Where were you when the Greeks btfo Marx?
Sage life
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Greek society was held together by literal slaves no surprise there.
Nice try faggot
Epictetus was a slave yet he became a philosopher and thus rich in what matters.
Marx, in contrast, was a wealthy man who became poor in what matters.
Aristotle therefore, himself, tells us what barred the way to his further analysis; it was the absence of any concept of value. What is that equal something, that common substance, which admits of the value of the beds being expressed by a house? Such a thing, in truth, cannot exist, says Aristotle. And why not? Compared with the beds, the house does represent something equal to them, in so far as it represents what is really equal, both in the beds and the house. And that is – human labour.
Yeah, and if you had asked Epicetus if he would have liked to go back into slavery for "virtue's" sake, I'm sure he would say no.
Google his house.
"You see slave, you have to work so we aristocrats can spend our time doing philosophy, mathematics and shit."
Epicurus is the only good Greek philosopher
Wew. Idealism is such superstitious horseshit.
Most everyone works. Mathematicians work. But their work is a means to an end. Virtue is more important than your job or class or wage. A virtuous slave is richer and more free than a wicked tyrant.
He's saying everyone has two lives, one is the pursuit of virtue and this is primary and highest value, while the second life is work and sustaining the body. The second aspect is trivial and doesn't make you better or worse, a butcher is no better than a soldier or teacher, the rich aren't better than the poor, those differences are trivial .
Capitalism prevents people from pursuing any kind of self-cultivation, that stuff is for bourgs only.
u wut m8
He's ignoring how society actually functions for his naval gazing bullshit. Convenient for someone who is in one of the idle castes of a slave society.
This is why it's important to move beyond the Greek idealists and embrace modern materialism.
Aristotle in Nicomachean Ethics thought that having some money is necessary for a happy life, in addition to virtue. Whatever one believes about virtue, it isn't something one can eat. Plato didn't seem to think that the best life was one of purely being wise in philosophy but one with some pleasure as well.
"The Greeks" aren't just the one person you happen to be reading.
i love these kind of posts. when some straggler from Zig Forums read something retarded without even remotely understanding marx so he tells himself "ah-ha! this blows the fuck out of anyone who disagrees with me on the infallibility of capitalism, i'm going to go post this on leftypol and watch them squirm"
You are an idiot OP. a braying jackass who knows jack shit about something you claim to be so passionate about. go kill yourself
Did they even own the home he was born in?
I remember reading they only lived in one of the rooms.
Wow, really intelligent. Makes me wonder how Greek society lasted. Oh wait, of course, it lasted via people who concerned themselves with real, material reality.
.t slaveowning sophist
What would you prefer to be? A slave or a tyrant? A rich or a poor?
Aristotle was anti-usury
Rich with wisdom. Very nice.
So now material gains matters more? Your statement flipflops. Was this just a troll?
Oh yes, this. The best.
Daily reminder that Greek societies were built entirely upon slavery and war. There were around 30 slaves for every free man. Only around 30% of the population was even permitted to participate in "democratic" elections there. So it honestly makes sense that first world Zig Forumstards and other liberals in the west would continue to admire them. Much like America it was a god awful society run old fucktards and supported by middle class filth who lived off of stolen land and also stolen labor.
At least I was pure.
Truly insightful
Human self-cultivation is the highest end of all to be sure. But it requires a material foundation. You need to eat before you can think. Idiot.
The basics are accounted for , read the quote. Even slaves get fed and housed
30%were slaves. Not 30 to 1.
And slaves could buy/earn their freedom.
Marx became poor in virtue/wisdom as he aged
How can someone fit so much autism into one post
There are lots of different estimates. One census shows around 20 slaves for every citizen which is still abhorrent for a society which is held up as the golden standard of democracy by bourg theorists.
the reason they told you to read the greeks OP was because they laid the foundations for all following philosophical and scientific mehodology, not because they were right about everything. a lot of their individual arguments were pretty autistic and/or only applicable to their material conditions
anyway equality is not a term marxists really operate so it doesn't btfo marx in any capacity
I hope you all do understand that it was the hellenic culture that laid down the foundations for collectivism in the European sense, even if it was reactionary it is a fun topic.
Other that than OP, you need to read more about virtues if you actually want to understand the logos of Classical Idealism, there are however authors that touch it very well in the modern era.
Keep doing this tbh its hilarious to see your completely baseless arguments fall apart in two seconds
Can't pursue the good life if you're knee deep in shit and uneducated, Plato realized this which is why the Just city must ensure free education, and adequate living conditions, now go fuck yourself.
He was always an ass, but, like any intellect, grew in "wisdom". And since poverty didn't stop him, I'd say he grew in your "virtue" as well. The statement still makes no sense.
Literally anything can be philosophy, so anyone can become a philosopher, it's not some great achievement.
A man cannot live on metaphysics alone. Stop being a faggot.
t. unironic Stoic whose read Epictetus' literature
That doesn't justify the system; I could kidnap you from your house, beat you and rape you and say that if you didn't kill yourself until then, I would set you free from my basement after 30 years. Does this sound appealing to you?
Diogenes of Oenoanda (Greek: Διογένης ὁ Οἰνοανδεύς) was an Epicurean Greek from the 2nd century AD who carved a summary of the philosophy of Epicurus onto a portico wall in the ancient Greek city of Oenoanda in Lycia (modern day southwest Turkey). The surviving fragments of the wall, originally extended about 80 meters, form an important source of Epicurean philosophy.
Primitive drivel.