Well Zig Forums, what do we all think? Are the Russians hacking every election? Are they hacking our very brains? Did they hack the Vietnam War? Let's find out:
What an amazing work of investigative journalism, I am shocked I tell you. Aren't you also convinced by this shocking, beyond-proven evidence. I am now fully convinced that this is the sole and only reason that centrists can't win any elections anymore, nothing to do with their own incompetence. We NEED to stop supporting Socialist parties and we NEED a FUCKING PEOPLE'S VOTE.
Let's go down the list of these supposed Russian lies. This is absolutely true. Even if they libelled the program, it doesn't change the fact that it was quite impractical, even if the concept was good. I'm sure they didn't make as much of a difference as the corporate lobbyists did. Well, this may be true, but it's also true that the average person doesn't want a nuclear silo in his backyard. That's what makes you a target. This part is true. Dugin played a big role in it - His post-modern analysis states that, in order to weaken the enemies of Russia, they need to polarize the politics as much as possible. The plan is to support both the far-right and far-left to the point of civil war, and Russians move in after the country is severely weakened. CSA sympathizers, neo-nazis, communists, socialists, and even patriotic americans are all tools in this plan. It's pretty genius actually, and i think it can only end well for Communism in the long run, with the power vacuum created from a weakened 'murica.
Wyatt Harris
We must critically support Libertarians in their anti-Imperialistic struggle
Literally shitting on libertarians for not being fascist and jingoist enough (cause they are)
Logan Mitchell
Every country invested in geopolitics has a small army of pundits, false-flaggers, psyops and even (God help me) memesmiths poisoning every venue of human communication. It's part of hyperreality spinning out of control. It's impossible to sift through the news, let alone through raw information, to find out what's real and what isn't, because, by definition, bullshit is much easier and quick to be created than to be debunked. Signal is always rare, a line of meaning amidst a universe of noise, and those fucks are piling the noise on in exponential amounts. Eventually the signal-to-noise ratio will reach zero, and civilization will collapse in an infocalypse.
Not actually so small. Russia, Israel and China are big three online shillords. China you don't see so much in Western online spaces by 50 centers are EVERYWHERE in Asia/Pacific online spaces.
Israel has arguably the largest astroturfing network on earth and they're fucking everywhere, go look at threads on /r/worldnews on Reddit about Israel/Palestine and you can see these fuckers at work, they've also "captured" much of the Western mainstream media and the Western mainstream media parrots all their fucking bullshit at face value. Israeli astroturfers are 100% behind for example, the attack campaign on Jeremy Corbyn (The act.il app actually gives out the attack lines on Corbyn and suddenly, the media story and anti-Corbyn social media campaign 2 days later, is that attack story).
What makes Israel interesting is that it is actually who taught Russia how to do all this astroturfing, fake news shit. Russia works closely with Israel in their disinfo campaigns, because Israel's white immigration is largely from Russia because Israel runs programs in Russia to get basically white mail order brides from Russia to Israel to keep white birthrates up (seriously). This is also why Israeli astroturfers have been pushing pro-Russian line in regards to sanctions.
You may think the US runs mass astroturfing campaigns as well, but it surprisingly actually doesn't, I mean, US think tanks and political parties obviously do, but there doesn't seem to be much of a US state funded astroturfing network. What the US relies on much more is mass manipulation of the "mainstream media" itself. Papers like WaPo and the NYT are pretty much just mouthpieces of the State Department.
Nicholas Long
Do you have any source on the russian-israeli cooperation?
Andrew Cook
I'll go dig up old stuff. But most recently it's been in the media due to the Trump tower stuff.
Yeah, the reason the US doesn't do this on this scale is because they don't need to. When you literally control the biggest media outlets in the world and control most Western governments through intense lobbying and conditioning (check out "young leaders program" in Europe) shilling and astroturfing on Reddit becomes rather irrelevant, they are beyond that. For powers like Russia or even Iran agitating there is a viable option however as distrust in the media is growing.
Owen Walker
I remember when Zig Forums used to be worried about JIDF all the time…then suddenly they have threads praising the most pro-Jewish President ever.
Leo Martinez
Can't even post rambling pseudo-theory without some cuck whining.
Pic related. Uncle Sam doesn't take any security-related issues lightly. Also this one time, Reddit posted its "most Reddit-addicted cities", and the top one was an Air Force base already known for "internet psy-ops campaigns".
If people on this board think fluoride is a population control mechanism, why do you even use toothpaste and mouthwash? Check the active ingredient you fucking illiterate Neanderthals.
Samuel Brooks
There's also literally zero evidence that fluoride toxicity (let alone fluoride at the low level found in some countries' water supply) has anything resembling population control effects. It doesn't seem to be psychoactive at all, in fact.
Carson Diaz
You dumb. Let's break it down: You think anyone who's anti-fluoride uses fluoridated toothpaste or mouth wash? No they use some unfluoridated Tom's of Maine shit or olive oil or something.
Two you dumb because fluoride build up in the body causes calcification of the pineal gland AKA in the brain.
Then they can enjoy their massive increase in the number of cavities and trips to the dentist, but whatever, their choice. And is there ANY evidence that fluoride at the level regulated by the US and other such countries is able to cause calcification of the pineal gland or the negative effects linked to it?
Josiah Turner
Three you dumb because fluoride does nothing to protect your teeth. It only damages your teeth with fluorosis.
The prevalence of pineal gland calcification was 58.8%. There was no statistically significant correlation between age and the extent of the calcification. The prevalence of calcification was 58.6% in females and 59.0% in males. The average anteroposterior measurement was 3.73±1.63 mm, while the average mediolateral measurement was 3.47±1.31 mm. The average total calcified area was 9.79±7.59 mm2.
>cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db53.htm Dental fluorosis is a well-known effect of fluoride, but the study you linked to did not in any way, shape, or form discredit the STRONG link between fluoride and decreased tooth decay. >ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5620462/ This study has literally nothing to do with fluoride. The word fluoride does not appear once in the entire study. Please read the things you link before you link them.
Could be a misreading on my part, but I think he was implying that fluoride is a population control mechanism (false) and that the liberals are being absurd by linking it to Soviet intelligence (OP's probably right here, but disinfo campaigns were a regular tactic by both sides in the Cold War, so I also wouldn't be surprised if the USSR was using the paranoid and illiterate hippie population to try to stir up revolutionary fervor, which would be absolutely justified).
Zachary Parker
I didn't say it did. I'm saying that there's a wide prevalence of pineal gland calcification and a wide prevalence of fluoridation and fluoride has been linked to pineal gland calcification, you follow?
Then how come so many people have fillings and dentures and implants? The fluoride ain't going to do shit for you.
OP here, I wasn't trying to push some fluoride conspiracy I was pointing out how the ridiculous allegations put forth in the "article" are completely unsourced and unfounded. Lets turn this into a shitty Wikipedia article thread.
>In this case, musealization of Ostalgie is somehow connected with a consumerist attitude. Ostalgie in this sense is not a realistic or pragmatic term. It is the artifacts, rather than the social life of East Germany that plays the main role in this commercialization. If the social life of East Germany is more complex than artifacts and symbols, it would be fair to say that musealization of Ostalgie in Halle-Neustadt creates a stereotype of East German life. That is to say, reflection of Ostalgie in Halle-Neustadt should not be considered as an accurate representation of East Germany
Niggas, stop using toothpaste, it's completely useless, just brush those mfuckers
Adrian Howard
Fluoride isn't magic. It can't undo all the damage modern lifestyles do to our teeth. Modern diets contain lots of acidic foods which damage the enamel, processed sugars which provide food for damaging bacteria, and chronic dehydration which suppresses saliva production and enables bacterial growth. That's why we have to floss and brush our teeth on top of our fluoride use.
Asher Allen
Fluoride in dental care products is useful, it's water treatment in particular that lacks evidence. Kind of like how magnesium in your diet is an important nutrient, but gargling Epsom salt will kill you from hypermagnesemia.
Carter Clark
Oops sorry, when the discussion shifted to fluoride I thought this was the drug thread ayy
Gabriel Adams
Booo. You guys are still major tards for believing anything the commercial health industry has to say about the way to stay healthy when that's obviously not there game. There game is to keep you coming in for inspections, prescriptions, and operations. This is just kind of intuitive.
I could make the same argument that you need anti bacterial soaps and cleaning products because of all the increased exposure to bacteria or some bullshit with the modern home environment but now they're figuring out all their cleaning products are leading to more deadly bacteria and eradication of helpful bacteria in the gut and causing obesity and etc.
Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice, I'm a retard, fool me three times, I'm an even bigger retard, fool me four times, I'm an even bigger retard than that, fool me five times, all aboard the retard train, fool me six times there's no breaks on this retard train we're going to be here awhile…
Study: Household Cleaners Could Lead to Childhood Obesity A new study found that infants in homes that used disinfectants weekly were more likely to be overweight later in childhood.