Why would they deport millions of civilians to remote Siberia? This is one of the arguments against the Soviet Union I have seen the most and it actually happened in contrast to the Holodomor and 60 million gulag deaths. Was Stalin really so paranoid that he deported millions (many of them women and children) away from their home?
Population transfering in the Soviet Union
Do you know where you are, kid?
Well that image clearly shows the ones fleeing the nazi advance. The nazis weren't very nice occupying force at all.
Collective punishment is unethical. Also kalmyks and volga germans werent nazi supporters.
nazis were moved to gulags. the rest were probably moved to give free labour to sparsely inhabited regions.
People were largely evacuated from the nazi advance to continue arms manufactoring elsewhere. Siberia was popular because it had a low population, was out of reach of bombers and had the aggricultural development to support the people migrated there.
People hear the word "Siberia" and immediately associate it with the bourgeois talking point that the evil Bolshies sent everyone they didn't like to Siberia to die in the cold.
My family was moved to Ufa and Tashkent. There was definitely elements of displacing or dispersing coherent non-party political bodies that had been fomented against the state by revanchist nationalists or by foreign powers; however, these elements were already causing a great stir. Not necessarily creating provocations against the union, but many sought status in securing autonomous republics for their ethnic group, and this would have upset the balance in the party congress. There were reasons pertaining to security and to bureaucracy, but a great many, like my own families experience, was a move to secure vulnerable population groups from falling into occupied territory
Why did they live under such poor conditions there then?
And how did anti-USSR sentiment grow so strong in the first place?
Could be because of that war going on at the time.
Not sure what this has to do with anything, but probably dumb peasants.
Probably, I can kind of understand him, I mean the USSR was on the brink of collapse and total defeat at one point during the invasion, but idk. I probably wouldn't have done it and it was maybe unnecessary.
t. FDR
Why were they never moved back?
Place was shot to shit, they had trouble enough building houses for those already there would be my guess.
No it was just racist ethnic cleansing by Stalin. Look at the way Koreans were treated in the USSR despite being the biggest true believers in Socialism and loyalists to the CCCP in the entire fucking USSR/Eastern Bloc. Deported to middle of fucking nowhere and largely ethnically cleansed.
This is retarded. Give me statics that aren't WW2 related.
stalin put boons in zoos
Ever heard of Russification? This is something that Rulers of Russian territorials have been doing since the 16th century with arguable causes. But I also suspect that the fear and eventual war with Germany played its part on these actions too.
Ever heard of Korenizatsiya?
This is something that has only been done in 19th century in Poland and Lithuania. It only lasted 30 years.
It is part of security strategy of having enough area to fall back in case of an Invasion, it also makes an occupation much more difficult because there is a giant fallback region that could mount a relentless erosion attacks
Concluded in the late 30's with a resurgence of Great Russian emphasis. Was an excellent programme that informed the maintenance of cultural and political subcultures in the autonomous republics, however.
Patently wrong. My own family experienced the syncretic expansion of Russian national identity into Bashkir territory, this was an enduring feature of Russian Imperial policy in both the east and west. While it was certainly extant at this time in Poland and Lithuania, it was also present in Finland and the whole of the east
Korenizatsiya caused collaboration with nazis. If tatars, latvians, chechens, etc were russified we wouldnt have them volunteer in the SS.
Also korenizatsiya created fake nationalities like Ukrainians.
user with family of Soviet Koreans here, you're lying your ass off pal. You literally don't know what Ethnic cleansing is you moron, if you can;t be bothered to do the research don't open your fucking trap mouth.
Here's a dummies guide before you begin doing genuine research: stalinsociety.org
Korenizatsiya merely created the space for the persistence of otherwise entirely ideological cultures within a framework where they could be used to maintain the diverse expanse of the soviet culture as a whole. The turn to great russian chauvinism was precisely what factionalized the process and eliminated any case for internationalism in culture - it was a great boon to the centralization and metering of party bureaucracy (which was preferable to the continued insistence in many forums of a decentralized productive apparatus), however this drove the great mass of cultural revivalism out of the soviet camp and wholly into the previously negligible national-separatists camp. In already volatile areas which suffered under the propaganda and yoke of fascist collaborators and the espionage of anti-state elements, this sealed the stake of the politic of culture in the western constituent republics.
Do you genuinely believe this statement? If so, there are many more problems to address ahead of your hasty assumptions about the effects of specific state-level social revitalization policies.
you clearly know nothing about russification if you think it was continued by the soviets, it was one of the first things abolished
just look at soviet propaganda ffs, more multicultural than liberal idpol
Momentarily move a reactionary population when Nazis aren't about to invade or anti-commuist guerilla fighters are getting food, ammo, medicine from locals then all the while allowing them to move back once the reactionary are dealt with. Wow EVIL SOVIETS
lets not forget these populations had food, shelter, healthcare, jobs etc and were able to return home unlike certain other European countries. Not to mention being stubbon about muh ancestors land is dumb when no ones dying or destroying your culture your just being moved. Like people who won't move out of a fucking natural disaster because "I've lived here for 30 years and my dogs buried here" so im just going too stupidly and mega spookily die here.
it was an act of collective punnishment get real
Incorrect. It lasted until the end of Soviet Union. Especially was prominent in countries that joined Soviet Union after WW2.
I am not expert on Eastern part of Russian Empire, however Finland did not experience Russification, it was granted autonomy almost immediately. It was similar in current Estonia-Latvia which had autonomy. Only Lithuania and Poland experienced Russification between 1830 and 1860.
Disagree, there are always nazis and other scum willing to sell their souls to the devil.
Regarding countries like Ukraine and nazism. It's kind of mixed bag. It was wrong to expand Ukraine so much and give it Donbass and Crimea, however it was it didn't became quasi fascist overnight, it fact during it's first elections it voted for communist party very strongly. Modern Ukraine became cuslterfuck it is over years of poverty and stagnant economy. The fact that pootin is piece of shit who steals from Russia and stores money in the west didn't help either.
This is very much correct. Good source on the subject matter.
Also, the answer by Nika Azikuri is funniest thing ever.
Links to en.wikipedia.org
Seriously?How can one person be so butthurt?
A momentary act of collective "punishment" to stop armed guerillas doing assasitations and blowing up infrastructure then being allowed to return home once anti-communist forces have been defeated. Oh but sorry we're red liberals, we should of just let armed, violent men run around the countryside getting all the help they need from locals.
And lets not forget many Germans acted as a 5th colum especially in czechoslovakia and Poland. And in the position Stalin was with a genocidal armed to the teeth industralized well trained fanatical Germany breathing down your neck after a civil war and invasion by basically every imperialist nation at once, it makes sense to temporarily move (not kill or genocide) the population elsewhere. Fee fees do not matter when the Fucking Nazis are executing entire towns and sending millions to work and death camps.
Korenizatsiya as a specific policy ended, not the multilateralism of the constituent republics - that's what I was meaning to say.
You are absolutely right that Finland was afforded certain rights to assembly and pecuniary control under Alexander II; however, the subsequent policies of Alexander III and Nicholas II were profoundly reactionary and aimed at suturing the economic and legislative capacities of the Grand Duchy with the Russian Empire, as a client state. This is what initiated the popular reprisals of the SDPF and other revolutionary forces against the policies of Russification and provincialization initiated under the final two Romanov regents.
In absolute agreement here on the appeal and aggrandizement of certain fascist groups.
>>>Zig Forums
Fuck off. Many founding Bolsheviks were Volga Germans, Fins, Chechnyans, etc. Rosa Luxumberg was from the parts of Germany East of the oder–neisse line. Deportation of ethnicities who’ve been were they were for centuries was one of the few things the Soviets did wrong.
The Volga Germans weren’t allowed to return to the Volga tell 1991, you idiot.
Stil this is no excuse to not allow the Volga Germans to return to the Volga after the war. The Volga Germans wean’t allowed to return tell 1991. There is also no reason to discharge all Soviet Red Army Soldiers of “Subversive Ethnicities” When these people were clearly diehard Communists.
And what i meant to say that Korenizatsiya also took place in Baltic's and areas added to Belarus and Ukraine after WW2.
Deportations like this are not only stupid and counterproductive. Why brain drain your own country?
Rosa Luxembourg was from Polish Crown and of mixed Slavic-Askhenazi Jew origin. She even belonged to party called Social Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania
The truculent art can't count the army.