MLs are the real facists?
Explain to me how the immortal science of marxism-lenism defeat anarchism? I getting more
MLism's biggest weakness is how easy it has devolved into revisionism (this is proved by history). But anarchism has a lot more weaknesses imo, so idk which is the true socialist way.
Cockshott+Zizek MLism
The basic anarchist is in nearly everyone's head. Various forms which could work rather well with each of the others. The trouble, as always, is in the reaching them, showing the way, and organizing their swarm.
Everyone, well many of us, can see the precarious position we're all in, political instability, economic instability, ecological instability. We the People have to organize, everywhere, for the best ways to survive all this and to fight back when the zombies march on us…
Propaganda, organization. Our weakness is that we're still mostly asleep with self absorption.
Go on. I don't really know what this guy is, and barely understand Zizek. (He seems more socdem)
Because it literally defeated it?
okay mao
He's just a Eurocommunist and believes the EU can and should go communist. I don't disagree.
Marxism Leninsm is honestly just common sense. You're gonna need a transitional government and vanguard party to lead the proletarians into revolution. Communist revolution wont just happen by itself.
Oh God, more sectarian waste of time?
Why don't you guys rather go to /his/ and /v/and promote leftism there?
It didn't?
None of the things you listed are at all unique to ML though?
If you don't know Cockshott, check out his YouTube channel. You are either an edgy contrarian or a newfag, considering his popularity here.
ML guerrillas are fighting the anti-imperialist struggle all over the globe but hold up user is getting more anarchist with each passing day! Who's got the better praxis now?
Marxism Leninism is the dialectical analysis of the world and the actions based on that analysis. From that analysis we now know that a vanguard party is necessary to lead the revolution and that the state is a necessary part to defend it.
Anarchism is an individualistic outlook on the world. Their starting point is what they want as an outcome and that leads them to their conclusions.
Also MLs don't think that China is socialist.
Fuck off butterfly. You are such an annoying dumbass.
Pseudo-science that continues to get people wrong.
The "vanguard party" ought to be everyone, and there absolutely needs to be no fucking state. You turn to elitism, militarism, authoritarianism and you alienate more than half your potential supporters. The results you're looking for are all very undesirable around the world, and are a proscription from another century that does not fit human desires.
Don't talk of transitional periods of dictatorship, deliver right up front. If you are incapable of doing that, you're not going to make it.
Anarchism is human. It is individualism, it is collectivism. They are not peasants anymore. They are all this "vanguard" you dream of.
Reality hurts. Cry some more.
reminder that no one here can fucking stand you, if you haven't gotten that by now.
No. You must make it day one
You lose sight of the goal of revolution
No need to get curb-stomped. Read Bookchin?
I know.
literally impossible you fucking brainlet
yeah i guess all the capitalists are just going to let us create socialism without fighting back
you are aware "dictatorship of the proletariat" doesn't mean a dictatorship in the way liberal politicologists use that word right
so which one is it?
You wanna know why this still doesn't bother me?
I hold no one up as some sort of idol. I can easily dismiss anything any one of them says.
Literally done before. Your cult ought to refrain from shooting them all. It distances them you. They go running back to the liberals.
Fought by real revolutionary Russians, red and black armies. Too bad it was betrayed.
I was not referring to the myth of the DotP, but all the actual dictatorships parading their tanks around
Are you having trouble reading? Human beings are both
how about you stop blaming every single failure on dem ebil ☭TANKIE☭s
also keep crying about "muh totalitarianism", your buzzwords don't mean shit
How about you stop defending murder and imperialism just because they're your heroes.
You claim your authoritarian-socialism is sooo good, but it's sooo easy for liberals to scare people into believing that communism is bad, and socialism leads to communism etc.
YOUR personality cult is why we do not have global socialism right now
Shit ban/anchoring too Mr ☭TANKIE☭ mod.
once again, simply crying "MUH AUTHORITARIAN" isn't an argument. have you ever considered why socialist states have been "authoriarian"? do you know what WWII is? how about the cold war? how about the fact that the west constantly tries the internally sabotage socialism. ever think about that?
blah blah muh personality cult go fuck yourself
keep blaming the only form of socialism that has ever done anything of importance on the reason that we don't have global socialism right now
literally the only reason we don't have global socialism now is because the capitalists ruined what we achieved
you realise like 1/6 of the world used to red during the 70s? and now look what happened now that dem ebil ☭TANKIE☭ totalitarian dictatorships were overthrown by the FREE WORLD, there are only two socialist countries, both of which are being smeared across the globe with lies that you yourself, a self-described "anti-statist" (same goes for all youir anarchists) are eating up.
all the arguments you make against marxism-leninism (muh mass murder, muh authoritarian dictators, muh imperialists) are the exact same shit i see being thrown around by Zig Forums and the establishment you claim so highly to oppose.
explain to me how you're a tool of the bourgeoisie when you go out of your way to shit on socialism, and how us ☭TANKIE☭s are the supposed capitalists when ML is the only system that has ever successfully crushed the bourgeoisie when it is practised.
>explain to me how you're 'not' a tool of the bourgeoisie*
It sure as hell is. When the goal of the revolution is freedom, the opposite of that is rightly seen as a failure.
I can fully sympathize with the well intentioned practitioners, who have all been baffled with the bullshit theories, but the facts, the results, have always led to abuse of power. Money and power corrupts, and the ☭TANKIE☭ state deals with none of that, so can't help but deliver the complete opposite of the goal.
This is what I base my thoughts on. Good intentioned failures. Overblown lies from the west, but easily believed.
It stings, doesn't it? Burn the idols of your head. Be the hero yourself.
And history points to the deaths of those deemed too revolutionary. But you're blind to them.
I see no socialist countries. Are you referring to Cuba and North Korea? I see pockets of well intentioned people and I hope for the best from the growing unrest. What media lies do you think I'm "eating up"?
I am against the law.
I've never hung out in Zig Forums. You seem as unreasonable as they are. I am "going out of my way" to reach the meek and brainwashed. Stop waiting for a charismatic leader that will lead you to your desired vengeful bloodshed, and try to overthrow this beast yourselves. You want me to be less taken with this corporate-statist media, but you're all ready to eat up your own state media.
I'm about perfecting socialism. What I shit on is statism. Socialism is about challenging the broken systems that twist our minds into beasts.