Sam Seder is now Butthurt at /ourguy/ for talking shit aka being right about Ocasio-Cortez
Jimmy Dore's Pathologically Silly Critique Of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Other urls found in this thread:
The Chapo sub thread about this is absolutely hillarious btw, they literally call Jimmy "the alex jones of the left" and a "psyop" for daring to criticize AOC and the Democrat Cops of America literally AT ALL
Same thoughts as when it happened. Jimmy is right to be more than a little miffed at her amateurish backslide. The US is not getting any kind of "progressive wave", and whatever "blue wave" there is wont be any good.
As I thought, and probably Jimmy too, would happen back in 2016.
it's amazing how much that sub makes the actual succdem show they follow look like radical bolsheviks in comparison. fucking leddit
You need to see this:
Reminder that Hillary literally made this happen. Her campaign basically stole money meant for local races and used it to fund her many expensive trips to safe states near her home in NY. He's right to be pissed at he dems.
The Chapo sub began making a hard SJW after the election and the craziness with the already SJW leftist subs. Now it's just a laughable embarrassment that embodies everything Zig Forums was made to get away from on the left.
Wait, you're saying that actually Zig Forums is all about looking respectable?
Dang, I don't want to be called an SJW!
They went full lib after parkland. Prior to that they were generally kind of anarchist-ish.
I remember browsing there a few months ago, just to see if anyone posted any interesting articles or anything.
Never before had I seen so much attention given to Ben Shapiro. Nothing about war, little about the economy, but every wheeze that manlet made was sure to create a popular thread.
And there's nothing wrong with that second pic. It's just an example of the semi-radical stuff they post after saying that americans need to vote for bernie and give up their guns. Kind of strange really.
It's sad I had high hopes for her. Unless she does a 180 there's no going back.
At least they pronounced Roo's name right.
Why do libs follow anarchists around?
That was good. Who's the fill-in host?
Jimmy Dore is petite-bourgious liberal, why the fuck do you guys worship him?
He's working class and it's a drama to see when and if he'll ever fully abandon the Progressive label, and in so doing, bring quite a few of his fans over.
Certainly don't worship him. I worship no one.
It's not too bad honestly. They were surprisingly reasonable. Also the caller was not putting a fight, so yeah.
Okay, nevermind what I said, they are buying into Stalinism = hell.
They like our rebellious aesthetic, but not quite ready to commit, but still want the cool, countercultural association. Sorta like how pescatarians want to feel morally superior by calling themselves vegetarians, despite the fact that fish & birds aren't fucking vegetables.
I just like the memes tbh
It's a two party system!
You have to go back
you have to go back
No, I think I'll stay
Strasserite scum
Wew lad I'm sorry we made fun of your special little podcast but can you at least lurk a bit before trying to look smug for your sake?
the Cumtown sub is far superior
Nah, I'm good
You're on the reply chain so I know I'm doing good work
I kek'd
lol saved
sage for irrelevance
Nah, I'm going to stay right here
Amen brother, stand ur ground, show the evil nazbols whose boss
Fuck of redditorer, if you think nazbol memes are serious you need to go to reddit.
oh shit boys he caught us
whereever did I say that? there's nothing wrong with being new, but there's plenty wrong with being new, being proud of it, and speaking as if you're an authority on things you know nothing about, you ignorant fucking radlib
Says the reactionary. Hop in your Delorean
So it's okay to be new as long as you're embarrassed about it and assimilate?
And you think I'm the liberal. Hilarious.
There won't be a blue wave, republicans are leading in the majority of states by polls.
Jamie Elizabeth
She’s also pretty good in this
Nah, it's really not all that serious. You took the Nazbol meme at face value, thereby outing yourself as new, and then when called on it, you doubled down on it, because you actually are embarrassed. If you weren't you would just have moved on instead of sitting here being butthurt about being called new. Refusal to Lurk doesn't make everyone else on the board Liberals. What makes you think you're so special lmfao.
Your argument here actually is a reactionary one
You're appealing to custom/tradition/the entrenched status of the meme
You're not going to change your mind, and you won't convince me otherwise. It's stupid and bad, and shitposting ironically is still shitposting.
If you started posting mudkipz and chocolate rain and all your base and loituma and whatever else they would still be shitty annoying stale memes, and calling someone new doesn't change that. In this case though, it's s t r a s s e r i s m. The it's just a meme excuse is literally the raison d'etre for the other Zig Forums
Your obsession with newfriends also makes you sound like you've been on /b/ for a week and think you're an expert, which is a bit ironic considering the things you're projecting right now.
You seem to think I don't get the meme or that I'm not in on a joke, but it's actually that the joke is shitty and it's just a bad meme with shitty consequences regardless of your intention or "just a prank bro" mental gymnastics.
this has to just be a troll right
Do you actually have a developmental disability?
ironically, anyone could spend 10 minutes on ED and understand more about chans than you do, despite your pathological gatekeeping
Oh, I see, it's Autism. Carry on then.
Thanks for the permission jackass
Ur fucking white
Daily reminder that politics is a joke and if you take any of this shit seriously, you're a fool.
wait are you making fun of nazbol memer ban evaders?
Name one thing politics has ever accomplished. All it does is start wars and get people killed. Enjoy taking part in the endless farce that it human conflict.
I took a shit earlier, that was pretty important
the virgin democratic primary winner vs The Chad Democratic Nomination Rejecter.
Jimmy Dore is Nazbol
wew, the stage is set, now it's time to dance
Hey guys I sure love Jimmy Dore! He's our gu-oh what's this? He pinned a comment endorsing an actual neo-Nazi? Huh.
for real what did he mean by this
This is still the best NazBol video today.
He's starting to get it more and more every year. Look at him now compared to the beginning of the previous election cycle.
This makes him even cooler tbh
Here's a shit throwing shouting debate w Jimmy and a lawyer on youtube/facebook censorship:
AOC is a neolib in disguise and it's easy to see. Don't trust her until she delivers. Saying Cuomo needs to win should be a very big red flag. No wonder the chapo sub is so butthurt, they've been liberals for a long time and trapo is nothing but an hour and a half of stupid fucks laughing hard into mics and making irrelevant and cringey impressions with absolutely no education or semblance of intelligent and thought provoking conversation. Chapo is basically a liberal cult.
I'm beginning to see reddit be entirely more trashy than chans now. Weird change. I guess that's what happens when you have an open API and any government or entity can use persona management with neural bot networks to sway opinions and turn everyone into literal Nazi's.
No dude the guy who has done shit to shift NYC one inch to the Left HAS to win to shift the country Left u dont get it she's the best we can do socialism is when you don't fight back against the establishment at all and collaborate with them on literally everything but you raised minimum wage (while slashing all other worker's benefits) so therefore u owned the ☭TANKIE☭s
literally not needed
you talk like a liberal
Fuck you, you're the liberal. The API is wide open and a beginner programmer that knows how to send post & gets to Reddit could start swaying opinions of thousands. Do you even know what neural networks are? I'm not talking about Russia doing this, I'm talking about large corporations, political campaigns, & alphabet soup agencies. It fits into the propaganda model.
Reddit's API allows bots to upvote, downvote, comment, post, perform mod actions, etc. It's not locked down at all. It's why I entirely left Reddit even, I didn't know what was real.
The left needs to be aware of this.
people turn into nazis all by themselves because it's simple, easy and makes you feel big and strong, muh bots is not a necessary hypothesis. I'm not saying it doesn't exist but it's far from the best explanation.
Yeah dude why would the State try to sway people's political opinions on social media so that its interests are reinforced by favorable public opinion lol
I'm not saying everyone is being effected by this, but I think its mostly being done on liberals to keep them fighting over stupid shit that doesn't matter like Elizabeth Warren. Nazi's are already loyal to the state and don't need any intervention from people who would be using persona management. An easy goal would be to inject a strong but uninformed hatred for actual left wing candidates and continue & create conversations based entirely in false propaganda. The injection can be done by some shit for brains like Joy Reid and then quickly propagated around the world & communities in a quick & 'positive' manner by fake totally automated internet personas.
Seriously, it's wide open. With the tech we have now going into machine learning, neural networks, & "AI", it's nothing even remotely out of reach. You think after COINTELPRO and other attempts to crush left wing ideas that this is out of the question for alphabet soup agencies and countries like Israel who wish to push a positive image of themselves even though its anything but?
Google just released a feature on their new phone that can have full conversations with people over voice. Persona management is not out of the question.
Honest question: what the heck is reproductive justice
it's just a way of expressing support for reproductive education/rights
Here's the definitive proof Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a liberal, not a socialist.
send her back to Puerto Rico
fuck you faggot
I stopped posting on this shit board when my sam seder thread got locked. Jimmy Dore is a retard. Sorry! Sam is right, he's always right. Better to have a brain than senselessly pander to retards with no foresight. I don't even believe Jimmy Dore is as retarded as he pretends to be.
Anyways, fuck you Zig Forums. BYEEEEE.
Sry m8, she's your problem now
Anyway she is my wife and I will convert her. I swear to Stalin.
The left does know about all of that, you idiot, and we all avoid reddit for exactly that reason.
For the love of Marx, is this nigga actually turning NazBol? Fug
I don't really care for Dore either but jesus christ you might as well defend Cenk Ugyur
Sam fucks up libertarians, right-wing ideologues, and points out the contradictions and inhumanities of capitalism. Now I don't agree with all the conclusions he draws, but a gives a platform to some fantastic guests that are a lot farther to the left than he is. Michael is a good co-host
seder is freikorps
chapofags need to be gulag'd yeesh
I've never heard of the guy.
1. Either he (or Steph) pinned it without knowing
2. Accelerationist troll
I donno.
Reminder that the WSWS was right all along
It's another way not to have to call late term abortion what it is. One way to recognise a neolib is their proficiency at PR tricks.
Patrick "My brain is" Little is a crypto-fascist that is running for the Burger Senate. He was affiliated with Neo-Nazi groups before his stint as a "respectable" Rethuglican.
about what? what did they say?
If you think Chapo Trap House is "further to the Left" in any significant way to Seder you're fucking retarded
Just that AOC is a only a pseudo-left soc-dem, but we all knew that.