Jimmy "Butchering Neo-Cons with a Hard-On" Dore drops more red pills on Joe Rogan, discusses Alex Jones at length and exposes the threats to free speech - watch here:
Jimmy Dore's 2nd appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience
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What's up with this US phenomenon of le podcasts shows. And people good at yapping away are minor celebrities.
Podcasts aren't an exclusively american thing.
But being percieved as a legitimate source of news - presented by stand up comedians - is bogus. And what probably the most bogus thing is - they are probably more reliable and sincere than actual reporters etc. Oh, murca.
You answered the question yourself.
Podcasts are a thing because they’re frequently better sources of information that official news sources.
Imagine living in a country where stand up comedians are the mot real source of news …
Is Jimmy on coke or something? He's talking at 100 mph. He should slow down and talk about one thing at a time instead of being so all over the place.
Ah yeah Jimmy Dore. Absolute mad lad
He's kind of like Zizek in that he gets too excited and starts trying to cram a million things into one interview. If you actually follow what he says he's not wrong about the majority of it though
Never follow podcasts about comedians doing politics. But this seems o.k. I like how he jokes about that he's a fucking comedian, but delivers better news than the actual media.
Yes, I agree.
"It was my hatred for people that kept me alive."
I know exactly this feeling.
Jimmy really felt out of control. He needed a joint or something.
or one of these mofuckas
Nah, Jimmy berates his wife in a very right wing kind of way when he's on pills. After his hernia surgery he blew up on Stef and had to end the show. Live chat was yelling to let it go and drop it.
If you watch those live shows, he was definitely on something. You can easily tell the difference between that low quality totally-out-of-it, and his shows now.
damn i didn'ts see that
fake news
Nah. He's back to normal now. I really think he was on some strong opiates from his hernia surgery. Stef had to keep guiding him through an entire live show.
I caught it live, he did very well
his very sane stance on Russian 'interference' would warrant a ban here lel
What do you mean? Just about everyone here knows the "Russian interference" narrative is horseshit.
You have to go back
this is Dore's take iirc
BO literally bans for saying those first two statements. The rest of the take is nothing new, and basically what everyone here thinks.
it was more of a 'first they came for the Jews' sort of thing
I know but he's not got his facts right. Alex Jones was kicked off for encouraging his supporters to hrass the parents of the Sandy Hook victims, which they did and threatening senators. Now of course, there's nothing wrong with political violence, but if a communist had done that they already would have been banned and referred to police. All this has done is put us on an equal footing.
Have you watched CNN recently? It’s literally just Russia Conspiracy shit and wild speculation 24/7
Holy fuck, shut the fuck up about fucking Alex Jonestown already. AJ’s freedom of speech was not limited. He can still say what ever the fuck he wants to anyone willing to listen. Alex Jone's reactionary hate mongering and violence inciting is like a fart. Everyone has a fart every now and then and your welcome to fart as long as you keep it discreet and private and out of the public… but if you're crop dusting me or farting all up in my fucking face, I will attack you for your shitty farts. Posting shit right wing neo-nazi political memes in a forum that has nothing to do with being a neo-nazi racist fuck stain, is basically farting in my face, because I dont want to see this shit and if I did, I would join stormfront or some other pro-stinking fart forum where I can inhale deeply from your totalitarian trouser trumpets to my hearts content. Facebook and Youtube told AJ to stop farting in their face. AJ refused to play by the rules they set up for their platforms, and guess what? It was a personal fucking decision. For fucks sake AJ does the exact same thing on his site. It's called Terms of Service, and you know what? I've been banned for 30 days for posting naughty pictures? Are you going to go out and defend me Jimmy Dore or Joe Rogan? Fuck no! You're going to defend Alex Jones to pander to your gay Alt Right fans.
Just let me know when he gets beaten up, hit in the head with a tear gas canister, bear maced, shot with a firehose or rubber bullets and thrown in the clink for protesting against something useful. If you were with me at some of the protests I've been to you would see what really being censored truly is. I'm so sick of these goddamn super liberal progressives and libertarian super rationalists with their unprincipled pacifism who buy into the fascist "wah we're being censored" bullshit. Reactionary pacifist Nazi defending liberals are a waste of fucking oxygen. Fascists deserve to be gulaged, and so do you.
Your shows are gay! Fuck you!
I don't believe this. He's still a pretty entertaining guy and a staunch anti-imperialist which is good.
lol @ so called leftists parroting the lib "they are private companies they can do whatever they want it's only ever about free speech if the government comes to your house and throws you in jail" argument. I'm not saying you should defend Alex Jones but at least don't use the most liberal corporate bootlicking argument out there.
He's scared for his gibs. If they shut Alex down, other podcasters fear they could also get shut down and byebye moneyz
If you don't find what happened to Jones troubling, then I don't think you have considered this sufficiently mr fart poster.
It's what capitalism is all about. Now that most of "public space" is almost gone and everything is privatized, yes, the porkies can practically do whatever they like and get away with it. Only nationalization of these now privatized places is a solution, everything else is stupid blabbering .
Why if they can ban Alex Jones.. They can ban Noam Chomsky.
^^^ Fucking ridiculous assertion, and it's clear left wing e-celebs think Marxists are as a big of twats as the hillbillies watching Fox News. Call me when they ban David Sirota or Ocasio for no good reason, and then you'll peak my interest. Because, Alex Jones is a fucking Crypto Nazi inciting violence against communists, and I relish his ban and butthurt alt right fag boys crying all over the internet. Their tears taste delicious.
The last goddamn thing you want is a fascist government regulating social media as a public utility. This isn't some fucking step in a positive direction for communism. Once these right wing maniacs running the show in D.C. compel these companies to run algorithms and content of their choice they aren't going to compel them in anything that helps socialism whatsoever. Quit being naive. This isn't to the benefit of socialism.
Peak intellectualism here
Now let me explainyou why you are wrong:
Alex Jones never went as far as inciting violence as far as I know, his biggest crime was against the sandy hook victims by calling it a conspiracy theory.
Call it a loophole if you want but most social media sites do not have any rules against conspiracy theories.
I do agree you are indeed being an intelectual esfinter here but let's not conflate speech with invading the personal spaces of people.
No one is forcing you to listen.
This is th problem right here fellas. People feeling attacked instead of using the tools at their dispossal to hide and report, folks like these would rather ask for daddy authority to police peoples opinion and speech because their feefees are hurt.
No they didn't. They have the right and ability to ban him however they did not do it by following the rules they've set up ang gave bullshit statements about they banned them for hate speech and provide no evidence or point out the videos, because they know they are full of shit.
Antifa shithead pls go
You are not a reformist or even accept Lenin ways
you are effectively usseless
Also those "libertarian super rationalists" are not wrong 85% of the time. I know because most of the time they talc about people secular SJW-ism, corporatism and TERF like activists.
For better or for worse, things that people can easily point out that are morally wrong.
This "oh but they can ban them they can us" line is the stuff of nonsense. They already do censor us in covert ways like not making the YouTube algorithm promote communists while allowing it to make every second recommended video some fascist prick. Reddit won't let far-left subs reach r/all because they don't allow reddit gold. And if Marxist-Leninism or any form of communism did become popular, we'd be censored, arrested and tortured quick as.
Them banning alex jonbes doesn't mean anything to us, all it does is put alex jones on our level.
YouTube algos are shilling contrapoints to high heaven lately
I remember when we used to have intelligent Hoxha posters here
That is because she is a semi-radical liberal rather than a socialist, and has openly expressed this in the past.
would still fuck though
Yeah but contrapoints isn't trying to overthrow the ruling class like we are.
PRIVATIZATION: Public lands, resources, energy, production and water
PUBLIC UTILITIES: Television, Media, Printing Press
BOURGEOISIE LOGIC: Alex Jones being banned from Facebook and Youtube infringes upon free speech. It's a slippery slope, and we need to protect Nazi's freedoms to maintain our freedoms.
MARXIST LOGIC: A free citizen of a constitutional democracy gives his consent to all of the laws, including those which he doesn't agree with and are passed in spite of his most vehement opposition, and he gives his consent even to those laws which punish him when he dares to break them. The will of all the congress members of the State is the general will of the public, as they were voted for by the majority of citizens, by the virtue of it they are free citizens of a constitutional democracy. When in Congress a law is proposed, what the people are asked is not exactly whether they approve or reject a proposal, but whether it is in conformity with their general will, which is their will. Each man, in giving his vote to a Congressman, President or Referendum, states his opinion on that point; and the general will is found by counting votes. When therefore the opinion that is contrary to yours or my own prevails, this proves neither more nor less than that I was mistaken, and that what I thought to be the general will was in fact not so. If my particular opinion had carried the day I would have achieved the opposite of what was later determined to be my will; and it is in that case that I should not have been considered a free citizen. This a contradiction, and there is no freedom in a constitutional democracy. Only a dictatorship of the proletariat provides freedom for the masses.
IT COULDN'T BE CLEARER: The reason the Republicans and Alt Right are requesting regulations over AJ and shadowbans is because it's clear they are losing the battleground of ideas. They are completely aware that building an Alex Jones or Qanon friendly platform will be very unpopular. This is not about free speech or Qanon and Alex Jones. It's about finding the slightest pretense to compel social media and perhaps force them into altering their algorithms to sell and amplify the fascist brand. It's one of their few hopes of gaining and maintaining power. To make media a public utility while they maintain privatization of all means of production.
you're not going to overthrow the bourgeoisie either you're just a tool for them to keep the borders open so they can import more slave labor form the global south
that is all you are
Mate, I don't care about immigrants one iota. If they want to come here, let them come, especially if they're refugees. If they don't, they don't. But if I was some weird guy who just for some reason hated white people despite the fact I am one, communism would not be my chosen deeply triggering and problematic battleplan. I would go full porky neo-con, bomb the middle east, take all their oil and then cynically import their population and pay them almost nothing and give them no free healthcare or social services for maximum surplus labour value extraction.
inaction and apathy is just as bad as a agitation for more immigrants
you are the enemy and tool of international Jewish finance capital. see you on the battlefield.
because that worked out so well for you last time
Tell more about the entire six months that Catalonia was worker's utopia anarkiddie
Tell me more about how millions of fascits and nazis were slaughtered
Is Jimmy Dore some kind of psyop to make people associate anti-imperialist and left-wing ideas with his utter brainletism or what?
Who cares?
My problem with him is the conclusions he comes to. He is clearly very aware, but isn't educated enough to fully grasp of what he is seeing. Basically, Jimmy needs to read some Marx and Lenin.
Jimmy "Bourgeois Liberal and Agent of Captialism" more like. This little fucker is never actually going to do anything other than many vote for AOC and insult Billionaires everyone already hates for more money. He' not some hero of marxist leninism.
Also the format means you can go in depth on a topic. Meanwhile TV news has to fit everything into 2 minute segments between ad breaks on a half hour block. A podcast can devote ~3 hours to uninterrupted discussion of a topic. They're also much more naturalistic to listen to because people converse instead of reading a teleprompter into a camera.
You are absolutely braindead. You are a corpse, who by sheer chance of his own decay, has managed to type such a ridiculously ignorant post.
To add to that, even though he's a social democrat he doesn't necessarily seem opposed to Marxism. In one of his live shows he claimed that he's not a Marxist because he doesn't know enough about Marxism to call himself one.
Jimmy gets so fucking angry a fair bit of the time on his videos I can see him giving some leeway with his gun control stance to people wanting to take up arms, kill some bourgs and march on Jeff Bezos' house
Everything American is global now.
you faggots and your ilk are what threatens freespeech
free speech is for kikes and jews
take the manpill.
This guy is bretty good for an Ameritard who never read a word of Marxist theory. Probably not even Zinn or Chomsky …
Aren't the run by the government though?
Is he still a faggy noguns liberal?